Duck rabbit milk stout ibu Videos

Louisiana Beer Review: Raven's Eye Imperial Stout

9.5% alcohol. 18 IBU. Brewed in California. Certified organic.

User Comments
picked some up at Rouse's today,gonna enjoy it sitting by the fire pit tonight.
+Ronald Theriot Really enjoyed this one,went great with a juicy rideye
+Barry Parker That sounds really good, Barry!

Louisiana Beer Reviews: Stone Imperial Russian Stout

10.6% alcohol. 60 IBU. Bottled in 2010. Brewed in California.

User Comments
Hey Jay have you ever had an oyster stout? Flying dog makes one. It's called pearl necklace oyster stout. Brewed with whole oysters. It's very good and all the proceeds go to restoring the oyster population in the Chesapeake bay.
+Maryland Jake I have to say that I've not ever tried an oyster stout, MJ.
Brewdog beers are like that too, they all taste so similiar.
+StyrbjornStarke I have noticed a general flavor theme with those, SS.
i have a bottle in my cellar that i brought back from my ohio trip not sure may open it or let it age
+GingRealAleTrail I wouldn't have the patience to wait!
Look out for the 'odd year' editions. The 2013 Espresso was awesome. I put it in my top 10 at the time.
I'd like to try one of those. Thanks so much for watching, Canadian Beer Journal!
I really want to try this. Stone never disappoints.
I think you would truly love it, YFB!
this one is very, very good. even my wife likes it
I'm glad, LT. It's some awesome stuff, that's for sure!
This must be a really great beer! I've watched almost every one of your videos and I think this may be the quickest A+ you've awarded so far. From your first sip of it at 2:32 to your A+ rating at 2:57 was only 25 seconds! Now that sounds like an outstanding beer to try! Great review Jay, as always!
That's funny, because when I was making the video, I was thinking, "Why are you scoring it so fast?" But, it was just so obviously an "A+".

Louisiana Beer Reviews: Stoudts Fat Dog Imperial Oatmeal Stout

8% alcohol. 55 IBU. Brewed in Pennsylvania.

User Comments
FKN grade A+ to me am drinking one right now. first time and am loving it. stuck mine in the freezer and poped the top just before it got to frozen. also pured in glass. my first EXP pouring in glass. and was great. :)
Yes, these people make some really good stuff.

Week 84 - Chocolate Bunny Stout

User Comments
First time trying it and it's VERY good, i love stout's.

Louisiana Beer Reviews: Lazy Magnolia Jefferson Stout

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Nothing better than tom petty and a beer! Check out my page for FIGHT NIGHT CHAMPION, ANGRY XBOX GAMERS, AND FOOD REVIEWS!!!
Well, that's true, except there are better ones to listen to than Tom Petty.
It certainly was interesting to try it, trav.
Thanks a lot, steve!
I love this beer.
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