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Lille france mh17 Videos

Tragédie du vol MH17 Boeing 777 de la Malaysia Airlines : coïncidence avec une vidéo sur des ET

Tragédie du vol MH17 Boeing 777 de la Malaysia Airlines : coïncidence avec une vidéo sur des ET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtFSFS17jn4 Article sur ...

Vol MH17 : d'autres corps rapatriés

AIDS Fonds to pay tribute to MH17 colleagues at pride

Aids Fonds, based in Amsterdam and renowned worldwide for their work in the fight against HIV-AIDS, will pay tribute to their colleagues involved in the MH17 ...

Six nouveaux crop circles déchiffrés du groupe ET opposé à l'envahisseur ET pro- Jésus

Six nouveaux crop circles déchiffrés du groupe ET opposé à l'envahisseur ET pro- Jésus. Par Jean-Charles Bourquin, Kalki. Blog: //olcpie.centerblog.net/ ...

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Vidéo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cPhqAQ-AWM Six nouveaux crop circles déchiffrés du groupe ET opposé à l'envahisseur ET pro- Jésus

Sõda East Ukraina suurepärased pildid, Donetsk, Lugansk, MH17

Sõda East Ukraina suurepärased pildid, Donetsk, Lugansk, MH17 sõda Ida Ukrainas, sõda, sõda pilte, East Ukraina, Ukraina, Donetsk, Lugansk, MH17, ...

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Eesti elanikud, vaadata seda videot. Ja mõelda, mida USA viib meid
Elagu venelane sõdur.

ORIGINAL Last Video Footage Taken On Flight MH17 Before Shot Down

Open Source Journalism

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: //www.corbettreport.com/?p=8298 James Corbett presents "From Gutenberg to YouTube: the open sourcing of journalism.

