What happens when you delete dimensions containing equations? Why can't i delete them? They just come back!!! Learn why this happens and how to get ...
i can't say that i disagree but i can also conceive of a situation where
you wouldn't want the equation to be deleted. a better solution would be to
have continuous numbering on entity creation so that D1@Sketch1 is not
re-created every time you delete it and make a new dimension in its place
(my opinion)
Sounds like a software bug. That's a serious usability issue. When you
delete the dimension with the equation it should either delete the equation
too, or disassociate it with that shape/edge/or whatever.
SolidWorks 2014 tutorial: Modifying parts using the Extrude Cut tool | lynda.com
Sometimes its easier to build certain parts of a 3D object by removing geometry. In this tutorial, learn how the Extrude Cut tool works in SolidWorks, and find out ...
How to work with configurations #1 SOLIDWORKS Tutorials (Configurations)
www.video-tutorials.net In this SolidWorks video tutorial, I show you how to manage configurations. This is a powerful feature of SolidWorks, allowing you to ...