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Orlando bloom meet and greet Videos


Almost 12 years of my life I have loved this man. My dream came true yesterday. Best. Day. Ever.

User Comments

Oh wow, you are so incredibly lucky! This is like my dream now! lol
I love you orlandooooo

Orlando Bloom greets fans at The Hobbit The Desolation Of Smaug Premiere in Hollywood

Orlando Bloom greets fans at The Hobbit The Desolation Of Smaug Premiere!

In Celebration - Starring Orlando Bloom

Meet the cast and creative team behind the new production of In Celebration starring Orlando Bloom.

User Comments

Saw this play a few days ago. It was fantastic all the actors R brilliant obviously Orly appears as gorgeous as ever and its gr8 2 C him in a play instead of the big screen. He puts on a fine performance and you get 2 C him 4 the talented actor he really is. Although, it is quite overwhelming 2 C him in front of U. Got 2 C him outside the theatre he signed my program and got a photo. If you get the chance go and C it. It was the best night of my life. Thanx Orly U R beautiful in so many ways.x
Sounds like it's going to be a great play. I'm curious to see how Orlando Bloom will do in his role as Steven - it sounds like it will be a wonderful role for him. I live in the US, so I won't be able to see this play...but I'll be rooting for the success of Orlando, and the entire cast and crew of this production, from home. I'm sure the show will be a hit.
I saw this play in London a few days ago - IT IS AMAZING! It is such a fantastic play and Orlando is so hot and so AWESOME! If you go to the evening performance, stay behind for about 1/2 an hr or so afterwards outside the theatre and YOU GET TO SEE HIM!!! It is a great story with some superb acting and was undoubtedly the best night of my entire life.
hey i went to see the play last night. it was brilliant, confusing at times but really enjoyed it. straight after the play is finished go out of the theatre to the actors exit which is on the right. u'll have a gd chance of getting an autograph when orlando comes out to his car. get there early though cos it gets busy! hope u enjoy it.
i think this is going to be a great play regardless if orlando is in it or not. oh and the mustache is cool!! MANLY MEN RULE!!! *cries* why must i live in the US?!?!?! i really want to see this play. BREAK A LEG!!!! To the cast and crew from the Laporte little theatre in Indiana.
I wish i could come and see it! nothing would please me more. for the English ppl out there: do they get to release what's called a tv version of a play?(once they're done performing it of course) perhaps then i'd have a bit of a chance to watch it.
Great to see that the show has received such wonderful reviews. I wonder if there is any chance in the run being extended. Perhaps same play but different actors? I'd love to see this here in the US.
I will see it on August 11 and I'm sooooo excited! Could anyone tell me something about it - esp. whether there's a chance to get a pic or autograph after that! Send me a message to youtube.
Orlando's a hot guy. he is, really. but facial hair DONT go well on him! especially not this little annoying pencil mustach! but when he'll shave he'll be hot again * sigh * lol
=[. I wish i could see it. If i could i'd be there in a heart beat rooting on Orlando. But i cant. Sorry =[. Im really glad Orlando gets to act in this pay =]. He deserves it.
Thanks so much for your answer! I'll sit in the Royal Circle but will do my best to go to the actors exit (thanks for describing where it's located!!!) in time!!!!!!!!!!
i went to see it last night and i met him afterwards because he knows my aunt and cousin. he held my hand and chatted to me for ages! it was the best night of my life!
I have my ticket and it will be my first trip to London. Orlando & London in one shot--I can't wait! I'm seeing the play on my birthday. :0)
Ladyrivendell, I agree 100%. I saw it in August and met Orlando afterwards as well. Fantastic play, fantastic cast, terrific all around.
thanks for putting this up, matey! :D omg i wish the play was with in the usa. i'm not likely 2 go 2 england anytime soon :(
o my god! and brazil?!? in celebration brazil?!? l love... orlando bloom o my god.. perfect.. kiss
I gonna see it on Thursday, 19th July. ^^ Perhaps on Wedneysday, 18 July, too. I'm so glad.
Can't wait to see this! Going on the 17th, only a couple of weeks now!!

Stonehenge and Orlando Bloom

User Comments

Heyya Omg I Was Watching It And I Was Like Mmm.. That Place Looks Familiar And Then It Said "In Celebration".. I Went To See That Play ! He Was Amazing .. I Love Him... :D What Date Was It.. Do You Remember..? I Went On The 31st Of July X
lovely. a few years ago i was literally obsessed with stonehenge, and it's still one of those places i'd so love to visit. Thanks.
This was Aug. 6, 2007.

The Hobbit Premiere, Dean O'Gorman, Orlando Bloom & Benedict Cumberbatch

The World Premiere of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. This is video that I got at the premiere on Dec 2, 2013. First is meeting Dean O'Gorman.

User Comments

So exciting :)
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