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Hollandaise sauce with truffle oil Videos

Pick n Pay: Risotto with goat's cheese, asparagus and truffle oil (16.9.2013)

⭐Basil Cheese n Truffle oil Omelette 罗勒芝士松露油蛋⭐

https://m.facebook.com/meplusfoodequalloveforfamily Me+Food=LoveForFamily.

2-Michelin Star Chef Björn Frantzén creates a hand dived scallop recipe

Two-Michelin star chef Björn Frantzén creates a recipe with Norwegian hand divided scallop, dashi, hollandaise and truffle. The dish uses the freshest of ...

User Comments

So...one scallop is, what, 200 dollars? Ridiculous
No, get in the real world lol
+jaredouimette1 and generally paying a lot for a dish can beworth it. I think 200 is a made up price in this context? But yeah i guess i might pay that.
" to some, you cant put a price on great taste =) "Well, apparently you can put a 200 dollar price on it.
+Aaron B i can honestly say that i would rather have this caliber of food, at the same interval as you put down car payments, and then i would forfeit the car.+ everyoneelse yes you could essentially eat nothing but Rye bread and salads (which i actually think is a noma 200 dollar dish :P ), but like some have passions for gaming, cars, shopping etc. some have a passion for food, making it worth it all. i get what you are saying, and i grant you your points, but the simple answer is simply that to some, you cant put a price on great taste =) 
+LMTR14 How wrong you are
+jaredouimette1 how wrong you are 
+Aaron B not really, the whole menus (without corresponding wine) are mostly around 200+ dollar, not per dish, and take a look at how many chef's such a restaurant has + the price of the produce itself - there you have your price
+jaredouimette1 i feel ya man most the food on this ch is mad expensive if i ever got even 1 dish from this channel id prob have to skip a car payment
Well, it confuses me as to why someone would spend 200 dollars on a mouthful?  I completely understand the cool factor of fancy foods-presentation, etc.  But the price seems overly fantastic.  For example, the black truffle is worth tons of money.  Having never eaten truffle (maybe the chocolate ones), I can't say how good it tastes, but I CAN say it probably isn't 1000 dollar per truffle worth of taste.
+jaredouimette1 That would be the world's most expensive shellfish if it was :-)

Six Seaweed Steamed Tsarskaya Oysters with Salicornia & Black Truffle Sauce Normandy Style

La Vue -- Gastronomic Earth Cuisine French.Emotion.Poetic.Culinary. On 24th Floor, Siam@Siam Design Hotel Bangkok.

MasterChef Judge Joe Bastianich Is Leaving Show and MasterChef Junior Spinoff

Stick a form in him and for goodness sake, hold the truffle oil: Joe Bastianich is done with MasterChef and spinoff MasterChef Junior. The New York restaurateur ...

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Help Fund Season Two of Sauce'd!

With a magical combination of brash and lyrical, this unpolished "downtown chef" dives in and opens up the heart of Italy with the unflinching romanticism of a ...
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