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How to make mvc Videos

How to create a user Registration page using Asp.Net MVC 4 part 1

This video guide how to create a user Registration page using Asp.Net MVC 4, Entity Framework, SQL Server Database part 1. In my next video I will tutorial you ...

User Comments

when will the second part sir ?
+Kouamé Jules Yao sorry, guy. recently i have prepared for my exam. so i'm slightly busy. i will publish the next part soon.
Hi, look i'm using VS 2015 C,and theres is no option to Razor Engine,just MVC Project ?
+Nathiel Paulino now i just use Visual 2013. i haven't try to use VS 2015 yet. i think Razor be in MVC Project.
When will the second part?
+Edgar Ricárdez Peralta I think i will make it tomorrow
Please use ASP.NET MVC 5.2.3 and Identity 2.2.1. Thanks and thanks for sharing
+Edgar Ricárdez Peralta Hi. My next videos. using Identity 2.2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rdKrns-LYU . Hope it help you. :))
+Edgar Ricárdez Peralta ok. I will use it in my next videos. wait for me. I hope it helpful for you. :))

How to create a User Registration page using asp.net mvc 4

For Complete Step by Step Tutorial and source code visit : //dotnetawesome.blogspot.com/2014/03/how-to-create-user-registration-page-in-mvc4.html.

User Comments

Hello sourav mondal. Can you post how to recover password and reset password?
+Reynan C I will... Thanks for your suggestion
dear sourav i am new to mvc its very useful for me. thanks for that. can you post how to use logout action?
+Vijay Ananthan View Code : @using (Html.BeginForm("LogOff", "MyAccount", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "logoutForm" })) { @Html.AntiForgeryToken() <a href="javascript:document.getElementById('logoutForm').submit()">Log off</a> }Controller & Action Code : [HttpPost] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult LogOff() { Session.Abandon(); return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); }
very useful how you get the pattern in the regular expression???
+Eng Nashat [RegularExpression(@"^([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$"
+sourav mondal I hope you can answer: • Does this method of Registration/Login function without JavaScript? (e.i. on a kiosk/public computers) • My interest in ASP.Net MVC is for a WEB site that is fully functional with no client-side scripting.
Thanks for you reply.I would like to ensure compatibility across clients without scripting.
+tubebility Ans 1: Yes this can work without javascriptans 2: Yes you can do, but client side scripting very important for web based application now a days.

Introduction to ASP.NET Part 3/3: Making a form in MVC 4

In this video you'll learn how to create a form using ASP.NET MVC 4 Official site: //www.asp.net/mvc Nice video showing you more about data annotations ...

User Comments

Hi Haricharan, The technique I showed was to prevent the user from refreshing the confirmation page (F5) and being presented with the browser's "Do you want to send POST data?" message. The redirect prevents this when the user refreshes. It does not prevent the user from clicking the back button and then clicking the submit button again. You would need to use some other technique to detect if the user had previously submitted the form (database check) and display some other message.
If the view doesn't have a form field for comments it won't get passed to the post action method in the method parameters. You could fetch the entity from the database on the post method and update it's values as necessary based on reading the data that is passed in the method parameters. If no data is passed for comments you can ignore this field and only update the fields which could have data sent. Then, you can save changes on the database entity.
No doubt very clean explanation and neat demo but I ran into a scenario where I clicked back button of the browser, it still persisted the values of the fields and allowed me to submit it again. Same with the "You have submitted the request" message. Am I missing anything here? I really appreciate your suggestion. Thanks---- Hari.
Very useful video! I'm trying to find a way to validate datemthat is in a database. For example i cannot allow two users with the same email. To do data i have to chack my database. Once i find another user with the same e-mail, how can i return this message. I am checking your videos to see if i find this. Thank you!
Hi Roger, This an excellent tutorial! Very neat and clean. Outstanding for a novice. Do you plan to continue and venture into further topics (of your choice)? How about showing an example with numeric fields and sprinkle the illusive FormCollection object? Thanks a lot! You are a great teacher!
Alternatively, never return a 200 result from a post. Always redirect for both success and failure. Save the model state to temp data and redirect to the get method on failure, reload the model state on the get method which will override model values when used on the view.
The form data is not coming across in my own code. Instead of string, I have an IEnumerable . Is there any way to make the data play nice? It does show up in Request.Form. Note that I am using model binding and a partial view within the form. 
Just a quick question, How can you return your name "Roger" to the link Home, if I am not using the Post method for a form. I have my initial view with some information but I need to use the Id to get additional information. for a different view.
Thanks for putting this together Roger. I've been looking for a good introduction to ASP.NET MVC 4 for awhile. All the features and options seem pretty intimidating. I'm looking forward to your next installment.
Really a nice tutorial, but it would be complemented if you would just make a database for this form and save the data. Anyway really great and I learned a lot from this, thnx
Can we create a model where it collect the information required. like want to collect the address, contact information and few preferences that come in a drop down list
Great video! Thank you for your effort on these.. Please do a video for creating a new intranet application in MVC. There are none on Youtube right now.
Hi James, I didn't show actual working email code, but I added a link to the video description that should give you the code to get you started.
Thanks for the feedback. It's very different from web forms, but if you stick with it a while you'll definitely get used to it!
THANKS for the tutorials, awesome I just subscribed to you, clear and concise explanations, hoping for more, God bless you
This is amazing. What a great introductory tutorial series this is. Brilliantly walked through and explained. Fantastic.
I know my question sounds silly, but is Asp.Net MVC a tool to design and develop websites or just web applications? 

