Detroit news brooke kimbrough Videos

#TheKendroShow Student Protests Over Rejection Letter

Webisode 36: Detroit, MI high school student holds a protest over rejection letter from the University of Michigan. Brooke Kimbrough claims she was not ...

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But when that white girl got rejected from U of M, blamed it on Affirmative Action, and took it all the way to the Supreme court nobody said anything....
Actually Im sure some people did. You pesonally probably didnt see it. And that was unecessary too. Im not for all that extra self entitlement personally. And as a white female she has white privilege.
Although her "ACT scores are low" I think her argument is that the university should make some type of accommodations so that there is more diversity on the campus. It's harder for kids of color to get these poppin ass ACT scores because rich white children are the ones who could afford all the prep, all the programs and got all the easy access to certain resources while, Brooke a black woman night not have access to. So it isn't "entitlement" it's accommodating for the discrimination of black communities. It's a larger problem that you fail to even look at. If you look at any of her quotes she talks about "this isn't even about me" (not a direct quote, I'm paraphrasing) it's about a larger questions about how colleges make these crazy qualifications for admissions via arbitrary test scores that rich white kids can easily get in comparison to a black girl in Detroit. That is why she is Harriet Tubman, etc. She is to help others. Even if it was about her, she deserves to be admitted because she is one of the top debaters in the country, but would he an extreme asset to the university. So you arguments about "the race card" and "entitlement" is bullshit because black people face real shit and you're only undermining her story. Her argument is not "you didn't except me because I'm black" it's "you SHOULD accept me because I'm black and you barely accept black people" The campus should make more space for black students even if they don't meet the arbitrary test requirements because ignoring race or saying "not everything is about race" is only a form of colorblindnes that completely ignores a large system of disparities at play against black peoples favors.
+Robert Benton Yea but looking at standardizes tests as the main or focal point of college acceptances are extremely problematic and these tests because they in themselves are color blind?I'm not denying black kids ability to performBut they gotta work twice as hard to receive half the results or benefits that others would. Standardized tests do not account for experience or individual growth.Answers on a test are not an appropriate mechanism to select a diverse set of studentsMany students who do not perform well on tests are extremely prepared for successful lives and many who do well are not.The point is, using a shitty test as a reason to keep a bright kid like Brooke and MANY other black kids from attending universities is exactly what the problem is.Which is why the disparity is so big.And people think these tests are actually accurate in measuring student knowledge. So when students backlash and appeal their rejections, the media paints them as irrational, crazy, and stupid. And this case they paint another black woman as the "angry black b*tch" So when people continuously paint her desires to attend a school (that has like no black women in their school) as "entitlement"... that's fucked up because she raises legitimate concerns about affirmative action and college admissions processes
You're not reading this very well...1. Never said you wrote "black kids can't do well in schools" I said that was part of what she was using for her argument and there's no debating that. It's what she was doing.2. Colorblind policies do not impede access to those resources in any way at all. Period. Children of all groups have learning disabilities and that is an entirely different topic, not this one. The only one bring up performance based on race is you. I don't believe in that. Not saying you do, just saying you're the one bringing it to light. 3. I'm kind of dumbfounded. They are in no way arbitrary. For the purpose of testing ones general knowledge of what are the basics taught in high school it's right on the money. No not necessarily college readiness but no test can possibly completely determine readiness in anything, only give an idea of who is more likely prepared based on a standardized scale, with real questions, with right and wrong answers. Not just filling in bubbles. I'm sorry but the tests are not just tools of the kkk or anyone else trying to keep anyone down. However, it is possible for someone who is racist to use those scores for their own agenda on an individual basis, but that's not why the tests were made not are they arbitrary, they don't test intelligence, but knowledge it exactly what they test. It feels like you're trying to take a stand as if I'm against diversity in these schools or trying to defend racist actions, never would I. These days you can find ANYTHING online for free so the resources are available for anyone that looks for them. The state provides free tutoring for minorities who as a group, (and this isn't racist) are usually more informed of the inner workings of state funded assistance. Once again, completely different topic, not this one. It is possible but, in my opinion not the reason for why she was denied and she should not have reacted the way she did at all, which was the original point of the video.
