Toronto sun astrology Videos

6(six face) Mukhi Rudraksha Toronto by Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Original six mukhi rudraksha with LABORATORY CERTIFICATE 6 MUKHI RUDRAKSHA:- Six Mukhi Rudraksha is ascribed to Lord Kartikeya. Its ruling planet is ...

In the Name of NASA, The Sun & Holy Science - School Science is DOGMA & nothing more than a Religion

Apologize ahead of time for being a little off my normal game for this video. Was kinda upset and it showed. This video simply touches on a few of the areas in ...

User Comments
I agree with everything you say about NASA. Unfortunately the vast majority don't. Governments are the reason the worlds fucked and full of lies.
It is not "Governments" but religions who fucked the world. And i mean, truly FUCKED the world. Religions that deny God, but pretend not to. Religious people who say they love God and their neighbor; but for whom Satan and his agents are the "truly enlightened." Luciferianism, Kabbala, Marxism, Communism, Zionism, Judaism, Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Christian Scientist, Mormonism, Protestantism, Satanism, witchcraft, the NWO and all RELIGIONS are identical in their root hatred towards Jesus Christ and those who are His. Jesus did not bring another RELIGION inti being -- He brought eternal life to all who believe in Him. That is all. Everything else is a lie, a deformed and perverted, twisted lie borne out of Satanic hatred for all those who seek God with sincerity; and all who seek God with sincerity will find Him in Jesus. Flat Earth, Globe Earth, and all of man's ingenious inventions mean nothing, without a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ. It says in the Bible not that God created all things; but that Jesus Christ did. Keep this in mind, when you say "all religions" are rubbish. Indeed, they are!! But believing in the Truth is not a religion.
I do not believe in their bullshit,,, I believe in what I can see my own
+johan hansson Good man
Helium balloons disprove gravity.
Explain please. ..if the earth is flat, why is it night when I call my family in Europe if here in Canada is still lunch time ?
Flat Earthers or "flatties" bekieve that the Sun and Moon rotate in a high concentric circle above the Earth; the Sun chasing the Moon; sometimes, being at mostly the same elevation and inclination from Earth, they closely pass, causing a Solar eclipse (this happened recently). If what they say is true, and the Earth is 25,000 miles across not in circumference, and the Sun and Moon are only about 3000 miles above the Earth and 32 miles across (it does seem very, very odd, that the Moon looks huge when we observe it from Earth; but when you see it from a balloon at 35 miles, it looks tiny!) then logically it is possible that the Sun's light only reaches so it could be dark in New York but daytime in Europe. There are many problems with the Geocentric model and the flatties' model; but there are equally many holes in the Copernician and Newtonian models. Why is it, for example, that the world was able to go about its business for 1500 years under Ptolemy's Geoecentric model? They didn't have anything, not even decent telescopes, in Newton's day, 500 years ago. How could Newton and Copernicious be so certain their Heliocentric model was true? The Newtonian model assumes that the magical force "gravity" handles all problems; but nobody can detect this imaginary force. Let's face it: scientists and NASA have gotten away for many years if not centuries telling mankind to accept at faith value their "scientific facts." While it is without doubt that there is a force that draws objects to the Earth, we can call it gravity, there apparently has never been a definitive model that has proved exactly how this force works. Therefore, "gravity" and belief in God should have at least equal chance of being believed in, to give mankind purpose. Myself, i would rather believe there is a Creator who designed intricately all things, who made me and who truly loves me -- rather than trust the false god of "Science" that, even if true (which in many cases is not truth but a THEORY), will definitively be shown to be an impersonal, unloving, disinterested "principal" of forces (ever heard of the "god of forces? Kabballah?) which has no meaninful relationship with an eternal soul within me, that God created to know Him.
+Jose Moutinho At least look into the idea if you are at all interested. This is well explained.
Call this bs, because it's not, I work in Portsmouth, NH and the last 3 weeks I've been watching completely silent, what appears to be planes in shape but helicopters in physical movement, hover at completely dead stops and then start moving again right over the U.S. Air-base beside my work.... I'm quite sure the government is soon about to make anti-gravity craft public because they're literally driving these things right over us, always at night I notice... but they are there, and in the same area I work, I see planes and helicopters zoom past all the time and these crafts are NOT them, I can assure you.... once again, dead silent craft, all I can do is speculate what kind of technology they're using... food for thought, exposure is coming...
+Aoxomoxo Not really even close, more like this but moving slowly in uniform, literally in and out of the air-base... // I could just be paranoid. I'm also buying to believe we live in a cosmic void and our Earth isn't a near-perfect sphere like they told us but rather an oblate-plane of some level of dimension located in our local cosmic realm we call "reality" ... What's happened is world history I believe is being rediscovered and we're awaking into a mass-consciences; moving forward in time-space itself. We're just now finding out energies are nearly infinite on all levels... in other words, "there is no end" type of acknowledgement on a global scale; and more importantly people are realizing the Pineal Gland exists in each and every one of us. We are, in essence, walking "radios" that even have the ability to transmit information telepathically.At least from personal experience, I can tell you that my girlfriend and I have communicated numbers, colors and single-noun words to one another solely by thought alone... Practice, practice, practice, like anything else in your body, you need to build that muscle and re-connect to your (yes) spiritual side. I was an atheist for nearly a decade, so I know it's difficult for most but don't give up, just learn those energies and you'll start feeling happier. I know I did anyway (and rather quickly).

