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Tampa weather april 2013 Videos

Tampa Crit 2013: Thomas Brown attacking and then......

Thomas Brown of Smart Stop/Mountain Khakis racing in the NCC Tampa Criterium. Yes it's a long video but there is such amazing content we couldn't cut a lot of ...

User Comments

What speed do the riders in this race average?
In the Pro 3 races, we hit around 35mph on every flat straightaway. Pro 1 races tend to average higher because they corner faster, but the straightaways are probably closer to 35mph. With a good lead out, you can expect low 40 mph sprints.
29ish mph

The Weather Channel - Tornado coverage in Oklahoma and Texas - April 17, 2013 - part 10

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Fukushima: Still Leaking Like A Sieve, April 2013

//www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/ ANOTHER FUKUSHIMA STORAGE TANK LEAKING Another tank storing contaminated water at the troubled Fukushima Daiichi ...

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Those tanks really look earthquake proof don't they? Unreal ;/

Alexa Wosyluk-Teen Miss Bravo Tampa, FL 2013 (14 yr old Lyrical.)

2013-04-19 Upper-Air Launch

A short video showing an Upper-Air Launch on April 19, 2013. --------------------------------- National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office Rapid City, SD.

A ring around the sun in kingston april 6, 2013

User Comments

I call this a chemhalo.This is happening all over the world.Geoengineering(chemtrails) is the program spraying toxic chemicals into the atmosphere,under the guise of helping with global warming.Unfortunately people,what goes up,must come down. It is easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled. This is NOT god showing you a sign. This chemical sky has been created by evil people, meaning to cause all living things on this planet HARM.What in the world are they spraying?Youtub
I saw your comment on skywatchers channel. Pic sounds interesting to see. I believe that the halo/rainbow around the sun is being caused by aircraft pumping out toxic chemicles aka chemtrails. If you havent heard about them please look into it. It is a serious issue dealing with weather modification and several other theories for the reason of spraying. I dont know the exact reason but, I am 100% sure that chemtrails are real. I have time lapses showing how they grow and dont dissipate
Dear musgradezdre1 I’m writing from Pioneer Productions, a TV production company based in the UK, where we are currently working on a weather series for a major US broadcaster and international distribution. We would love to feature A ring around the sun in kingston april 6, 2013 in our program. If you are happy to grant us permission to use this content please message back on here or email [email protected] Hopefully hear from you soon Kind Regards Alexa Waugh
Well i asked god for a sign the night before and thats what i woke up to next morning in the sky and i belive in god now more than ever because of this sign. God uses man to do his work so maybe your right but it was still gods work at the end of the day thanks for your info and comment
I see the same crap everyday here in Edmonton everyday same ring around the sun .. I sure its chemtrail related cause u only see it when the trails are all disbursed.. you know what I mean - the milky shitty hazy look u get a few hours right after they spray...;)
it's a Sun Halo..I filmed mine June 7 2013 in Sarasota..give a peek...let me know what you u think...thanks...enjoyed watching...
fellation Web definitionsfellatio: oral stimulation of the penis.wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn
Reguardless what or how you want to explain this its still a sign from god something big soon happen
That's what happens to the sun in a layman's term. Easiest way to break it down.
it looks like something MASSIVE behind the sun did you just take that now ?
i think it has something to do with the aluminum oxide and strontium ....
Yeah but thats why god coming for his people to stop there bull crap
That happens when the molecular meets with the fellation of the Sun.
hmmm no.... its a sign that we have a very sick government ;)
oh ic well gud to hear ... can you tell him to hurry up ;)
Isn't fellation an oral sex act on male genitalia?
Simple terms god showing us a sign

Brian Gibbons traffic report April 5. 2013

Driving Over Sunshine Skyway Bridge

Driving Over Sunshine Skyway Bridge, Florida South to North The Bob Graham Sunshine Skyway Bridge is a bridge spanning Tampa Bay, Florida, with a ...

User Comments

Driving 55MPH in the passing lane... On a two lane bridge... NOT COOL!! Great video, thank you for sharing!
FYI I was going the speed limit.
What part of FLA is this bridge,oh thanks I needed this morning ride with my coffee,it seems I been stuck in the house too long
going slow in left lane -.-
FYI          I was towing a 1952 MG on a trailer.

Climate Extremes/ Early Fall/ No Veggies 8/7/2013 CO USA

User Comments

I live in Walden and our summer was indeed very different from how it used to be. I feel as though we were much warmer this year here though. Either way, it's crazy and it will only get crazier from here. Also saw your videos on UFO's... plenty to see 'round here! Peace.
Walden, hey that is pretty close by... I see limited sky here in the dips of the mountains but you are on an upper plateau, where like in the desert much more is visible... Very happy you found my channel. Stay in touch please  
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