How To Make An iPhone App - MVC Design Pattern, Declaring Properties and Methods in Objective-C

SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES: //codewithchris.com/recap-of-user-interaction-demo/ LESSON PLAN: //codewithchris.com/how-to-make-an-iphone-app/ ...

User Comments

I know your problem man, having recorded some videos with me talking, I know the huge amount of time it takes to cut out breathing, and for example swallowing. These plugins are called audio units, and originally were made for logic (recording software by Apple), but they also work fine in Final Cut (and I think iMovie, but not sure though), and allow you to very precisely edit the audio part of videos. Many plugins can be downloaded for free, just search around a bit, it'll help you a lot
Hey Chris, I have so far enjoyed these videos. They really help me understand everything new with object-oriented programming. But there's a strange thing that I have noticed, watching your videos. While talking, your words often cut off. I don't know if you use it on your recorded audio, but it sounds like a common problem that follows with a poorly set noise gate (which is used to cut out noise, like background noise, in-between words). Please attempt to fix this, it's a bit irritating.
Loving these tutorials. You have a gift for explaining something that is rather challenging for someone new to Xcode in a way that is understandable. In Xcode 5, I am not seeing how to connect to 'file's owner', or as the original connection is called in XC5, 'view controller'; the pane with the placeholders and the objects doesn't seem to be there. Any ideas? I get the feeling that I am simply not seeing a way to turn that pane on. Thanks for everything.
Hello Pesky Human, in the top right corner, there're buttons to toggle the left, right and bottom panes. There are also buttons for single view or assistant editor view (dual view). If you're in Interface Builder the button to toggle the list showing UIElements currently on your view is a little button near the lower left of the "Editor Area" that looks like a rectangle with a play icon. Hope that helps!
Hello guys! In this video, we recap the User Interaction Practice demo we did last time. In the process, I'm going to teach you about the Model View Controller pattern, how to declare properties and how to declare methods. I hope you follow along and ask me any questions about anything you don't understand! :)
Hey EpicShotty, your comment really means a lot to me! I'm glad to hear from audience members like you that it's making a difference :) No worries about the recognition.. it'll come in time by itself! Thanks for watching and support as you always do!
Hey Fiercecrush, it's actually my poor editing skills :( There's lots of breathing in between sentences and I cut it out which takes a long time.. it sounds like i NEED a noise gate. I wasn't aware there was something like that!
Thanks Chris. I am a newbie and I have watched some of the videos more than once but I am getting a better understanding of encoding each time. Keep these video tutorials coming! They are great!
Hey Joseph, ah, probably limited by the version of OSX you're running! Unfortunately XCode 4 is probably a lot different from 3.. you might have to specifically look for XCode 3 tutorials!
Thanks man! I was just doing some research into this in the morning and have a couple of things I'm going to experiment with tonight. Really appreciate your heads up and help :)
Thanks for another great video. I like that the videos are getting longer, gives you a lot of information to take in and also more information to work with. Cheers!
Hi Chris, love your videos, do you think that it's possible to update the tutorials to iOS 7, since a lot of things have change, keep up with the good work!
when you were making vidoes on the dicroll app, how do i personally create my own app? im a developer and stuff. i need projects to work on, please reply (:
Great job Chris! you make it so much more understandable than other books/videos. I look forward to make more interactive games and fairly complex apps.
Hello! Do you mean how do you go about creating your own app? You'll need to learn XCode and Objective-C and then just think of an idea and go for it!
Thanks for being so interactive with the community. You really make it a great interactive experience. I just wish you got more recognition.
im going to start to like and favorite every CWC video i watch from now on! I learn so much more in so less time than any other tutorial :)