Michael Tsarion: The Order of the Black Sun

Michael Tsarion presents the occultism behind the secret societies and their Luciferian system which creates the false reality all around us.

User Comments
Chances are that if indeed, the ETs or their descendants, are trying to get off the planet, then most likely they can't return to their own home system. So, they may have to travel around the galaxy looking for other habitable planets that aren't already developed. So scenario 1 isn't too good an idea, just in case they can't find other planet. Not to mention they would have to rebuild that planet just like they have done on earth.

The Astrological Story of Creation - Pi & The English Alphabet / Marty Leeds (

User Comments
you have me curious, you asked for my date of birth ,what's that about ,dont you know one day I'll be the greatest artists of all time I have dedicated myself completely 12 hours 30 years working to develop something I'll show them art like they've have never seen before almost like a revelation remember the movie of Vincent van Gogh his uncle tell him Vincent don't make art your religion, that's exactly what I've done,my studios is my church come and take of my communion that's what I leave man a token of my appreciation for the suffering I have gone through .2016 paul masters
+art art paul mendez 34
Does this work in other languages which use a similar alphabet?
+Ernest Walker Nope doesn't work... Heaven in dutch is Hemel = 19 and Earth is Aarde = 16twenty three / twenty four = drieentwintig / vierentwintig = both 61 ... so yeah as above so below ej
Martyleeds33 wow amazing stuff. You explain the information in such clarity. These are not theories they are answers to life's mysteries. Thank you. More people need to hear your videos. We need to make these viral immediately. Only to spread the word not to make a product. Thank you again.
+Kristie Crowell In concurrence Kristie!
+Kristie Crowell  Check Santos Bonacci.
The most convoluted and incorrect numerology conspiracy theory I've ever seen. Here's why it's bullshit:
+Homero Guerra I agree with the first part of what you wrote. Up until the "spiritualism" part.Then you said something about science depending on unexplained to exist. I agree with that too. And for "theories about creation and the universe" I suspect you mean hypothesis about what happened before the big bang. I don't know if this "can't be proven." So far scientists found ways to test many of their hypothesis, even if it takes decades to do so. E.g. Higgs Boson. Time will tell.The problem is when people assert things as true that are not demonstrated to be true. And they use "mystery" as the justification for believing those things. Please check out the "Argument from Ignorance."
+Atheism TV No one is right and everyone is right. the best proof about perception is the blue and black dress phenomena (ignore my grammar).Proof shows the dress is blue and black but for some people it was undeniably white and gold. all of this has proof, it can be explained scientificaly but it does open the debate to perception and how every mind is unique. even faith has a biological reason, chemicals and shit. you are the expert investigator here. anywho...I used to be like that until i started exploring spiritualism and proved myself otherwise and is unexplainable, yet. it is unexplainable because it is bigger than matter and measurable conditions that we use at the moment. just recently conciousness has started to be of interest and hopefuly one day it all could be explained and then something else will arise. but we can't rely only on the explicable truth because it would mean stagnation. there must be something unexplainable to explain in order for science to exist. god probably the biggest mystery ever because it is everything....and i'm not talking of a religion, i'm talking the mere existance of the infinite and eternal universe.even theories about creation and the universe are only mathematical hypothesis that can't be proven...numbers may match but our insignificant existance is too small to explain infinity.
+martyleeds33 Scission =34 first cut =45 virgin birth =53New Year's Eve =123 and the date of that is 12/31 Go forth=22 (7 letters)and multiply =34
+Dandilion Song Thanks for this teaching!
+martyleeds33 "Pharoah came forth between the thighs of the divine nine"= 227 (COOL =123jg)alsolaying the clock over the circle...shows that NINE=12 plus 6 =18...the Birth or manifestation letter R...the B opening to give birth...THIGHS also equal 37 (37 73 star matrix mirror of creation)this makes me the think the VENUIS sculptures with the big thighs and small head...are really this geometry...
+Carlos Camacho let's suppose that you are correct and that a gawd created the universe and life. just for fun. if you can tell me how it did it I will accept it.
+Atheism TV Ohh...great!In that case, I'm sure you have the evidence for something coming out of nothing, and life coming out of nonlife!Don't you? it seems your mind is locked up very, very far away....
