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Orlando bloom surfing Videos

Legolas Shield Surfing/Sliding

Another insane elf stunt... at least this one is physically possible. Oh and also: the badass level in this is over 9000.

User Comments

I fail to see how anyone would hate LoTR, honestly.
Yeah.Be warned though, they removed from around Chapter 3 to what seems like Chapter 7 I think.That's saying much.
ill read it on of these days i dont usually read books but this i think i'll like
+WarTech Gaming It does.The books are great, even though I haven't finished FoTR yet.
+Dark Sev. - Darcosuchus i was thinking to buy a lotr book since there's so many more details in book rather than in films,but you gotta admitt lotr has a great replay value
+WarTech Gaming The Hobbit wasn't nearly as good as LoTR, honestly. You should read the books if you haven't..It's been almost a year and I haven't finished the first yet.I also haven't watched the movies in many months.
yea i know i just dont get people who dont like it i watch it at least once a month,hobbit movies are not bad too,i was so sad when hobbit ended no more middle earth movies because of the stupid rights
It's literally the best movie ever.I know they're three movies, but they're all so good, and honestly everything about them is perfect.
didnt watch it yet doubt she ever will
yea i told her lol but nope she's not interested go figure dude when i said it lasts 3 hours shes like ugh ill fell asleep lol
+WarTech Gaming Missin' out much.
+Dark Sev. - Darcosuchus my cousin doesnt like it never watched lotr or hobbit i said her to watch it,but nope just doesnt seem interested go figure
+Dark ‘Death’ Severus I don't think so.This video is the proof.
Are still great, nevertheless.
+Dark ‘Death’ Severus Although I have never read the books, I think they are pretty good.The movies, however...

Orlando Trade Show Model Maggie @ the 2014 Orlando Surf Expo - CEA Staffing

Meet Maggie! An Orlando based trade show model who just completed the Orlando Surf Expo for us this past weekend. Our client called in a last minute trade ...

How The Walking Dead Spinoff Can Feel Different - Channel Surfing Podcast

Eric Goldman and Roth Cornet on what the Walking Dead spinoff needs to do to stand apart from the original series.

User Comments

Should make the spin off about lee and clem. People forget that there was like a 3 month time skip from episode 1 to episode 2 in season 1. They could do alot of things with that time
They shouldn't bring Clem into the tv show
They shouldn't bring Clem into the tv showb
TellTale is about choices. That time period could be put to better use as a DLC rather than a spin-off show spanning three months
These people really don't know what they are talking about. I mean a show where there are survivors safely hauled up in a military bunker trying to figure our curing for a seemingly incurable plague. Come where is the thrills. Where is the excitement. I wouldnt even raise me remote to watch such a thing. Keep to your podcasts. Im glad none of yous two are writers. Leave it for the professionals.
+endorbr  and +Its_only_martin  you guys are on the spot and thats why I got sick and tired of these IGN people doing episode reviews because they were exactly those type of people who wanted to focus on zombies that excellent story telling plots.Like when they supported the show for killing off Andrea and I quote "Andrea's just a boring character" (along those lines). That really pissed me off for being a person who has read the comics dozens of times over, I can guarantee that they wouldn't be saying that if hey had simply put time into reading the comics. Andrea kicks serious ass. 
Considering that the creator himself has said that "the walking dead" refers to the survivors and not the zombies you'd think that people would realize that its the character interactions and the drama that is supposed to make the show interesting.
+FrazzyNZExactly. I know so many people that complain about there being less focus on the zombies and its so frustrating. It is more of a character study about how different characters react in a hopeless situation and how far they are willing to blur morality.
I've never agreed with what these people from ign who do the reviews for the episodes say. They have no clue for character development and plot summaries at all. Which TWD series and especially the comics IMO are really great at telling. Walking dead wasn't purely about the zombies. It was based more on character interactions and development in such an environment. Thank god these two have no real influence in the programs.
Yep.  Sounds fine for a 2 hour movie but that's just not going to work for a multi-season TV series.  Where's the tension?  Where's the drama?  If the characters are still regularly enjoying hot showers and relative safety then that's just boring.
I was thinking the same thing when she mentioned that idea, it would seriously be terrible. TWD universe has alot of potential to tell different and varying stories around the world, or at least USA, about a zombie apocalypse, they don't need to put some shitty twist where they try make a cure from season to season in it. I'm a massive TWD fan and I would not watch that
Really enjoyed the last season. One of the best shows on tv imo, some digital effects let it down though but narrative structure is something different and not conforming to a standard helps I think with its brand.
The make up on alot of the walkers is fantastic as well

Taylor Swift 2010 Teen Choice Awards Acceptence Speech (Surfing Clip HD)

User Comments

she is so cute
lol she's so cute!
she's cute!!!

Łoś-surfing! Nowa zabawa Kanadyjczyków

Na tym nagraniu widzimy grupę mężczyzn, którzy gonią łosia przepływającego jezioro i nagle jeden z nich wskakuje zwierzęciu na grzbiet. Łoś-surfing jest ...

User Comments

sam bym se tak zrobił xd
+Demonka choroba psychiczna czy niedojebanie mózgowe ?
+Demonkaa ja ci rozpruje zwieracz
+Niewidzialna ręka rynku hahaha. znajde cie, podpale twój dom i naślę na ciebie łosie .-.
Jakie tam kary pieniężne... osiodłać debila i niech tym razem łoś przejedzie się na człowieku.
+patryqR9A4P a co on kurwa złego zrobił ?
przed 301 nareszczie
+kacper1237321 Xd wiemm 
+skryta kiełbasa WOW Wygrałeś życie XD
Pierszy :D
Bo jesteś zjebany
aha to fajnie 
+FIlip Wątroba A tak jakoś po tym zjebanym komentarzu który piszą tylko geje. 
Skąd wiecie że to lubie ? ;D
+FIlip Wątroba Do pały :D

Justin Bieber and Orlando Bloom Fight ***Close up*** Video

User Comments

Justin is a punk bitch
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