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Cooking rice cereal Videos

How to Make Rice Cereal Treats - Cute Kids Cooking

[요리저장소] 시리얼 떡강정 [cooking korea food] cereal rice cake (gangjeong)

[cooking of korea] Cereal rice cake (gangjeong) 재료 떡볶이떡(밀떡) 또는 조랭이떡, 시리얼, 검은 깨, 식용유, 꿀, 간장, 소금, 물 만들기 1.끓는 물에 소금을...

Warm rice cereal with apples and cranberries made in the Vitaclay multi-cooker

I make this nice breakfast often because it's very easy and effortless. If you don't have the Vitaclay, you can use any slow cooker or let it sit in the fridge overnight ...

First Rice Cereal 2-4-2010 - bleck!

I made some home-made rice cereal (wheat) by putting the grains in our coffee grinder and grinding to a powder-like consistency. I then cooked the cereal as ...

User Comments

All babies do that at first. It's the fact its a new texture. They're used to milk and so anything else like rice cereal and baby food is new and strange. After 3-4 tries he'll love it. :) I'm sure you know this already but still thought I'd add that in there...
He's 2 years old now and boy...watch this kid eat! I still cook fresh for him but he'll try anything new now :)
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