Corra Por Sua Vida, Charlie Brown - Completo (SBT)
Charlie Brown e sua turma vão para um acampamento de verão. Lá, as competições para ver quem ganhará o título de "A Barraca Número Um" leva a turma de ...
18 anos e eu ainda amooo o Snoopy, sem dúvidas o melhor desenho de todos,
deveria passar de novo na TV no lugar desses desenhos bobos e chatos de hj
em dia!!
+Davi Marccos Witzleben Acho que não ,hein?A dublagem original seria dos estúdios MAGA.A voz de Charlie Brown era do falecido Marcelo Gastaldi,dono dos estúdios MAGA e dublador do ''Chapolin'' e do ''Chaves''.
RYL | Bike Show: Moto Guzzi V7 '13 Racer + Review und Sound
In diesem Video zeigen wir euch eine Moto Guzzi V7 Racer Baujahr 2013, mit technischen Daten, Sound und einer kurzen Review. Hier geht's zu den anderen ...
I didn't bought it ;) My friend had a testride with it and we just made a
quick review like in our other bike show videos! As far as I know, this
bike has had no mods, I also wouldn't add stuff, the sound is already great
and an exotic bike like this doesn't need any modifications in my opinion :)
Thanks for sharing..nice footage..did I notice that your numbered Racer is
#1629..!!?? Wow, I didn't know just how far they were going to go with the
production. I have number # 741.