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Plano texas juvenile probation Videos

Mike Mead: Update on the Texas Juvenile Justice Department

Mike Mead, Chief Juvenile Probation Officer of the Fort Bend County Juvenile Probation Department, gives his perspective on juvenile justice at CHILDREN AT ...

The Juvenile Justice System - Part 1

Bexar County Judges Lisa Jarrett, 436th District Court and Laura Parker, 386th District Court, present “The Juvenile Justice System.” In this 6-part series, Judge ...

Reviewing Texas' TYC/TJPC Merger

Since 2005, juvenile crime has plummeted and Texas has roughly one third of the juveniles in lockup as it did then. To take full advantage of the cost savings ...

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Houston Sexual Assault Attorney Files $2 Million Dollar Lawsuit

888-289-9780 //www.texassexualabuselawfirm.com The Stern Law Group, along with The Lapeze Firm, is filing a $2 million dollar lawsuit against two ...

Collin County DWI Attorney Collin County TX DWI Lawyer

//MacMorrisLaw.com If you need a DWI attorney in Collin County, Mac Morris is a trusted criminal attorney handling DWI, DUI and other criminal matters.

Dallas County jail visitation reform

//www.myfoxdfw.com FOX 4 News is a FOX-owned station serving Dallas-Fort Worth and all of North Texas.
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