+Robert Benton I never said "black kids can't do well in school"I'm saying black kids should get more opportunities that are rarely given to them.And no they do not have access to all the same resources especially in PWIs which usually carry colorblind policies that treat ever kid the same when they have different problems or different ways of learning etc. These self responsibility, self oppressing arguments are the same tactics used by old white conservatives and the KKKThey are lame excuses to rip opportunities from black kids because they don't "perform equally to white kids they don't deserve the same rewards", when the tests they are using are complete bullshit.. just like the ACTIf she is a phenomenal debater and pres of the NHS... then clearly she is doing something right. And if there is a large disparity of black women at your school, then IT IS NECESSARY TO GET DIVERSITY... and I can't stress that enough. The tests are arbitrary because they can't actually measure knowledge or college readiness... they just test how you can answer questions into bubblesSo the test becomes a mechanism of exclusion because certain resources are more accessible to certain people!!So when you say " Somewhere along the line from birth to college application I'm sure that racism truly can play a part in discouraging or preventing a young black from attending a university. "This is it
First, OK maybe self oppressing wasn't the right term, but it's wrong and counterproductive to try and seek pity using the same stereotype that is part of this issue i.e. "blacks can't do as well in school." Second, No. They have access to ALL the same public resources that are provided free of charge at that public school, all they have to do is seek out said resource. It takes effort and she would have been well aware of it being involved with the extracurricular activities that she had been.Third, the tests aren't arbitrary and every college uses those scores to assess each students aptitude in basic academics for every student who wishes to enroll there and to say that the tests are just a tool of racism is ignorant as hell and nothing more than soap box b.s.. With that being said I would like to point out that nowhere did I type or imply that racism doesn't have anything to do with a black absence in universities. Somewhere along the line from birth to college application I'm sure that racism truly can play a part in discouraging or preventing a young black from attending a university. However this wasn't the topic at hand. I was referring to this situation and I don't believe racism was the reason and she sure as hell shouldn't have handled it in that manner, expecting Michigan to change their minds because she "done better than most blacks." The way she chose to handle herself was not becoming of her credentials and made her look ignorant and"uneducated". I'm glad I won't be attending school with her.
+Robert Benton First of all "self oppressing"? You're just so wrong.Second of alljust because a black kid goes to a PWI doesn't mean they have access to all the same resourcesThird, Why should an arbitrary test designates whether someone enters a school? She's a phenomenal student and showed her capabilities and the school CLEARLY needs more black women. You are telling me there is a disparity of black kids that go to universities and that has nothing to do with racism? These stupid tests are a mechanism to make sure white kids get to college
Dunno why it starred the name but it was supposed to say Me. Kendra :-P
Your whole argument just gets shit on when you look at the fact that she went to Southgate Anderson, a predominantly white school, in Southgate, a predominantly white neighborhood. Any resources they afforded those white students, they also afforded to those black students. There are PLENTY of white students that get in with NO extra or "paid" prep that get into U of M who use sources they find online and in other places. There are quite a few extra prep programs afforded to minorities through the state that are exclusive to minorities of all ethnicities. There are also those minorities who bust their asses and try but when it comes down to scores (which, regardless of race, gender, ethnic background, or sexual orientation, plays a huge role in acceptance to major universities ) just don't fall within the required range. The year prior to her application the average gpa was a 3.86 (Only 5% above hers so that's good) I believe, and the average ACT was 31 leaving her close to 30% below average.Idk her exact situation, maybe she should have taken some practice ACT's, identified where her deficiencies were, and corrected them. But what she shouldn't have done, and what Ms.***** was trying to say, is try to play it out as if she was being singled out, oppressed, and should be given acceptance based on the grounds that ( and I'm just paraphrasing) "because I am a minority and I was able to come this close to the mark, you should accept me." You cannot be expected to be given entry into an institution that has a checks and balance system in place by taking advantage of the fact that the African-American populace statically doesn't have the highest reported academic rating. That in itself is horrible and self-oppressing behavior.I can't believe someone didn't call her out, especially a student, saying "hold up, what do you mean by that? You mean because you did THIS well, that you at least made it THIS far.' Are you trying to say that we can't do as well as others so THIS level should be acceptable?" I would be offended. She shouldn't have made such a big deal about it, she shouldn't have tried to proclaim that the university should deny someone else of their enrollment because according to her "blacks don't usually do this well", and she should have looked at how successful she has become, accepted that her scores didn't quite qualify, and applied to many other great colleges that the state of Michigan offers. I well be going to U of M this fall enrolled in their applied physics program, but afterwards elk be going to Wayne state because I find their applied mathematics to be more applicable. There are great alternatives out there.
