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Faulkner state university employment Videos

I Know

A day in the life of an East Tennessee State Employee; Marty Fitzgerald, Videographer. ETSU Online Programs - //www.etsu.edu/online.

One-on-One: Eddie Faulkner - Fullbacks & Tight Ends Coach and Co-Special Teams Coordinator

GoPack.com sits down with the new NC State Fullbacks & Tight Ends Coach and Co-Special Teams Coordinator, Eddie Faulkner.

Warmongering backfires on US economy: Paul Sheldon Foote

An analyst says "America's terrible policy of endless wars" has backfired on US economy, affecting the banks' ability to generate money and thus resulting in ...

User Comments

Do not be fooled. You might get better news than on US national propaganda outlets but Iran is no friend to humanity! Neither is Russia. They are all devils and please do not be fooled, Iran has an agenda as well just like Russia. Blessings from Switzerland!
BOYCOTT IS THE ONLY SOLUTION. Buy no TV's, playstations, computers, cars, take your money out of banks and put into small local banks, etc. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT THE FOOLS CAN ACTUALLY DO THAT? Of course not! So the fucking story shall continue!
Keep on watching and investigating on the Money Laundering and Illegal War financing of the Too Big To Fail Banks. It will BACKFIRES SOON! You want Peace & Love, stop all wars funding!
with the cuts the bottom line will increase. the management sees the increased bottom line as profit and gives themselves christmas bonuses. it's all bullshit.
Would you like to see a change ???? Lets stop the low wage made goods from China. Force manufacturing at home. Fuck the CEOs and the scum bankers.
That's the plan! Put everybody on their knees, you are all awake and this is unacceptable! Greetings from Switzerland!
you may be right and they know it, hence all the sanctions to slow em down
Great video interview! That would never make it on USA news.
America will destroy itself.
Foote up the ass!!!
thanks jews

State of the University 2011

User Comments

Cattle Handling Training

Michelle Thomas with the University of Arkansas Department of Animal Science conducts a cattle handling training session for University employees.


Sean has a wicked goal with a wrap around. University of Iowa college Ice hockey action on parents weekend in October 2010 aUniversity of Iowa college Ice ...

MS Boys State 2013 - Representative Alan Nunnelee

Representative Linda Tyler | District 45 - Cutting Taxes

Today I've stopped by our beautiful new Harps Grocery Store. Conway families shop here for their groceries and household supplies—things they need ...

User Comments

Don Harp was a wonderful man who recently passed. He started the Harps food chain of local stores for all of us to shop at. We are very lucky to have good clean and safe stores to shop at. Some bigger city neighborhoods have no grocery stores to shop at.
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