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Satanists Use Hobby Lobby Decision Against Pro-Life Propaganda

"The Satanic Temple sees your Hobby Lobby ruling allowing corporations to opt out of providing certain forms of birth control because they contravene religious ...

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why abort when you could just give up the baby for adoption. 
Cause Some people have medical illnesses that make it very dangerous to give birth and come out alive with the fetus or the fetus as developed a medical condition that would render it not viable outside the womb or cause the fetus to suffer, another factor is that Pregnancy is rather painful and uncomfortable and some people cannot afford to spend 9 months where they could possibly loose their job and then give painful birth that could last from 5 to 32 hours just to give the baby away. Its a very hard decision and it shouldn't be up for discussion what so ever. 
I really never understood what satanist's believe, if they worship satan, aren't they pro all evil things? So are they all murderous pedo's and thieves ? I dont know how anyone could be in favour of evil. 
There are many types of Satanism, but the most common type - LaVeyan Satanists - believe in Satan as a metaphor, a symbol of enlightenment, wisdom, pride, liberty, and carnality. Their morality revolves around treating others the way they treat you. For example, if somebody punches you in the face it would be fine to punch them back. There are also rules against stealing, raping, and harming children.
Religion poisons everything accept my onion dick *shrek* 2014
Shrek Is love Shrek Is life, Worship the layers 
If abortion was mandatory for all niggers, spics, muslims and all those who earn under 100k society would be a lot better off. If you disagree with this you are pro life and not pro choice.
I only disagree with your statement because of the vulgar words that were unnecessary to use 
Satan again shows his power is greater than God's! 
A 1981 Senate committee found "Physicians, biologists, and other scientists agree that conception marks the beginning of the life of a human being - a being that is alive and is a member of the human species. There is overwhelming agreement on this point in countless medical, biological, and scientific writings." Today, widley used texts on the subject affirm fertilization "is the beginning of a new human being." Even infanticide advocate Peter Singer admits "Whether a being is a member of a given species is something that can be determined scientifically, by an examination of the nature of the chromosomes in the cells of living organisms. In this sense there is no doubt that from the first moments of its existence an embryo conceived from human sperm and eggs is a human being." This is the information informed consent provides, yet critics, aka baby killing industry members, lobbyists & supporters, dismiss it as mere "pro-life propaganda."
+2lazybum 4.Kudo, Y. and Boyd, C.A., Human placental indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase: cellular localization and characterization of an enzyme preventing fetal rejection, Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1500(1):119–124, 20006.Kudo, Y. et al., Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase: distribution and function in the developing human placenta, J. Reprod. Immunol., 61(2):87–98, 2004The lead author of the 1998 paper on IDO referred to in the main text, David Munn, has continued his research on IDO’s role elsewhere in the body and found an exactly parallel process to the pregnancy case at work in the body’s tolerance of tumours.1 Just as the embryo produces IDO to protect itself from the mother’s immune system, so rogue tumour cells also use the same trick to stop a person’s immune system from attacking and rejecting the tumour. These insights are helping to find new ways of treating tumours and reducing the rejection rate of surgical transplants. Reference1.Munn, D.H. and Mellor, A.L., IDO and tolerance to tumours, Trends in Molecular Medicine 10(1):15–18, 2004As I was saying, an unhealthy baby will not be able to fight against its mother's killer T cells, and an unhealthy mother miscarries a baby to save her own body. That's completely different to aborting it on purpose. Babies are seperate humans from the moment of conception.
+Spider Pope To deny a woman a pregnancy coz the baby will miscarry is to take away free will. Is that what you want? 
+ChristianMissionFree will has nothing to do with it. You don't require disease in order to have free will. You don't require genetic defects to have free will.You claim your deity created everything. That includes every disease causing bacterium, every genetic disease, every miscarriage, every ectopic pregnancy, every parasite, every virus.And how, precisely, is a being that "has sovereignty" over everything, and can "interact how he likes" but chooses to do so by allowing innocents to suffer, anything but evil?But you go right on blaming the victim, just like every domestic abuse sufferer. I guess it's our fault for provoking him right? He's usually such a nice god, but we know how to push his buttons?
+Ken Oakleaf"The definition that is given at the beggining of this would qualify every single cell in ur body as an individual human being...." No, it's simply fertilization marking the beginning of a human being; that is the union of sperm and egg, that's it. Sperm and egg not united with each other are not human beings.
