omg my dog was hit by a car on sept. 17th and didnt make it...he was 7
years old and i loved him soo much...seeing this makes me think that that
dog is lucky to have had a leash...while my dog didnt even have his collar
and died in my sisters arms...
He's a border collie. His instincts are telling him to give chase and herd
those cars. He's probably been trained against this for obvious reasons so
he developed this behavior in trying to cope with it.
this dog is the reincarnation of its previous life which should be obvious
to all ----> the BIG BRUSH of an auto-carwash, so it has a natural instinct
to spin whenever a car comes by :)
I agree with you. Collies like this shouldn't be house pets on leads. It is
born in them to herd. this dog would be so much happier living on a farm
and working for a living
que filha da puta! o cachoro tem trauma de atropelamento, não pode nem
ouvir o barulho de carro que se borra!!! para não desobedecer o dono, ele
não foge!!! ele pira!!!
Smart dog! As the cars pass by, he turns around himself. FUNNY,