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Vmac plano tx Videos

Vision Martial Arts Center Plano Texas 2012 - NEW!

Over 200 years of combined martial arts experience and expertise. Focus, discipline, respect, self-confidence, self-defense, and fitness is what Vision Martial ...

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Self Defense Against Lapel Grab

Let Diane Reeve, 7th-degree Black Belt and owner of Vision Martial Arts Center in Plano, TX, teach you how to escape a single-hand lapel grab in the first video ...

User Comments

This defence takes no account of the most likely reason they've grabbed you - namely to punch you with the other hand.

Self Defense Against Lapel Grab - Part 2, Control with Takedown

Diane Reeve, 7th Degree Black Belt and owner of Vision Martial Arts Center in Plano, TX, demonstrates a second control technique against a lapel grab - 3rd ...

User Comments

Ha ha, you gotta love them Texans. If I don't tease 'em then I don't love 'em. Still...that's a great example of an old school Jujutsu technique. Great explanation. Your students picked the basics up pretty quick...despite the Ninja grammar police, lol.
Now, now :) It might sound like Koti Gesh in our Texas accents, but in video 1 of the series, there is an onscreen spelling for Kote Gaeshi for those that want to get more information.
I like them Koti Gesh's. They are so much better than a Kote Gaeshi. :P

Self Defense Against Lapel Grab - Part 3, Destroy

User Comments

As a licensed Massage Therapist, I know a lot about how the body works. I am sorry but the brain bouncing against the skull from the head snapping back does not in any way guarentee a knockout. If that were the case, then every whiplash victim from car accidents would have a black out. There are many factors that go into if the person is knocked out, and the brain bouncing is not enough. The human head has buffers and cussioning to protect the brain from this very thing. In most situations that the person is knocked out, it is due to an overload to the Central Nervous System and the body blacks out in an attempt to reboot and prevent the body from doing further harm to its self. Example. I have recieved a few strong kicks to the chin that have dropped me to my knees. I even have a scar from one. However, I was not knocked out and got up right away. Respectfully, Master Brian Feller
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