I really would if I had a quality camera... haha. Oh well, nice video though, I get where you are coming from.. I just don't like the idea of "the race card"
+Daniel Mendes i didn't read anything you just wrote honestly. i'm not with the back forth ish & i'm not gonna do that. i spoke MY truth. make a video on your own channel if you that passionate about it, but thanks for watching :)
and debate is not equivalent to a sports scholarship, the stuff you learn in debate translates into the classroom
Her ACT score being low isn't evidence of her not being smart enough once again. She IS smart enough. and it shows through her national honor society position and elite debate skills. So A) It's not lowering standardsandB) Even if it were, that is still a better idea than rejecting black kids and never giving them the opportunity for success
" there have been PLENTY BLACK students this pass spring that have gotten into top tier/Ivy League schools so what are you talking about?"Plenty altogether, sure, but in comparison to white counter parts as well as just at one university alone there is a huge disparity.saying that "Black people feel entitled and want to play the race card"Is a manifestation of anti black racism that silences black people for speaking out about their oppression"this problem up with the HIGH SCHOOL district/U.S. grammar and high school education system in specific for not PREPPING her and other Black students for standardized tests and general college prep."No... the problem IS standardized tests which are an arbitrary manner of "measuring knowledge and college readiness". The University clearly looked at her test as one of the larger reasons in her rejection because "she didn't meet certain qualifications" but I'm pretty sure she can be a good asset to her school with her experience as a champion debater in the country."if she on the debate team and has a full resume plus good grades, I'm sure she could have also had some resources to ACT/SAT prep"That's a bad assumption and you can't assume that those are the same resources... like those are completely different venues."if the college lowers their standards for her, they're going to have to lower them for EVERY student who has an "issue" with enrollment, then they're going to lose their credibility and it will be no point in them being a top tier school."Her "blackness" isn't an issue, the circumstances in which society places her body in are the issue, and universities that are PWI (Predominantly White Institutions) NEED more diversity in order to accommodate for these issues. So what you're saying isn't really responsive to the matter"veryone will say she got in just because she's BLACK, NOT because of her intellect"Those aren't mutually exclusive, she can get in BECAUSE she is a black intellectual and the University is clearly lacking in that "you work your ass off, you get the resources (which you can easily get online) by any means necessary to compete with the "rich white kids". like I said, this generation makes TOO many excuses. "Again you are assuming she didn't work her ass offwhy should she have to do double the work in order to barely receive half the benefits/results.And ummm no, a lot of these test preps are expensive and require full on sessions and even if they don't. Rich kids got full access to these types of things with ease and innercity kids do not... that's a disparity that is clearly affecting kids who get admitted to colleges and kids who don't"all these ex-slaves, and educated Black people living during the Jim Crow South POVERTY who made something of themselves AGAINST ALL ODDS and you telling me she and other Black kids have to downgrade to get in a school? HELL NAW. you work your ass off and do what you have to do to reach your goal regardless of the disparities. "Again all these ex slaves did exactly what she is doing, they are calling out white institutions for not making accommodations/ properly finding the means to include black people.So they are not being down graded at all.So you should not have to "rise above the disparity", you should work to GET RID of the disparity, which is what the "ex slaves did" and what she is working to do. "debating has NOTHING to do with that. and if that's the case, a lot of people should get in based on a talent they have other than TEST SCORES. and like i said, the institution will lose credibility!"Exactly neither does intelligence or college readiness, these tests are a totally arbitrary means of trying to measure that type of shit.Talents like debate translate into the classroom, is what I'm trying to say, Her being a top debater is clearly evidence of er being intelligent, and totally able to handle to college material... not these arbitrary tests," if you know these institutions don't welcome students of color WHY apply to get in? "These questions are bad ones becauseIn order to even access an economy of jobs/ careers of desire, than certain levels of education are required. I.E she has dreams and hopes, and that school was in the pathway...."f you know the system wasn't built for you and this school doesn't "want Black people" WHY try to go where you're not wanted?"again because you need it to survive and get a jobMost schools are PWIs except for 2 year community colleges are low tiered schoolWhy should she have to settle for less just because the system looks to exclude her?"Harriet Tubman created her OWN lane, she didn't CONFORM and try to plead and debate and protest with her slave masters to let her be free, so that is null & void and those are problems/factors you failed to look at."Harriet Tubman found a way to escape slavery and find freedom just like she is trying to create survival for herself as well as other black kids who get rejected from universities and thrown back into the streets.sure the university and plantation are both institutions of oppression but education at a good university is a means of accessing survival, which is neglected to black people thru rejectionsUr allusion is ruse" how are they going to keep up if they didn't have the SUFFICIENT EDUCATION IN HIGH SCHOOL??? s"Well the job of a university is to PROVIDE SUFFICIENT EDUCATION.. and this is an opportunity continuously denied to black students and other kids of color.You say"many of them won't be able to keep up because of their personal history of insufficient education, then many may have to drop out, then what????"But my argument is that her competitive success in debate will translate into the classroom and she WILL be able to keep upmy argument is notaccept kids because they are blackmy argument is that universities should look at social location and determine their ability to keep up not on standardized tests but on an overall outlook. Her being president of the National Honor Society and the Champion of the National Urban Debate League Tournament is only evidence that she IS qualified, even if her test scores don't meet the standards..The universities should accommodate black students by looking at other venues of success and college readiness."if Black people want to go to these top tier ivy league schools, we have to be on top of our shit the moment we get in until the moment we leave, not ask to downgrade."Again, her test score ISN'T evidence of her NOT being on top of her shitIt proves nothingI'd argue her competitive success and her fight for her appeal to be accepted is only evidence of her being on top of her shitso the University DOES not have to downgrade."not protest every time you don't get your way. if many of our ancestors could go through slavery, poverty, Jim Crow Era, Civil Rights Era, the Crack Epidemic, and still come out swinging, this privileged to an extent, spoiled generation can do the same. that's MY TRUTH, no excuses. work your ass off. "Honey, those people "came out swinging" BECAUSE they survived, protested, and worked their ass off in order to gain access to resources
that's not "progress" or helping Black children IMO. that's a continuation of the stereotype that Blacks aren't "smart enough" to attend certain colleges and they have to "protest" to get in by asking the administration to lower their standards or get in these schools on a sports scholarship. you have to tackle the root of the problem which includes inequalities starting at GRAMMAR/ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. college is called HIGHER EDUCATION for a reason.
