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The Dave Holland Quintett

The Dave Holland Quintett Live from the Zeltmusik-Festival, Freiburg 1986 DVD im NAXOSdirekt-Webshop kaufen: ...

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got to hang out with Steve Colman in Seattle at a bar. He talked about ancient Egypt and a jazz improvisation program he wrote. He programed it to make improvisational choices similar to his and he told me he showed it to Dave Holland who promptly told him to destroy it . Anyway I love his work with Holland . That was a great unit .
wow, they groove like hell. a crime to cut it off ! does anybody now the name of this tune ?

[Arthaus 108054] TCHAIKOVSKY The Nutcracker and the Mouse King (Dutch National Ballet, 2011)

Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky THE NUTCRACKER AND THE MOUSE KING (Blu-ray Disc Version) Clara Staalboom -- Anna Tsygankova Prince / Mr. Drosselmeijer's ...

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Beautiful! I am off to order this on DVD! The dancing is wonderful from the littlest girl and boy at the Christmas party to the dance of the Sugar Plum fairy! This looks like a well staged ballet! Bravo!

[Arthaus 100184] DEJOHNETTE, HANCOCK, HOLLAND and METHANY - Live in Concert

DEJOHNETTE, HANCOCK, HOLLAND and METHANY - Live in Concert (PAL) DeJohnette, Hancock, Holland, Metheny - Live in Concert Running Time : 99 min ...



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Hard to cast my vote here. It was not awful and it was not great. I would like to see more from the males in solos( especially the one with the curly hair) so I can truly access things. Does anyone know the names of the males in this clip?
not stiff and unnatural. music in the bodies and motion. Perfect
Amazing and just beautiful!
that woman ruin everything
@Corecut0123 so true.

Forget the Film, Watch the Titles DVD trailer

//www.submarinechannel.com/shop //www.watchthetitles.com For the very first time in the history of cinema, a collection of the best contemporary title ...

KARLHEINZ STOCKHAUSEN Helicopter String Quartet - Arditti Quartet

VÖ in Deutschland: 13. Juni 2008 DVD Video des Labels Medici Arts Im Vertrieb der NAXOS Deutschland GmbH DVD im NAXOSdirekt-Webshop kaufen: ...

