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Hetalia germany fkag Videos

Nekocon 13 2010 Hetalia: Axis Powers Flag Cosplay Event

Hetalia: Axis Powers Flag Cosplay Event - From the Nekocon 13 cosplay event! Sorry for the quality of the videos, we were at the very back of the room cause we ...

User Comments

@SaphirexPhoenix Suuuppeeer late reply. We chose Sealand because it was the only character that I fit. D : (We do everything more based on facial structure and body type) At we first we were like, "Oh noes, what do?" then we kind of just went with it. And thank you so much~!
This is some awesome flag skit!! Really, so epic. I was wondering why you picked Sealand though. Off topic here, but I love your flag twirling. So cool.... I thought you were all good, but Russia I think was the best at the flag thingy. Looked really awesome. You should have made a Prussia, or England. Either way, great job! I had a squee moment when I recognized this song.
I recorded all of the skits :D They're not really great quality though ; ~; and I was in the middle of the left section so I didn't have the best angle ever v.v I
@mysteriousXmundo Am I like the only person that's uploaded stuff from the Cosplay? That seems strange... o-o But yeah, you guys were great, you got me addicted to a new song, and even more interested in watching Hetalia! =3
Three things. First, thank you for uploading the video. It's great. Second, what's the background music for this flag cosplay? Third, the audio is kind of ...yeah...i wonder if anyone else recorded as well?
I can't stop staring at the Russian flag. It's upside down for christ's sake. e_e I'm gonna be the loser who does this, anyone else here because of hetaliaetiquette?
Hi... that was awesome coreography, but I feel that i must say this. It is VERY disrespectfull to use flags of real countries in flag work like this.
@xxMapSyrxx I have them uploaded on my channel :] The quality and audio isn't too amazing on my either, but if you want to check it out, feel free :]
I thought the Russian flag was White on top, Blue in the middle, Red on bottom....or is their flag upside down? Or do I have it backwards?
Appears to be upside-down. Red on top, blue in the middle, and white on the bottom I believe is Serbia's flag's color order.
i hav tht song on my ipod TTvTT omg y is flag dancing so epicly awesome?!?!?!?!? >w< omg russias flag /IS/ upside down Q.Q
I was on my school's color guard team this year and I must say that they handled the flags very well!! Great work!
If you open the Fourth video down on a new tab and get Good time you can enjoy this video alot more~
@BearerxxOfxxDarkness Yep, I can't stop listening to it actually, I really like my world history!
oooommggg i saw you guys practicing it was sooooo cool but i never got to see this D:
@xxMapSyrxx The song we (I'm the Sealand in this skit) used is Europa by Globus. :D
this is srsly so cool ;A; I hope my cosplay group can do something like this too
Hey! I'm the Russia from the skit. Thanks for posting this! xD
@IchigoAndTemari Upload em! Cause I didn't get all of them...
what song is this i have to know someone please tell me
@StrongWillAlchemist Song name is in the description.
Europa by Globus. It's in the description by the way.
The screaming at the end sounded like a goat :D
Oh, thanks I didn't know what that flag was.

Wavin Flag -Hetalia

Dedicated to all the countries of the world. I know I didn't get every country on here, but there are so many and I just couldn't get good enough pictures for some.

Hetalia - Waving Flag - A Tribute To The Countries

MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!]]] This is my new video! I saw SabakuNoGaby's video and wanted to make my own version of this song to Hetalia... It was originally going to ...

User Comments

Who sings this?
Which version of the song is this?

Hatafutte Parade: Greece (eng sub)

DISCLAIMER!!!!!!! I do not own Hetalia, this song or the picture! So here's Greece's version, sorry for being so sloppy, but I made this on my holiday in Germany.

User Comments

omf why does this sound so creepy ...?xD
+Dark Blood cant stop laughing seriously
Random question, If anyone live's in Greece is it nice there? As you can probably tell I'm not from there lol but I'm curious to know what it is like ^_^
+Jasmine grace Maney exteemly nice i cant wait to go back on my holydays
+Kolynos Lymp  Oooh thank you for the information sound's amazing hehe :) 
+Jasmine grace Maney Yes the quality of life is high and the climate very human friendly. Take a look at islands like Santorini or Rhodes. Greece has many islands, beaches and forests. It also has ancient sites like the Acropolis, Knossos and Olympia all which hold stories about Ancient Greece. Mount Olympus is in Greece after all the 12 Gods are Greek. People are very friendly too. Over 20 million people visit the country every year as tourists. Oh and there are many stray cats there especially in villages and small towns.
Greece, could you speak up please? I can barely hear you, da?~ ^J^
;-; oh god Russia, don't kill me
+Salma Arale But he's being mean to me, da?
+Salma Arale :3 yey.
+Ivan Braginski Aaaaw~. Ivan, do not fight with America, ok?
+Alfred F. Jones America Ah, why don't we fix that talking problem of your, da?~ kolkolkolkol~
Go home, Russia
This is creepy. I fell like someone's trying to seduce me through a screen.
Oh he is ;)

ACen 2015 Hetalia Panel Auditions

ATTENTION! Please be aware that I will accept people by commenting on their links and I will send you by email (after you provide me your email privately ) a ...

User Comments

This makes me sad that I didn't find this earlier. I could have auditioned to be your France. Well maybe next year
+XxKeeperofDeathxX Awww! I'm sorry but yes! there is always next year! we still hope to see you all in the audience at the panel this year! I will be making a info video and uploading it today. Hopefully you can come say hi! <3 ~Kim
can you guys give me details on dates sorry to bother
ok i will look into it 
Hi Jordyn! Unfortunately We have closed these auditions and they have been closed for a couple of days now. I'm sorry! If you would still like to be in another panel we do have a Naruto panel and a mixed group panel. We have one space left in each so If you would be interested please let us know as soon as possible! As for dates and times, ACen has not provided any panelist with any information yet. We will be uploading a video on when each will take place after getting the information. We assume they will be any day at anytime between 5-8 pm but that can be changed by ACen! Thanks for your interest we hope to see you at ACen! ~ Kim (Member of C.I.A. Cosplay) 
I was wondering if I could be fem America ? :) 
+PITA Magana HI! This is Kim from C.I.A. Cosplay please look at your messages under community. If you can not find it please do the following:  In your creator studio  click on  "Community Tab",  then you will get alot of options. Click on Messages. My message should be in there if not please reply to this comment and I'll help you out Thanks  Kim Member of C.I.A. Cosplay
2015 Acen Ask a Nation Panel Audition: Austria: //youtu.be/s7DsChxuwGk
Hello Sky! Please look at your private messages. Thanks ^-^ 

Hetalia Day 2010

User Comments

@lilacdancer You were there too?! 0.0 I must not have seen you either. D: Were you in cosplay?
@KristySama lol, makes sense that you didn't see me. Twas Canada. X3
Y-you had a tomato box fairy... I want... a tomato box fairy...
HOLY CRAP! YOU WERE THERE?! D: I didn't see you! ;.;

{UTAU cover} einsamkeit (hetalia) (hakupo tsukishiro)

song: einsamkeit original vocals: Germany (Hiroki Yasumoto) ust from: chibichan11 remake ust: me utau: hakupo tsukishiro mixing: me video: me germany (from ...

User Comments

Sounds so awesome!
Thanks ^^
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