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Yokkao thai flag gloves Videos

Fairtex none breathable gloves - review

Master Wong reviews and discusses the benefits of equipment from the various brands suitable for martial arts training including : Fairtex, MTG pro, FBT, Top ...

User Comments

What is the best boxing glove for small hand? 
+Zedric Abetto you may feel more comfortable with a small size like 8 or 10 onz gloves.
wait... so is this the non breathable one?
No no no... I'm pretty sure he said they're breathable. Or, wait...

Winning gloves vs Cleto Reyes

A quick comparison between these cleto reyes and winning training gloves.NEVER spar with anything less than 16 oz gloves.

User Comments

You don't spar with anything lower than 16oz? So why would you buy two expensive 12oz pairs of gloves. If you use those on a heavy bag that's pretty stupid. Heavier gloves give more protection and if you train with bigger gloves your punches will be quicker when fighting with smaller gloves.
+Artic Spartan the main reason why people say spar with 16's is that some people will train and spar with the same gloves thus the padding wears way quicker so a pair of 12's for training or some 16's or 14 oz mexicans (as 14 ox mexicans are actually 16) for sparring is ideal
I spar with 12 and 10 oz
I think it's ok to spar in 14. He probably uses them for mitts.
Would you recommend 16 oz gloves for a lot of heavy bag use ? I'm gonna buy some but I wanna get the right oz before I throw 350 for gloves
+Leocernask8 dont allways spar with 160z gloves mate,use 12 sometimes as u dont want to get in the ring and get a shock when u get a crack with a 10 oz.
+Leocernask8You're just starting right? I heard the Winning gloves are better to learn while sparring and Cleto Reyes is more of a puncher's glove which means your punches will feel harder but it will be harder on your hands. Winning gloves provide good padding and also feel a little lighter. I just bought some on ebay. I'll let cha know how they are when I get em ahah As for the the Rev Gear elite. I heard that MMA Boxing gloves aren't really good. They're hard and they get harder as you use them a lot. When you're training you want the least damage on your hands so your hands are good to go when they really count.
Cleto* or* autocorrector
Do you think should i Get clero reyes safetecs ir revgear elite?
+Leocernask8 You take more damage. The purpose of sparring is to learn so more padding means you can go on longer after every punch you take. Less padding costs you more if you make a mistake.
Whats wrong with sparring with les than 16 oz? Excuse me im new in boxing
+CanuckerMotherTrucker Read the description " NEVER SPAR WITH ANYTHING LESS THAN 16oz GLOVES" Doh!!!
Where is cleto reyes made in? I hope not china!
it will be an epic fall. Gonna get me some pizza and some cold ones. 
+figocooldude ..and it is the 8 oz. weight that will knock Mayweather fast!
+White Guy Pacman is gonna use some Reyes tonight.
haha. I bought myself Everlast gloves for $39.99 and returned them the next day. Those were chinese-made toys.
it's Made in Mexico...in China, you buy 1 and you get 1 Free or buy 6 pairs and you get 13!
A glove of winning is a glove for the amateur fight. The glove is used by sparring mainly now because the glove for the amateur game turned made in Adidas. It is not a glove to hit the sandbag. 
+CanuckerMotherTrucker that's what they call them in Japan. Considering Japan produces far more quality pros and world champions than Canada does, I'm not sure you want to be ROFLing at the previous poster as he's probably a better boxer than you are. ;)
+CanuckerMotherTrucker in japan its called sandbag since old school times.. they know its not sand but its a slang term
+六三四夏木 ROFL. You're handing out tips on boxing yet you think heavy bags are filled with sand.

How to Wrap Hands for Boxing Gloves

How to Wrap Hands for Boxing Gloves. Part of the series: Boxing Tips. Wrapping the fighter's hands for boxing gloves is one of the most important ways to ...

Thai Flag CT

Thai Flag CT.
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