+Atheism TV I know brah it hurts your savage race (you call yourselves white people) was living in caves white black people were figuring out the mystery of who they wererelax white boy that sun is set to SLOW COOK your ass for the next 50 yearsits all bullshit that's why your people are building underground cities at an alarming rate
+Atheism TV Stop the presses ... I had to wait a bit and read this again (and really, this thread is quite entertaining and worth a second read) ... are you actually suggesting that Pi is a number? I know you did not say it outright, so that is why I am asking.
+Atheism TV I like that you are actually trying to help me, and thanks for the suggestions. Still ... the world in my eyes and that of a lot of other people is much different from the one in your eyes. Until you realize that, then you will always encounter 'stupid' conceptions and 'bullshit' ideas. It is nice that we live in the same world, after all, and can challenge each other to think. Cheers!
+Joshua Gray You don't understand what transcendental means. There are 2 different definitions, one in math and one in philosophy. And in math a transcendental number cannot be written in the form of a polynomial. It does not mean that it's outside time, that's stupid. (It's like saying "orange is not a fruit, it's a color".)Numbers are symbols, markings on a piece of paper, shorthand representations of real world phenomenon. For example, if you see something round, you can witness its shape, and you observe the size of it, you can see that the circumference is roughly three times the size of its width. If there were no round things in the physical world, you could not come to that observation so Pi would not exist. Pi did not exist before the big bang.Numbers are adjectives, they are attached to objects. They are properties of physical things. Just like colors. Is "blue" transcendental? I didn't think so. (Note that "blue" didn't exist before the big bang either, simply because photons did not exist then. Same problem.)You're really confused about the very nature of things you think you know. I suspect woo-woo thinking. Read the book "the demon-hunted world."
+Atheism TV Ahh... that is where we differ. I am me and you are you. We all (you, me and everyone else) see what we need to see to understand the world we live in. Do not assume that everyone sees the same way; doing so is the bullshit. And you clearly do not understand Pi.... it is not a matter of 'can understand Pi' ... you either do or you don't ... geez, did you not pay attention to Yoda?? :-) Pi is transcendental and exists outside of Time (in a void, actually) ... which means, if you don't understand it today, then there is a chance you will understand it at some point in the future.... but there are no guarantees. In the world of Pi, people either go bonkers trying or they become enlightened doing. And that is The Point. For what it is worth, personally, I would rather be fishing than talking about this uber basic stuff ... I'm here for the worms to put in the 'can' to go fishing ... check your 'can' again ... it has worms. I suggest you go fish :-)
+Joshua Gray Fact. I can't calculate Pi completely but I can understand Pi. You can't understand Numerology, nor can you understand Zentradi. For the same reason. Both of them are bullshit.Of course you will see patterns in numbers. But that's because of pareidolia. The human brain is wired to make out patterns even if there are not any. (We evolved this; this is very useful when you're a prey and you don't want to be eaten. See the book "The Believing Brain".)
+Atheism TV Life is unimaginably vast in Space and Time. Some things can be explained through science, yes, but most things will never be explained in your lifetime, and after all, that is what matters. Numerology is multi-dimensional mathematics. Science cannot fully measure it anymore than it can calculate Pi. Fact.
+Mystik Nexus I didn't just write 'imaginary'. Read again. I wrote 'imaginary AND non-existant'. Please be more careful when you read.And my question still stands: How do you differentiate between things that are supernatural and undetectable, and things that are imaginary and non-existent? Please.As for human experiences, I beg to differ. One can validate them using science too. That's why we have lie detectors, brain scans, and god-inducing magnetic helmets. You can even see images from one person's head, even when they imagine such images. // if there's something that science cannot detect yet, I bet it will be able to in th near future. IMHO.
+Atheism TV Your arguments are non sequitur upon non sequitur. You confuse knowledge and information, because something is not verifiable by your limited sceitnific paradigm does not mean it is false, it may well be but it may well equally be true, you assume that something imagined is not 'real' err... !, you confuse the basic principle of scientific method viz falsifiability with testability, and finally science as we know it is no more than 400 years old, evolution is a theory with massive holes, relativity is a theory much of which is untested and unverified. Science has evolved a paradigm to measure PHYSICAL phenomena and is illl equipped to measure anything that is non-physical - and because something is non-physical does not necessarily imply it is a) non-existent b)non-testable c) false. At the boundary of scientific endeavour, theoretical quantum physics, we are approaching explanations in terms of non-physical phenomena viz Consciousness and in this respect mysticism has the edge and more than 10000 years of experience investigating and VERIFYING such experiences using paradigms vastly superior to science. Overall, science cannot be applied to many human experiences but that doesn't mean those experiences are not valid or veridical. IMHO.