+Spider Pope"You claim your god controls all, has a plan for all" That's what you claim I claim. The concept of an all powerful God simply means He has sovereignty over His creation and that He may interact with all aspects of life. However, people retain individual free will, freedom in action and choice. People have chosen to rebel against God and were justly punished, cast out of the Garden of Eden to build our own world. Thus we no longer live in a perfect world but rather 1 where bad things will happen."every single bad thing that ever happens to anyone is laid at his door..." If that was the case, then we wouldn't have free will. However, it's the materialists not Christians who deny free will. Atheists are always referring to God as a "sky daddy" and it's clear why. They want their hand held through life, to have someone take responsibility for their life, choices, mistakes, etc; because God doesn't do this, then He's evil, He doesn't exist.
Simply stating an event marks the beginning of a life, doesn't inform me what makes a life form morally actionable.I'm very old school in my believe that a being can't morally actionable until it is an independent life form, prior to which is it a limb of the mother. After all every cell of my body is a living organism and also human, that doesn't grant anyone of them particular rights independent. I can understand why one may mark conception as the beginning of a human beings life. After all prior to the fertilization the potential to develop a human being is exactly 0. But that doesn't really tell me if that is a human being. Having bred and cheese is the beginning of a sandwich but that doesn't make it a sandwich, so to speak.
+gindaburraNot every woman who has a miscarriage is an alcoholic junkie who doesn't take care of herself.
I will cum over your face and you must respect my sperm in your face because it has chromosomes.  By your logic, my sperm all over your face is a human being.  Enjoy my sperm in your face.
+ChristianMissionThanks for showing again you're utter lack of Any vestige of intelligence CM.That wasn't a derogatory "So what" that you think. It was a preface for the Question to YOU, you F#ng moron, like saying "and now", or "but then"Try harder to bed=fore you jump into righteous indignation.But it says tonnes that you don't deny. Who inn  their right mind would be against simple birth control but a douchebag Troll?
A life can b claimed to have begun when when that life is self-supporting. If it cannot b removed from a woman and survive (even with the help of medical equipment) than it cannot b claimed to b anything other than a growth within the woman.The definition that is given at the beggining of this would qualify every single cell in ur body as an individual human being. That would mean that a biopsy is, as u say, infanticide.
+gindaburraYou are woefully ignorant of all the things that can go wrong in a pregnancy, along with the myriad differences in pregnancies.And no, i don't blame god, because he doesn't exist. Christianmission however believes he does, and so must lay the blame at his deities feet, by virtue of his belief that his god is all powerful and all knowing.An individual humans actions are moot when such a being exists. Because that being will have known the mother wouldn't be able to carry the baby to term. What kind of cruel being would deliberately inflict that on someone? Yahweh apparently.
+gindaburra You believe that crap about the mother? Not every human is the same. Women can be pregnant continue to get their period and notice little to no change in their bodies. You seriously made that up or bought a  bunch of bs.
+ChristianMissionYou claim your god controls all, has a plan for all. Therefore it is not a natural event, it is a plan dictated by your deity. So it is a purposeful ending of life.Sorry champ but you don't get to claim your deity is all powerful and all knowing, and then blame bad things on nature. You want an omniscient and omnipotent deity, fine, but that means every single bad thing that ever happens to anyone is laid at his door, because he had the power and knowledge to prevent it but chose not to.
There's overwhelming scientific agreement on this?Great so why don't you cite the scientific papers and organizations rather than a dumb decision by unqualified Senators from 1981?Because you're talking out of your arse like usual that's why.
List of TYT Trolls: *2bRealist *99X *aSingleDallasGuy *Adam Chester *Alex Gorshelev *Amber Russell *Anal Love *Andrew Newcomb Vlogs *anjoskold *Anonwatcher79 * Arkantos117 *Aryan King *atheist zealot *BackwoodsHunter.243 *Batman *Bethany Noel *BirchBarlow *blumpkin757 *Borne Atheiste *Cenky Wenky *ChristianMission *carrotzombie *cjbos81 *ClaimAmerica4Christ *Coffeeisnecessarynow *COINTELPROCIA AGENTSIXSIXSIX *ColtJustice *Danny Hurren *DarthVader. *degenret01 *DerrenBrown100 *Dinosaur Junior. *ecwaufisxtreme *Emmanuel Goldstein *evilmonsterism *FactChecking101 *GuardianAsim *ghostoferkrussell *God-fearing conservative *Hermione Granger *ICEN *incorrigible cynicism *IslamicMission *James Hoover *JimboVids2 *Joe Haas *John Laurinaitis *jonrotten31 *Jose Martinez *Justus McNeal *Kaptain Kek *larryboy2222 *leipero *Liberty Doctrine *Listenbuddy1 *lolpauve *Lonnie Dobbins III *Melissa Vasquez *Michel Platini *Michael Vander Wal *MINTBERRYCRRUNCH *MLGTroy1 *Mr. Neil *MrZekerdude *Myamar Salooki *MyEBT&me *MykTheOccultist *ne1cup *NoLimit Youth *no one *Nora Linhart *Phill McKraken *Plato86 *Proudd Liberall *Psyduck10010c *PurpleHat1991 *Pythagoras211 *raidpirate15 *Randy Savage *Richard Schrader *robhalfordtate *romanmir01 *Rowan Taylor *rsrp18 *SamStam12 *Scot Watson *Shakor77 *Shigdig *SHUTTERSHOT45 *skunkdaddypewpew *SoCalAries *Sub LBC *The2005rwb *Thebebop2008 *The Earth Circus *The Young Turds *TheFeralCatz *TheGodYouWishYouKnew *TheHypnotstCollector *Thursday121am *totallyunmotivated *TweekDash *vh9network *videogameplyr1234 *WoahPulse *You'reNotATerroristAreYou? *zh11147The users listed state arguments that are easily debunked or refuted as a means to both start a conversation by luring you to comment, and to stay on the top of the comment section (thumbs down button is fake otherwise they would have negative numbers). These commentators have trolled on several videos and the majority of respondents agreed that they are likely trolls.
