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Remembering Roger Ebert - AMC Movie News

It's been a sad day for film fans. Yesterday Roger Ebert, quite probably the single most famous and influential film critic of all time passed away at the age of 70.

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To quote Roger Ebert, I'm giving your comment a Thumbs Down! >:)
Ebert failed at writing his smutty screenplays and was ugly
A human being died, you asshole.
@John Killroy you moron! xD
Sad day for film.
To Roger!

How I Felt About Life Itself (Roger Ebert Documentary)

Captain Logan expresses his feelings directly after seeing "Life Itself."

User Comments
Does this movie mention Beyond The Valley of the Dolls?
+Sotnas There's a whole section on it!
+Geekvolution , you ever gonna do that....sigh.....Throne of Atlantis film?
No worries, also curious to hear if you dislike as much as most folks or you defend it.
+Joecbg100 Eric and I are shooting for next week. We've had a hard time making our schedules line up but hopefully it'll come together.

AMC Movie Talk - Thoughts on Roger Ebert, TWILIGHT Star New HERCULES, No FAST 7 For Justin Lin

On this episode of AMC Movie Talk (Friday April 5th 2013) we discuss: 1) The loss of Roger Ebert 2) Kellan Lutz is HERCULES 3) Justin Lin passing on FAST 7 ...

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For Star Wars dont want to see any plot from those books/comics. I want something original and not something I can figure the plot to before I see it. I don't like how fans are saying that the UNOFFICIAL expanded universe are the way theyre going. I also dont want more of the same characters being rehashed in weird cloning roles- it wouldnt come off. Star Wars should move in with tons of new characters with some small roles for the old ones and move forward and dont get locked into the old story
I've always said Ryan Reynolds would make a great Flash!! Much better than the other comic characters he's played, too late now. I think they should introduce a new Green Lantern, Flash and Wonder Woman in a JL movie and if successful give them their own films. Oh, and Jaimie Alexander for Wonder Woman all the way!! I loved the 1st Hellboy, was truer to the comics. The 2nd one just turned into more of a Guillermo movie, a big, mainstream movie that lost the feel of the comics. RIP Roger Ebert
i don't understand why ppl say Ryan messed up Green Lantern. For a origin type film, being a starter to into the character i felt it was pretty good. He has a little bit of mouth with a heart scared to fill and he didn't really act horribly. idk maybe ppl was expecting so much more cause of Nolan's Batman but Lantern is not Batman and there reason for becoming heros are different so there movies should have different feels. I mean paralax was type corny but's that's about it.
About the multiple villains thing, if anyone remembers correctly a year after Spider-Man 3 there was this little movie called The Dark Knight that featured three villains: a scene with Scarecrow, The Joker for most of the movie, and Two-Face at the end. Many people think that it was one of the best superhero movies of all time but may be they are all just crazy. Oh and for those who don't like the Nolan films, Batman Returns had 2 villians and Max Shrek.
I don't want BArry Allen I want Wally West. THe thing with these legacy heroes like Flash and GL is that you can choose which person to put in the movie. Because let's face it everyone knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman but not everyone knows who Barry Allen is. They know The Flash but Flash could easily be Wally West my personal favorite. And I still think Kyle Reiner should have been GL. And guess the general audience wouldn't know anything
Loved the piece about Ebert. John what do you think about Alan Richtson for the Flash? I know he's not as well known other than his episodes of Smallville but it seems like he could become more well known after Ninja Turtles and the next installment of Hunger Games. I agree with you that Reynolds would be a great choice for Flash but seeing as he was already Green Lantern that could be confusing if they ever make JL.
Even though "Fast 5" seemed a bit "Oceans 11-ish", Justin Lin made the franchise better (The Rock also helped). And was the final scene in "Tokyo Drift", the end of the FF story? And whenever I'd check out movie reviews, I'd always look for Roger Ebert's review, first. I even remember when he praised Bernie Mac's performance as "Dollar Bill" in "The Players Club". May he rest in peace.
Also, from what I've heard/read about Spider-Man 2... Electro actually helps out Spider-Man for a bit before coming a villain. So I'm assuming Rhino will have a big role in it, but I think Norman Osborn will just have a small part in it, but who knows... If Gwen Stacy is supposed to die in this movie, Green Goblin might be in it.
I have been reading online that WB is eyeing Bradley Cooper for the role of Flash. Just a rumor at this point, but you never know. I actually thought Bradley Cooper could take on Green Lantern. But from what I have been reading, a Justice League movie doesn't look good. So lets hope for some stand alone WB/DC movies.
My question is how many prequels are they going have to Tokyo Drift I mean to me it's starting to get a little ridiculous (as far as the time line in the story goes) and dragging the story line out a little too long. when are they just go move forward with and pick up after what happened at the end of Tokyo Drift?
Two Hercules films this is the same situation that happened to Snow White. A certain tale that hasn't been seen on the big screen in years then all of a sudden there are two movies about the character. The movie industry needs to get there act together about issues like this.
Yeah when I first heard he was playing Rhino I got worried, still am. He is a great actor, just not sure about him in this role. I have seen a lot of set photos form The Amazing Spider-man 2 and it seems Ravenscroft is prevalent in the movie, so I am thinking Sinister Six.
Come to think of it...from the end credits of the last one...and the characters in this one....that could most diffidently be a real possibility. Also I think Paul is a great actor but I'm pretty skeptical of him pulling off Rhino...I hope I'm wrong. I really do.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Kevin Smith wrote a screenplay for Justice League a few years back and had Adam Brody playing Flash. I still think he would be a great choice. He's a great actor and deserves to be in a big blockbuster hit.
I just posted about that on our AMC movie news blog! Check it out. I was skeptical at first as I am with most classic remakes but I actually think it was pretty solid and that Chloe and Julianne are gonna kill it! What do you think?
concerning the Spider-man 2 stuff, it sounds to me like they are building up to have a Sinister Six movie later on .. spiderman 3 or 4. So the villians would simply be introduced in Spider-man 2, and then go on to team up later.
If we could CGI him, Ryan Reynolds could play Green Lantern, the Flash, and even in a stretch, Wonder Woman. (He did drag in Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place. BTW, what happened to the other guy?)
I can't wait to see the T-Rex eat the lawyer while he's taking a poop in 3D! Woot! XD I wonder if DC/WB realizes how much of a joke they are right now. Marvel's really making them look bad.

Heidi Fleiss, Bow Wow and a Tribute to Roger Ebert | Where Are They Now? | Oprah Winfrey Network

Heidi Fleiss, the "Hollywood Madam," who was busted for running a high-class prostitution ring, talks about her life today. Plus, rapper Bow Wow opens up about ...

User Comments
Its good to see Shad "Bow Wow" Moss still doing his thing! Can't wait to see this episodr
Heidi Fleiss looks much healthier now than four years ago, I'm so happy for her!
she's the best at it, yet she forgot to fix her teeth!
looks like a good DVR is set lol
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