Left hand milk stout nebraska Videos

Left Hand Imperial Stout - DM's Montreal Beer Reviews [Ep.16 {4}]

User Comments

I pour with the right, and drink with the left as well. I'm a guitar player. I'm used to doing big motions with my right hand, and finnicky things with my left. Mystery solved?
No, I actually grew up in Russia, but learned British English at school (and had good teachers, thus no thick Russian accent hah). I'd also lived in Toronto for about 4 years.
Hand this at Mahar's the other day. It was pretty good. Or was that "Fade To Black"? Not sure if they're the same beer or not. Oh well, Left Hand makes good stuff.
i had the left hand fade to black russian imperial stout. fantastic beer. i wonder if this is something a little different. good review. happy new year.
Nice review! Looks and sounds like a good solid Imperial Stout, but quite a small snifter you've got hehe...
Yeah, I guess it's a little small, but it was only a dollar, and the quality of the glass is quite high.

Pouring a Milk Stout Nitro.

Fallen Angel Sweet Stout - Pass It On - Empyrean Brewing Co.

A smooth-drinking, late winter wonder. We've crafted this English-styled stout using roasted malts and a hearty dose of lactose sugar to create a rich and creamy ...

User Comments

tell the bud distributors for west central minnesota to send it our way!
We're working on it.


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