User Comments

es is ned mal frage des verstehens, obwohls das interessanter macht, es verstehen ja auch ned alle leut die hintergründe der diatonischen musik, trotzdem gefällt sie ihnen. ich durchschau stockhausens musik nur beschränkt und trotzdem finde ich zb das klavierstück X einfach schön. es ist nur gewöhnungssache. verarsche würd ich eher der musikindustrie vorwerfen die menschen geld aus der tasche zieht für musik die man ohne großen geistigen und finanziellen aufwand auch selbst produzieren könnte.
ich persönlich glaube, dass bei allem religiösen bezug den S. oft seinen werken andachte dennoch etwas anderes dahintersteckt. Ich schätze seine Kindheit ohne Vater und das Umfeld der NS Zeit haben einen Menschen aus ihm gemacht hat, der nicht anders konnte als sich durch musik raum und freiheit zu verschaffen, ich meine experimentelle musik ist ja durchaus sinnvoll, aber wer bis ins hohe alter sich zurückkzieht und stets nur seine eigenen ideen anerkennt, entflieht ein stück weit der realität
@Mrspitzfink bei seiner musik gibt es doch nicht die frage ob verarsche oder nicht. Stockhausen hat wie viele andere auch ein hochkomplexe technick angewandt, um diese musik zu produzieren. Hinter all diesen Liedern gibt es eine raffinierte Struktur, da gibt es keinen zeweifel. Zugang zu solcher Musik hat nur der, der diese Musik" versteht". Noch mag ich solche musik nicht, aber ich bin mir sicher, je mehr ich über diese hochkomplexe musikart erfahre, desto mehr weis ich sie zu schätzen.
And that sums up the problem with Mozart Fans rather well. Only the condition is not extended only to Mozart's music, nut music in general. Otherwise they would not be Mozart fans. Your profile says you are a composer, so you hold that composers should be completely ignorant of musical techniques etc.? I do realise that in a perfect world nothing more interesting than nursery rhymes would be available for musical consumers. However I do sometimes think a callenge is a good thing.Don'tyou?
It does when the said Mozart fan's opinion is based on nothing but 2 mins of music and a complete ignorance of another composer's compositional techniques. Now I don't happen to think this particular scene from "Licht" is the best ("Lucifer's Farewell" knocks spots off it) but I do know what is actually going on here and why. It makes perfect sense to me. I even know why they are counting to 13. Do you? That is because I have actually looked into Stockhausen's working methods. Have you?
"Every musical composition is built around our total musical experience?" Who says so? A composer can only write from their own experience. To claim that music has to speak to some lowest common denominator to be valid would have left us at the plainchant stage. Now whilst that is clearly the case, it is also clear that said lowest common denominator believes it has the absolute right to come on here and look for composers they hate. Then bore the rest of us stupid with their ignorance.
actually, i think the other direction is more common. i know a lot of people, who listen (for instance) to mozart, but won't even accept stockhausen as a composer. i mean, for them its just noise and not art. maybe in your environment, there are a lot of people hating (for instance) mozart while listening to stockhausen, but i am pretty sure, that is not normal. as a (weak) proof: which kind of music is most played, popular and selled? mozart or stockhausen? i guess it should be clear.
Why does KS's Electric Toothbrush Symphony receive less exposure than his HSQ ? Just because helicopters are more spectacular than culinary utensils the Kitchen Blender Quartet gets left on the shelf, along with the suites for unaccompanied pepper grinder and the etudes for prepared waste disposal unit. Have we learned nothing from JC ? I despair. So few of today's audience are anywhere near to that state of suprahuman evolution necessary to be able to appreciate such leaps of genius.
die Aufnahme hört sich leider sehr schlecht an. Stockhausen auf CD pressen geht halt nur sehr bedingt, gerade mit so einem Stück, dass man ganz und gar vor Ort erleben muß. Ich glaube daß die eigentliche beudeutung von dem was Stockhausen gemacht hat erst später rauskommen wird - im Moment wollen die Leute halt noch 'Musik' hören... aber die Realität ist tiefer, und vieles was uns als Kind im Spiel zugänglich war ist nun unter all der 'Vernunft' begraben. Stocky ist wertvoll.
Either computer could be applied to either avant-garde and traditional, I suppose. The point of the argument was to highlight the uselessness and lack of efficacy when debating over avant-garde and "traditionalist" music, much like the Mac/PC wars. But it could work if you assigned the schools of thought those computers. I would suspect emulation software (or in the case of wine, DLLs made to create an environment for Win programs) to be polystylists, e.g. Alfred Schnittke.
To proceed, however, one must take into account the history of music. That is what many avant-garde musicians have done — even Xenakis had to study traditional Western music theory, even if his music doesn't necessarily reflect this. Also, I wouldn't necessarily call any new work "avant-garde" (I know you have not said this). There have been plenty of works that have propelled art evolution and yet were considered "good" (subjective, I know) by a majority.
der Mann ist ganz kreativ, aber ich finde ihn auch etwas tragisch als Menschen, es wundert mich, dass er selbst in späteren Jahren sich nicht wandelte, normalerweise macht man mit dem alter automatisch zugänglichere musik, aber er kritisierte andere Künstler zudem, ich verstehe die faszination für musik völlig, aber nicht wie jemand glücklich sein kann, wenn er ausschließlich seine eigene welt mit musik beschreibt, ohne sich groß zu öffnen