and then 1 more thing. if universities do accommodate Black students for "more diversity" how are they going to keep up if they didn't have the SUFFICIENT EDUCATION IN HIGH SCHOOL??? so the university will be accepting them just because they're Black out of pity and for "more diversity", many of them won't be able to keep up because of their personal history of insufficient education, then many may have to drop out, then what????and like i said, that's why it goes back to the U.S. grammar school and high school education, NOT colleges. so i don't understand or agree with the logic of just accepting someone in because they are Black regardless of test scores & even grades, because it will backfire if they can't keep up due to their educational background. like i said, if Black people want to go to these top tier ivy league schools, we have to be on top of our shit the moment we get in until the moment we leave, not ask to downgrade. the resources are out there, everything in life ain't fair and you have to be a DOG, not protest every time you don't get your way. if many of our ancestors could go through slavery, poverty, Jim Crow Era, Civil Rights Era, the Crack Epidemic, and still come out swinging, this privileged to an extent, spoiled generation can do the same. that's MY TRUTH, no excuses. work your ass off.
no, it's not bullshit, it's MY opinion. and i can easily say what you're saying is bullshit as well, like this: what you said is bullshit because you're not looking at all the factors either. there have been PLENTY BLACK students this pass spring that have gotten into top tier/Ivy League schools so what are you talking about? nobody said all those factors aren't correct, I'm Black I know what's going on. and also as a Black person I know how some Black people feel entitled and want to play the race card. but in MY opinion I feel it was out of entitlement and playing the race card. she and you for that matter, need to take this problem up with the HIGH SCHOOL district/U.S. grammar and high school education system in specific for not PREPPING her and other Black students for standardized tests and general college prep. if she on the debate team and has a full resume plus good grades, I'm sure she could have also had some resources to ACT/SAT prep. if the college lowers their standards for her, they're going to have to lower them for EVERY student who has an "issue" with enrollment, then they're going to lose their credibility and it will be no point in them being a top tier school. you can't make anyone lower their standards so one person could get in. then everyone will say she got in just because she's BLACK, NOT because of her intellect. so why DOWNGRADE yourself and try to get in out of pity? HELL NO! you work your ass off, you get the resources (which you can easily get online) by any means necessary to compete with the "rich white kids". like I said, this generation makes TOO many excuses. all these ex-slaves, and educated Black people living during the Jim Crow South POVERTY who made something of themselves AGAINST ALL ODDS and you telling me she and other Black kids have to downgrade to get in a school? HELL NAW. you work your ass off and do what you have to do to reach your goal regardless of the disparities. so just because you're a top debater you should be accepted into an exclusive school? what does that have to do with ACT/SAT TEST SCORES? debating has NOTHING to do with that. and if that's the case, a lot of people should get in based on a talent they have other than TEST SCORES. and like i said, the institution will lose credibility!and if you know you're not qualified why even apply to the school in the first place? why not always protest at colleges that do this? why just do THIS college that SHE didn't get accepted into? if you know these institutions don't welcome students of color WHY apply to get in? if you know the system wasn't built for you and this school doesn't "want Black people" WHY try to go where you're not wanted? why not create your OWN lane or attend an HBCU? in MY opinion i think it was about her more so than to help others. we'll see if she will continue to protest every time students of color don't get into top tier/ivy league schools. Harriet Tubman created her OWN lane, she didn't CONFORM and try to plead and debate and protest with her slave masters to let her be free, so that is null & void and those are problems/factors you failed to look at.


Tazkia Al-Bari,Tyree Williams, Brooke Kimbrough, and Rayvon Dean (Detroit Urban Debate League) participate in a public debate at the MITA (Michigan ...
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