User Comments

Great stuff James. Have you considered putting a specific creative commons license on your site?
In your talk you say 'non-commercial' but the license you mention is not a non-commerical license, it is just attribution.  Plus youtube is straight attribution.  It'd be great for people if you allowed commercial
As of right now it says All Rights Reserved, but technically because you have your video licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license here on youtube, it might make sense to reflect that on your site! 
Did the French students understand James? He talks fast and efficiently. The establishment doesn't want to share its power. The defense conglomerate and bankers purchased the press in the US and France alike. They control the info. Never will they let go of this power. The current attempt in the US with Feinstein consists in shutting up alternative media. They will probably fail, but then always retry something new. Their next move should be to purchase their web share and concentrate news in a few hands until no place is left for the alternative media. Sounds impossible? Look at the recent history with the rise of Google. We've never been closer to a complete and absolute monopoly of all information. There will come a time in a near future when the thoughtless crowds of web surfers will feel completely disempowered without their Youtube videos, Google Search results and Google blogs. Meanwhile, the Mountain View Corporation is collecting individualized information on each one of us. That Big Brother's agent will soon become the biggest threat to the freedom of speech and information.
Oh... Now you realize it.
"Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful" Decrypt: "Google’s mission is to monopolize the world’s information and make it universal"
So the difference between right and privilege is the difference between amateur and professional!
Interesting analogy.  But there is no longer "Separation" of right and privilege. Rights have been morphed into privilege.  A classic example of this is "private property".
From one fellow Canadian to James, a huge thank you for your commitment for exposing the lies being spewed by today's mainstream media, which are merely puppets for today's governments, the elites and the Vatican's NWO agenda. Unlike the Alex Jones of this world and their misinformation agenda, you speak it as it is. Keep up the great work. Thank you. God bless. 
+Habsfan0206 . VIVE LES LEAFS TABARNAC !!! OK joke.
Yes, there's a bit of hype with some individuals on YouTube but the bottom line is not them, it's Christ and His law, which governs the universe. 
+Habsfan0206 . Well don't get me wrong I don't have anything personal against Chris at least he is better than a lot of other people out there, and we share alot of views and ideas in common. But just as an example amtv videos are titled 'U.S. Government Shut-down Apocalypse 2013' or 'WARNING! Government Shut-down to Collapse U.S. Dollar'  to me that sounds more like hype.
You may have a point Blvck Widow about Greene trying to sell stuff but where's the hype on his part?  
+Habsfan0206 . AMTV is a joke, nothing but hype and propaganda and then Christopher Green uses that propaganda to sell shit.
+zezba9000 good for you. sounds like you listened to him too much. too much of anything isn't good. pretty much anyone can be "taken to task" on logical fallacies. alex jones is just too big and easy of a target. infowars has been central in blowing wide open certain stories and getting the facts out there, like with the boston bombing. alex and others helped spread the word of what people were finding. i think him and his website are a great nexus point for that kind of thing when things need to be deconstructed and assessed very quickly. he might even get a few things wrong, he's not perfect, but i never expected him to be.  
+Matt Reis I'm not an Alex basher nor am I whining, I just see him having some critical logical issues and don't see anything wrong with pointing them out.  Complaining is not wrong either if I give valid reason to do so, which I have tried to clarify here.  But I think we understand each other for the most part and would probably agree on different topics by the sound of it.All in all I learned a lot from Alex early on.  But I think there is far more things to wake up to and is why I feel I have moved on in a respectful way from listening to Alex like I did in the past.
+zezba9000 great solutions. now get cracking and stop whining about alex as if that SOLVES anything. anyone can bitch and complain. "hey look at me drag this person's name through the mud, aren't I a GENIUS?" I watch maybe one alex jones video a month, if that, and I STILL can't stand alex bashers because they act far FAR too resentful, they act like children, they spend WAY too much time putting together lame "alex jones exposed" videos that only go to show how utterly obsessed and imbalanced they are as individuals. "hey, watch my projection 101 hate fest videos about alex jones. yea it took me days upon days to download all these videos of him to edit and splice together his most colorful moments just to paint this picture of him to show how much i hate him but I guess if I spend this much time listening to him I guess I must also love him, even more than his "hard core" fans who I love to trash but who do not even listen to jones as much as I do... aren't i a pathetic piece of shit?" 
+cronicjointpain Ok I give credit that yes he suggests to spread the word about things that go on.  That is part of the solution.  But it doesn't solve any technical aspects.  You must understand how technology effects social structure.  Also Alex does not understand the concept of Open Source tech.  Very few seem to and its a big problem."file law suits"- That doesn't solve anything as it just tries to cover up the root issues."he encourages people to grow their own food"- This also solve nothing as big industry (not to be confused with big business) solves food scarcity issues.  We are a people of Earth, not just the US and should think in that fashion."protest"- This also rly doesn't matter to much in many cases.  But its good to do if you feel there is a need (so don't get me wrong).  We must negate the system, not tell it to change itself... because that will not happen.If I didn't make it clear my big problem with Alex is how he dramatizes events going on (don't get my wrong I can relate to some emotion iv'e seen him have).  Its just when he sits up there demonizing people from TZM and TVP without having a clue as to how Open Source tech works he is just going to end up going in circles(like anyone that thinks reverting to old tech solves 21 century problems).  There are real technical solutions but I have never seen Alex comprehend what they are.Some of the possible solutions are:1) Open Source software, hardware, medicine chemistry ect, ect...2) Enclosed eco building systems that can literally grow food of any kind anywhere on earth we need.3) Education systems based on scientific research on how people learn.  Also education systems based on teaching kids how to self educate and not how to fit into the business classist system that only perpetuates the root problems further.4) Free energy and education of how the energy systems work in any given location on earth.5) Anything that further negates the need for currency and allows for the human mind to focus on scientific studies or personal projects.  Just we came out of the hunter gather systems we must also come out of the classist monetary systems.
+Habsfan0206 . that doesn't disprove what i said.
+cronicjointpain Please check this vid on Jones: 42 STUPID Alex Jones PREDICTIONS
+zezba9000it amazes me how so many people say Alex doesn't give solutions. he's given tons. one solution is what he's doing (having a radio show) he has told people over and over again to make their own shows, to spread the word about whats going on, to tell family, friends, and random strangers, he's had people on about jury nullification (another solution) to expose and film police brutality(another solution) to file law suits, he encourages people to grow their own food, filter their water, get healthy, get involved in politics, run for office, protest,etc. i could go on and on. how are those not solutions?
+Matt Reis Do you know what "Ad Hominem" means?? Look it up please.  Give one valid solution to problems we face that Alex has ever given?  Don't bash my character as its irrelevant to the topic and for one not true.  I do as much as I can in my limited time to help spread alternative idea about things I know about.
+Habsfan0206 . I'll look them up tnx.
+zezba9000 James Corbett is brilliant. Please consider also AMTV with Christopher Green.  The man is spot on.   
+pedram5 I think Corbert has been able to evolve his thinking over time... where Alex is stuck in the past like a rock his mind doesn't seem to change.  Now I no longer listen to him and have shifted to Corbert, TVP and TZM speakers as they have solutions to the problems rather then just spout fear.
I believe Corbett and Jones admire each other's work, as they should. And here's why: watch?v=naPTd8biGDc   PS. Why did Google mess up the top comments?!

Arsenal Sign France Right Back Mathieu Debuchy

Debuchy joins Gunners after helping France reach quarter-finals of World Cup in Brazil. Full Story: Arsenal have signed France right back Mathieu Debuchy from ...

User Comments

I wish we'd change our way for revealing our players, bit like how Barca and Madrid does it. Just makes them feel a little more welcome rather than a couple snaps and an interview. How boring! 

La Policía antidisturbios gasea a hinchas del Lille y el Everton en Francia

La Policía antidisturbios francesa ha disparado en Lille gas lacrimógeno y balas de goma contra hinchas antes del partido entre el Lille y el Everton MÁS ...

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cuando no los vándalos presentes en los encuentros deportivos
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