Wow. This is Obama's Car Czar, the same Steven Rattner who was fined $6.2
million by the SEC. And what a liar. Just last year, Obama was trying to
tell us we "turned a profit on the auto bailout." Either Obama is lying
through his teeth or this douchebag is. Probably both.
July 30, 2010: Obama said Thursday that the government will recover all of
the taxpayer money used in the auto industry bailout last year and held it
up as an example of “a good story” in his administration’s economic efforts.
The treachery never ends with these guys. They are a mafia,a big frigging
Mafia! They all need to be fired and thrown out of every office, inside of
every country! Then we can have the peoples currency. They plan their
events many years in advance, it's time we take a long term look at our own
future. Activist groups are infiltrated and destroyed from within."They"
are masters of sub-version and manipulation!
The Bailout Update: Why American Taxpayers Will Never Be Fully Repaid
When the federal government bailed out struggling companies in 2008 as part of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, it put American taxpayers on the ...
Chrysler CEO lays out plan at bailout hearing
Chrysler CEO lays out his plan to Congress, offers to pay back the proposed bailout loan by 2012.
Hey, if you think Nardelli cares about Chrysler, take a look at what he did
at Home Depot. I say consolidate all three and reduce the brands, make the
brands competitive worldwide and keep the American auto industry alive, but
without these clowns.