+Imagin Illyar"A life begins with consciousness and self awareness." According to whom? Widely used texts on the subject say fertilization marks the beginning of life.However, even if we accept that "consciousness and self awareness" marks the beginning of human life,  the issue would then become when does these things arise. There's evidence that fetuses have awareness, memory and can sense pain. Martin Ward Platt of the Newcastle Neonatal Service, an abortion supporter, for example, has found that there's "strong evidence" fetuses possess awareness. He reports that "There is an extensive literature, in humans, on fetal sleep and wakefulness, fetal motility, fetal memory, fetal hearing, fetal breathing and its control and fetal behaviour – and these are just examples that scratch the surface. None of this work is easily reconciled with the notion of a permanently unconscious human fetus." Further, "Over the last 20 or more years, researchers have accumulated good observational, experimental and pathophysiological reasons to consider that babies at these gestations do feel pain."
+KesselRunner606yes, "so what"....that's what libs and the pro baby killing cult think of the children they murder.
+Spider Pope a miscarriage is a natural event; an abortion is the purposeful taking of a life.
Hilarious!  The senate is about the last authority I would recognize in any debate, medical, moral or otherwise and "widley (sic) used texts"?  You must be joking.  A life begins with consciousness and self awareness.  You can't be considered a person with rights until you are at least not still inside another person.
+ChristianMission Can we talk about the baby killing industry?You obviously mean the US government's War On Terror, right? And Israel's genocide of Palestine?Or are you only concerned with human beings who are in the womb? Where is the line between an embryo being sacred and a child being a casualty of war?Where's the morality in believing each each life is sacred but then allowing starvation, hunger, sickness and homelessness?
balls in yo mouth
+Spider Pope Shut up fool. Alcohol and drugs can cause a miscarriage, so can an unhealthy body. Since the mother detects the baby exactly on day 7, the baby secretes immunological suppressors to trick the mother into thinking it's not foreign tissue. If this doesn't happen because of defective DNA, the mother's body will attack it and cause a miscarriage. You can't not believe God exists and blame Him for your body's failures or your mother's lifestyle at the same time. Genetic entropy exists.
+Spider Pope Shut up fool. Alcohol and drugs can cause a miscarriage, so can an unhealthy body. Since the mother detects the baby exactly on day 7, the baby secretes immunological suppressors to trick the mother into thinking it's not foreign tissue. If this doesn't happen because of defective DNA, the mother's body will attack it and cause a miscarriage. You can't not believe God exists and blame Him for your body's failures or your mother's lifestyle at the same time. Genetic entropy exists.
So what? Now you're So far into the lunatic fringe you're against simple birth control and contraception??I think Stig of the Dump is more culturaly advanced than you CM
Then your god is the biggest baby killer of them all, given how many pregnancies end in miscarriage, not to mention ectopic pregnancies.There needs to be informed consent at every Christian church. Potential worshipers should be informed just what kind of a deity they are being signed up to praise.
+0xoButterflyox0 yeah he does! he spends most of his weekends at the park with the local children ...... alone.... behind a bush..... with a camera ..... well I hear he's very active at his local church, why every time you see him he's talking with one of the children offering them candy or asking if the wanna go to the back room to stroke his pet rabbit, how thoughtful
+ChristianMission Pregnancy is defined as conception and proper implantation.  Implantation in the wrong place is an ectopic pregnancy and has to be aborted.  Or, would you say that it should continue until both die?
Wow you have no life...

Craft & Hobby Association CHA Orlando "Innovations" New Product Case

Recorded on July 29, 2009 at CHA in Orlando, FL. See new products for the craft industry brought to you by Soft Flex Company.

Maria's Talk show,

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Maria's talk show, this video is made a year ago. Now she's 12 years old and she is taller than here mum.

Andreas "The Norwegian Viking" Hobby Vlog #4

In this installment I finish my Battle Companies starter group.

User Comments

Where did you find your Ganfalf ?
+K griny bought him when he was still available ages ago

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The Clarkson Trio - Barry, Audrey and Simon perform an old 1924 novelty fox trot song at Tania's fun Soiree. Fremantle Western Australia (private function) ...

Memories from Middle-Earth #HobbitFanContest

a love story(a nelena story) S2 ep.5

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Omgggg, Nick Still Likes Selena Huh ? D; I'm Happy For Selena & Singing But She Belongs With Nick Not David[Archie] Even Tho' I Love Archie Also .(x
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