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Usf tampa general neurology Videos

Neurological assessment

How YOU Can Help Bring Awareness For Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures (PNES)

//www.drivenbyme.net I want to encourage everyone to do their part in bringing about more awareness in your community. Print or email this guide (link ...

User Comments

thank you for the book reference, I will wear it well! The UK and Australia are very foward in this research and such, not so much here in North America.
+Michael Woestenburg I would be so grateful if you would share anything that you've found. I am a researcher and have directed almost all my energies to this cause - finding solutions and insights and sharing them. I am working on discovering the physiological cause of PNES, since we are very aware of the emotional/psychological causes. There are 2 parts to recovery; 1 is very much in our own hands, which is the emotional healing and learning and practicing new ways of responding to stressors. We must create new and healthy pathways in our brain's processing. The other is on the medical side. I believe there is a reason some are pre-disposed to PNES and other have more typical anxiety responses. Until this is no longer a mystery I will keep seeking understanding.
have come to learn that "letting go" is key...
yup..in a big way for ourselves to function. thank you for allowing me to find you.
+Michael Woestenburg I agree! and forgiving others and ourselves is imperative to letting go. Then find the patterns that we repeat in our lives, seek out our part in that and commit to doing it differently. Freedom from the past is great, and freedom from the future is able when we change how we do. If we want different results we have got to do things differently. I am so grateful for the humility I have learned, it's helped me to see through different eyes. I am able to engage with people now, and when their human-ness shoes, I don't take it personally. Long time practice - lifetime results!

THE SHTICK S40-11 Seg.3 Major General Jeffrey Rosenfeld on ANZAC Day

Major General Jeffrey Rosenfeld is the Keynote Speaker at the Centenary of ANZAC Commemoration held at the Melbourne Hebrew Congregation, South Yarra ...

Ice Bucket Challenge at Mount Sinai, Part I

Let the games begin! Jillian Beroza, Communications Manager for Mount Sinai's Department of Neurosurgery, kicks-off the Ice Bucket Challenge to help raise ...

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Let the games begin! Jillian Beroza, Communications Manager for Mount Sinai's Department of Neurosurgery, kicks-off the #IceBucketChallenge to help raise #ALS funds and awareness. Her challenge: Mount Sinai's Department of #Neurology , "because who better than the very people who are treating and studying ALS?" Stay tuned to see if they meet the challenge! Visit Mount Sinai Beth Israel's ALS Clinic for patients at //bit.ly/1l0QBG1, and learn more about ALS at //bit.ly/1rqbLAg

Alyssa Lanham does General assessment (Part 1 of 2)

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