+Atheism TV Funny thing about bullshit ~ it leads to the Bull :-)
+Atheism TV OK, I thought you were making a direct comparison.I was taking for granted that the fish does not have human consciousness to actually question or contemplate it's environment; I am speaking as though the fish has fish consciousness not human in that it doesn't have the capacity to do this. BUT it might... I don't know that for sure, and I can't either, unless I were one. Again I am assuming a fish is incognizant to its medium from MY point of view, and it is only possible to conceive from a human point of view because that is what we are.How could the fish comprehend the ocean, the land, the sky, the natural cycles, houses, cars, planes, all of that which is true and exists, but which it cannot know about? Again I am assuming a fish is not of human consciousness, but they do swim in schools... What we deal with are abstractions, that are interpretations from our comprehension and not the thing in itself. I guess it begs the question what exactly is the thing in itself?  Is it useful and of consequence to know this?But what is belief, and why would it be necessary to the situation? I have to say again that the definition of terms we use are principal., because they are assumptions in themselves and also abstractions.The thing is though, how could one demonstrate something that is true but indemonstrable? Is that perhaps what belief is? Then how could “the thing itself” be known through it's effects and be know for what it is?I would say the real question is: what do we want to know all this for?  And WHY? The ultimate question.
+infinitesimotel The visible vs not visible thing is an analogy. Just like your fish analogy.I disagree with you. Things that are true are not necessarily obvious. Just take a look at the theory of relativity. True things sometimes need justification. Now, yes, relativity "is" and that doesn't depend on humans. But it's also not obvious, just like the water is to fish. And it took a lot of time and experimentation to figure it out. Tell me, if you were a fish, would you have to believe in water even before it has been discovered? If another fish came to you and said that there's this undetectable substance that exist all around us and it's untestable and it's true, would you be justified in believing in that substance? A prudent fish would reserve his judgement until sufficient evidence is provided, even if there's a possibility for that substance to exist.Now earlier you said science has its limits. We were talking about things that CANNOT be tested. This is completely different. Water and relativity can be tested. So what you're really saying is things that aren't YET verified by science and could one day be. I'm fine with that. But I would not be justified in believing in those things until they are actually demonstrated. Until then I prefer to be the prudent one and reserve my judgement.
Well whether something is visible or not is not the same as being true or not.  Things are not visible but can be true, what about sound or a thought?  Thoughts don't exist in that case, but everything that has been created artificially has been a thought first.What I mean is that if it is true it will prove itself, it doesn't have to justify itself, it does that by existing at all.  It is true if we know about it or not; we have no awareness of it does not negate it's existence.  It just means we are not aware of it.  You could say "is a fish aware that it is in water?"  It doesn't require belief of the fish, it just IS.  The same can be said from a human scope.Then we have to define terms, what is belief?  Is it really a work of mind or a way we have been trained to think?  Why is belief necessary and why the fear of having no belief?  It is possible to hold an opinion without endorsing to a cult of thought. Then again it comes back down to the definition of the term, and the scope of possible knowledge one can acquire limited also by perception.