People approving this and putting others, who love (for instance) Mozart, down, don't realize how ignorant they are themselves. I know people who are very interested in experimental, avant-garde music, like that by Stockhausen, but at the same time will never stop listening to the classic composers. Their music will always be intriguing and moving to them, which doesn't mean they'll neglect what's new.
Well said! I also am of the opinion that many people who don't like this kind of music are generally just very ignorant about it and prefer to be in their Mozartian comfort-zones. Which is fine. And hey, they could all live on McDonalds for the rest of their life's, but there are some of us who want to explore the world of music and experience new things. We shouldn't be penalized for that..
Before anyone calls me someone who dislikes this music, I'd be happy to report to you that I am very well appreciative of avant-garde music. I just don't appreciate all the hatred from some members of the movement, however, toward those who listen to tonal music as well. I enjoy both — one minute I listen to Vivaldi or Bach, and the next I listen to Xenakis or Ligeti, for example.
You're using a grievously false dichotomy — simply because people are "Mozartian" doesn't necessarily mean they're completely hermited to only one period of music. Don't get me wrong — I love the Helicopter Quartet and many other compositions by Stockhausen, but I don't necessarily think that someone who only listens to tonal music is secluding themselves from other music.
You know, an electric toothbrush symphony would not be bad at all. I could just imagine the overtones created by a group of electric toothbrushes running, and some of the fascinating dissonances created by it. I remember when I was younger I used to listen to my mother's Sonicare with much fascination as I heard the overtones created by the hum of the motor.
@SoernBabbat Schön, dass immer noch Sachen gefördert werden, die nicht der Generalmeinung von Millionen entsprechen - Schönheit ist ein individueller, freiheitlicher Begriff, der nicht von oben herab - und schon gar nicht vom Staat festgelegt- und dementsprechend verallgemeinernd gefördert werden sollte!
Have just received the first three parts of "Mittwoch" and am awaiting the final 2 parts (including this) to arrive now. The opera is actually (like much of "Licht" profoundly ritualistic and meditational). I will be intrigued to see the liner notes for this. I shall then have the complete "Licht" cycle!!
And faced with the incomprehensible gibberish from the obvious "Mozart Fans" below, I would be more than happy to join you Stockhausen. Guys,go and listen to "Eine Kleine" for 20,000,000th time, clutch your wine glasses and "Oh, how divine" to each other and give the rest of us a break.
Case in point. I can actually listen to both Mozart and Stockhausen. Unlike yourself obviously. Incidentally, check out Josef Myslevecek whilst your sipping your brandies. It's where most of Mozart came from. Not that the average Mozart fan would recognise the fact.
FYI I'm a composer myself of both, acoustic and electronic music, I have composed symphonic music several times, and both of them are equally difficult. And these noises are by no means "easy to make". It is way more than turning knobs.
What people often forget is, that these noises are _easy_ to make. Turn some knobs on a synthesizer, record some things in downtown, whatever... It can be classified as "random". Writing a classical symphony is way harder, believe me.
At the same time, however, I don't appreciate people from the tonal side of the world barking at those who compose or appreciate the avante-garde. If you don't like it, so be it, but please do not insult us as if we were criminals!
Well then i suggest you Google the words "Licht" "Superformula" and "Stockhausen" and then get back to me. Ignorance is not a virtue, the Superformula technique may have its drawbacks but it is worth studying and looking into.
"I don't understand why people are afraid of new ideas. I'm afraid of the old ones." - John Cage Well said, Mr. Cage. Maybe I should become a counterexample of those narrow-minded folks who doesn't tolerate such novel stuff.
Fine, the criticisms are levelled at people who ONLY listen to Mozart and Haydn (or the "greatest hits" of both, to be more precise) and then hold them as the sole archetype to which everything should conform.
Einfach nur schrecklich - Just terrible Und das sind keine "neuen Ideen" das is einfach nur bescheuert. Und sowas wird mit tausenden von euros gefördert... Könnte man auch besser anlegen
das ist einfach nur bekloppt, nichts weiter. und dieser traum von seiner flugkunst zeigt nur wie sehr er von anderen bewundert werden möchte... vier geigen in hubschraubern... hirnrissig.

500 Fordson Tractors at Newark Showground

"Fordson 500" DVD from Primetime Video. FORDSON 500 DVD Product code: DVD010 Price £15.95 + P&P PRODUCT DETAILS Format: DVD Documentary, ...

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wonder how many does were there? :P 

[Arthaus 100412] ROSSINI, G.: Barbiere di Siviglia (Il) (DNO, 1992)

ROSSINI, G.: Barbiere di Siviglia (Il) (DNO, 1992) (PAL) Gioacchino Rossini IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA Comic opera in two acts Figaro - David Malis Rosina ...
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