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Plano tx drug problem Videos

Collision Course: Teen Addiction Epidemic / www.PathwayToPrevention.org

//www.pathwaytoprevention.org/ Teen drug addiction has a devastating effect on our youth, their families and our community. Teens drop out of school, the ...

User Comments

how do you explain that I only hear about drug addicts that have gotten a habit since a bad accident only in the USA? WTF are doctors thinking over there? In our country, people aren't leaving hospital until they are better, and as soon as they're out, there is no more prescription, and they can't get SHIT out of pharmacies. I really don't get the USA. If you try to cure, it makes it worse.
How sad
they want us to be addicted to something in u.s
if you're here to talk about how much better weed is, here's a pro tip. don't. nobody came to the video to hear you babble about your obnoxious bullshit banter. they came to watch heroin users talk about heroin. nobody gives a fuck.
+TheGodParticle HaHaHa.SoFunny.WeAllHaventHeardThatOneBeForrrrrre.
You need to calm down pal, try some weed.
+DYNAMiC027 I've only ever smoked weed so idk what poor choices your talking about? I haven't blamed anything on weed and I agree with your statement that it's on you with the choices you make but I've never personally heard or met anyone who jumps to doing hard drugs with out experimenting with weed? 
You guys claim it's not the plant's fault when in reality THC causes general lethargy. No one forced him to smoke it but don't act like it doesn't make you lazy.
+Renwoxing13 You made the choice to do whatever you were gonna do. Point is: you made that choice, not a plant. It's called taking ownership of your actions.
+Big meech What you're "willing to do" is totally on you. Don't sit there and try to blame your poor choices on a plant that grows outta the ground, guys. That's no excuse. 'Gateway drug' is just that. An excuse.
+Renwoxing13 completely agree with you "If you are not willing to try Marijuana, you will most likely be unwilling to try any other drugs" nobody starts off fucking with the hard shit
+Renwoxing13 i think really its just a choice inside
+DYNAMiC027 Actually let me put it this way, and simplify it : If you are not willing to try Marijuana, you will most likely be unwilling to try  any other drugs. Furthermore, Marijuana can be considered training wheels for little kids [this coming from a confirmed complete x-stoner] When I argue with people like you I always assume your most likely under the age  30, and quite possibly under the age of 21!
+DYNAMiC027 I can confirm that I not only have been offered hard drugs but I still do them as well. All from the same guy who sells me weed. Weed made me curious to test the limits of how much I can do to my brain. Now I'm admittedly a burnt out piece of shit. I believe everything he's said. I also believe that everyone has different motives and the rule doesn't apply to everyone.
+DYNAMiC027 Your a fucking idiot, can you not infer from my sentence, that I am telling your dumbass that I know Marijuana is a gateway drug FROM EXPERIENCE? That weed is frying you brain bro l2 think. P.S I smoked weed everyday from like a 14 year old teenager til' I was about 25 smoking anywhere from 10-14 joints a day. I was willing to smoke weed, from there I was willing to smoke oil,[rubbing it onto smokes at school even] hash, to mushrooms, to acid [which btw I support much more then Marijuana, psychedelics are way better] from there I would rather not mention it, but I was never willing to smoke crack/heroin/meth. .. . . . . ..so yea doesn't mean weed isn't A GATEWAY DRUG YOU TWAT!
+Nope. "I used to smoke weed; being willing to smoke weed means being willing to try other substances... ..stupid fuckers"You agreed with that retarded statement, and now you're saying you smoke weed everyday?? Um, ok. i do to, and i can promise you that i have never had the urge to, nor have i ever been offered the opportunity to try hard drugs. Kids today buy in to that theory because that's how brainwashed and weak minded society has become. Lemmings over a cliff..
+DYNAMiC027 If that made you made then try this on for size. I smoke weed myself. Just about every day of the year. I vote no on legalization because I think people who want to babble on about weed in public like yourself don't yet deserve the right to smoke it legally because you act like this.Does that make you even madder?
+Nope. Wow. You're going to sit there and agree with the moron saying that smoking weed means that you're willing to try other substances?? That shows how weak minded you are. Propaganda?? The very term "marijuana" is purely propaganda! 'Reefer Madness' was not intended to keep kids off drugs. It was a propaganda film to demonize the hemp industry. Don't make excuses for being weak. Just stop being weak!
+DYNAMiC027 Please, no one wants to hear the legalization propaganda. Keep it down to about a 2.
+Renwoxing13 that's total bullshit. Fuck all you dumb ass pieces of shit screaming gateway drug. Brainwashed scum!
+Renwoxing13​ Man, I couldn't have said it better.Bravo, although, the entourage should be seeing our comments here shortly so they can spout a bunch of unbacked information that isn't even remotely true.
+Nope. preach on brotha [lol] The worst is these fuckers nonsensical arguments about how weed IS NOT a gateway drug LOL. I don't think they understand the underlying nuances, and meaning of the term at all fucking lmao!I used to smoke weed, being willing to smoke weed means being willing to try other substances... .. . stupid fuckers!

Inpatient Alcohol Drug Rehab St. Paul MN Residential Addiction Treatment

Bridge Of Sighs-Robin Trower- Rush Soundtrack

Rush is based on the infamous Tyler, Texas drug scandal of the late 1970's, when two police undercover officers (Wozencraft and her partner, later her husband) ...

User Comments

Sorry am I missing something, what did they do? BOS - The greatest song in the history of rock :-)
Actually Eric Clapton wrote maybe 10 of 19 of the songs used in the soundtrack, look it up.
thanks for the background, I did not know the full extent of the real story
actually eric clapton wrote and recorded the whole sound track for rush
Well actualy in the book , it was beaumont texas.
Actually, actually actually... actually!
You came real close this time Poncho.
Powerful Song

Press Play Plano: Episode 17 - Addiction

We can be addicted to anything- TV, drugs, procrastination. The main three that are discussed are materialism, pornography, and of course- drugs. Feel free to ...

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Good Job all year long :) I'll miss you in college :(

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