This is a compilation video produced by PTC Computer Solutions ( of Jonathan Jackson soccer highlights in a game during the ...
Coffee with a Cop - Jacksonville, Florida - February 3, 2016
On Wednesday, February 3, 2016 the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office held it's first "Coffee with a Cop" event at McDonald's located at 13217 Atlantic Boulevard in ...
The rift between citizens and law enforcement is no secret and its getting
worse and one of the reasons its getting worse is public relation nonsense
and whatever this is. Coffee with a cop? IS this supposed to be cute?
The only way to truly "build bridges" is for law enforcemnt to honor their
oaths and to stop their SOP of trying to skirt actual law, lie about the
law, and not honor rights when invoked.
Excuse my tone but this is so very typical of law enfocement to try and put
a band aid on a cancerous wound with these feel good PR measures. Sure, the
little old lady down the street would have no complaints because she is
unaware of how police actually conduct themselves on a ruglar basis. The
young man walking down the side walk who is stopped by LE and asked to
"show some I.D. real quick", and chooses not to according to law will most
likely be lied to about the law in an indoctrinated attempt to "You WILL
comply", no matter the actual law and our rights.
More and more folks are becoming aware of their rights because information
is at our fingertips. More are invoking their rights and not simply
following requests not backed by law and this is a good thing for our
I would suggest to implement training for officers on laws they frequesntly
deal with because it is very clear that not all officers are well trained
in this area. More training needs to be implemented about the peoples
rights and how to honor them, NOT how to get around them as is SOP with
I have met some very professional officers who honored rights when invoked
and remained professional during these encounters. True professionals
understand when folks invoke their rights and i have nothing but respect
for these individuals and if they can remain professionals, so can all
Very sadly, the vast majority do not honor our rights and most often use
their many techniques designed to get around actual law and our rights on
the uninformed but more and more are becoming informed of the law and our
rights. Officer training needs to recognize this fact.
Seriously, how is coffee with a cop going to help anything in lieu of
training and actually getting serious with serious solutions that can make
a difference for both officer and citizen.
What a pitty.
If anybody would like to comment, I would be glad to "have coffee with a
cop"..per se right in this comment section.
Very sadly however, I have an idea of what will happen instead but I do
have some hope.
BE safe!!
Homes for sale - 2645 DALMATION LN, Jacksonville, FL 32246
Listing Site: Property Site: // This home is located in a newer community in the Southside area near great shopping, dining, ...
VOLT® University | Undercover Hardscape Column Installation
// Landscape lighting video shows how to install the VOLT® Undercover Hardscape light in a column.
Homes for sale - 2645 E Dalmation Lane, Jacksonville, FL 32246
Listing Site: Property Site: // This home is located in a newer community in the Southside area near great shopping, dining, ...
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