How to create a simple custom log in system - MVC 4 / Razor - Part 1 of 5

I go over how to create the database, entity framework model, controllers, views and object model in order to implement a simple authentication system.

User Comments

I do have a blog, but its just too much. Check it out.. I work 40 to 50 hrs per week at my day job, programming. I have a side company making games for iPhone and Android, and I also have the youtube channel plus the 3 groups. 2 on facebook and 1 on google+... I am about to open another channel for Unity3D programming... arrggghh!! too much too much!!! :D But thank you.. I appreciate the comment, I appreciate the fact that you watched the videos!!! Thank you so much! :D
I'm interested in using a log in system using the internet application template (already has auto generated code for a login system, userprofile table etc) and sql management studio 2012 express. However I have no idea how to select data from new tables I create based on who is logged in. I.e. a table with UserID as primary key plus email, first name, last name etc.
re: How to create a simple custom log in system - MVC 4 / Razor Fabio, these 5 vids are just fantastic! You're an excellent presenter - I learned a lot. Thank you for keeping it simple (so many other presenters overcomplicate the topic). But this was exactly what I needed to get started with a working Login system. Cheers! (I check out your other vids)
Why not extend the SimpleMembership model? I've created my own as well, and it's a pain in the ass down the track if you want to migrate. Also, security. I was salting as well, but you cannot beat Microsoft's way of doing it. Keen to see a video on extending the SimpleMembership model, or creating your own based on this.
Do you know how I might do it? I tried putting it all in the existing UserProfile table and modified the pre-generated model class to have the new fields but it doesn't work. Doesn't create a table with more then UserID or UserName. I've tried everything I can think of but I can't find a way to fix it.
Nice tutorial Fabio. Well done. I have a small question. I've wanted to add a "username" string to the model. Which is required in registration, but not required on login. The only way I see is to create a separate model for each? or is there another way?
I enjoy food made from scratch...and same thing for the website project. Love this how you covers all minute details from scratch so people know what is going on in background...i like your taste for coding...Good Work.
It was really wonderful tutorial. If you could share code which you have demonstrated in video that'd have been more beneficial, I believe. If possible please share it with me at my mail ID [email protected]
it'll be amazing if u are.. and i think u have to open a blog from bloggger.com .. if u dont have time to post your videos i can do part of my time for u, you deserve subsscribe more than now. thanks.
Thank you, these series is a bit long but worth watching, if you need to learn how to encrypt and decrypt passwords in an easy and simple way! Thank you for watching!! :)
Gracias por estos videos fueron de mucha utilidad! Saludos desde venezuela. / Thanks for share this videos, it was really usefull... Regards from venezuela!
Great video, I was wondering if you could elaborate more on the forgotpassword piece or where I could find a tutorial on that part. Many Thanks!
i am watching your every tuts. But nowadays, i have to learn mvc-razor for get new job because they are asking for mvc -razor. thanks again.
Dear pablo Thank so much, I have a simpel question. How can i to Configure my Visual Studio to Type get and set itself. Minute 8:15?
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Thank you for the most valued videos tutorial on MVC4.. I like your style of teaching. Makes us really watch above your shoulder.
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