+infinitesimotel It's like I ask you: do you prefer to look at something that's invisible or do you prefer to look at something visible? And you answer "I don't wan to look at all. If it's visible, looking doesn't matter." Well, you don't have much of a choice. If you have eyes that see, you will be looking at stuff.Similarly, if you have a brain that works, you will believe in things. It's only natural. Only hard nihilists say that they don't believe in anything.There are lots of gullible people who will believe that that holy spring water from Peter Popoff will cure them of your cancer. They'll say that all you have to have is faith and it'll work. They'll argue with you until the cows come home that it's true. Then as you lay dying they'll blame you: you didn't have enough faith. Unprovable statement that has no basis in science. But they'll say it's 100% true and even if you don't believe it, it doesn't matter because it's true. And it's true. It's true.I'm sorry, but just saying something is true is not good enough with me. You have to actually demonstrate it's true. I don't want to be gullible. There are enough charlatans out there that warrant skepticism. But if you don't agree, well, I hope you don't get screwed but I wouldn't bet anything on that.
+Atheism TV  I dont want to believe at all. If it's true, belief doesn't matter.
+infinitesimotel So in other words, anyone who believes in things that cannot be tested could very well be wrong. Why believe it then? I could decide that I want to believe in something ridiculous, say, that gawd is a purple bunny from Jupiter, and I won't even need to prove it because science is sooooooooo limited and can't deal with unknowns. How do I know that what you believe in is any better than the purple bunny from Jupiter?See, I don't just want to believe in things that are conceivable for me personally. I want to believe in things that are actually true.How about you, do you want to believe in things that are actually true or do you prefer to believe in things that may or may not be true?
Probably because there is no answer. That is the answer, and that people like to argue unresolvable grounds because it gives them something to do. This has less to do with god and evolution, but more like a symptom of a human.
+infinitesimotel You are right that the scientific method has a very narrow scope. It can only be used for things that are testable. For example, things with evidence, natural phenomena.It cannot be used for things that are NOT testable. As a matter of fact, can you please tell me what is a reliable way to distinguish between something that cannot be verified and is false (such as something imaginary), and another thing that cannot be verified and that is true (such as your gawd)?I've always wondered and nobody seems to be able to answer that one.
+Atheism TV I wouldnt say the scientific method is flawed as such, just very narrow in its scope. The problem lies not with the scientific method but those that anally attached to it as a religion in itself.
+SvinehundenVlog That's great; experience is much more valuable.The nice part about that is we can now verify your experience by making a prediction and then checking that this prediction happens. See above message on this topic.
+Atheism TV I don't have faith, I have experience...
+stephanie kievaughan Faith is even less than feelings."Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions." -- Frater Ravus"'I refuse to prove that I exist,' says God, 'for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.'" -- Douglas Adams"Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence." -- Richard Dawkins"A faith which cannot survive collision with the truth is not worth many regrets." -- Arthur C. Clarke
no i got faith you numb skull
+stephanie kievaughan You didn't answer any of my points. You didn't even bother thinking about it. All you have is feelings and preconceived notions. I'll let you feel the way you want to feel about science. In the meantime I'm going to continue using it to make a decent living.
who in their right mind would get Lost in the scientific method. which is prone to biased flawed Data. dishonesty;Lies, and eviL . Atheism has it's hands around it's ankles trying to pull it's head out of it's own Ass. which is your false God. your own ego your id. which is the thoughts inside your head that defeat you and degrade all your efforts. how do you go about defeating your self you might ask. well when you wipe your own shit off your face after worshiping at the hog trough of the self i might could tell you the answer. go clean your self up you filthy dirty pile of ass wiping rags.
+stephanie kievaughan Define "knowledge". If by "knowledge" you mean verifiable, reliable information, then I disagree with you. If you mean arbitrary, random information that seems to be right to you but you cannot demonstrate it, then you're right, you can't cast such knowledge into my brain.The problem with your type of "knowledge" is that it cannot be used for anything useful. For example, studying the secret language of a plant might get you the name of its owner by using a convoluted numerology formula. But then when you try to use that same formula on other plants, it doesn't work. That's because you started from the owner's name and made your way backward and that is arbitrary and unreliable. Just like the process used in this video.Now let's examine a useful bit of knowledge: "Just before rain comes, barometric pressure drops." This is very useful indeed because with this we can predict when the rain comes. And how do we know if this knowledge is truthful or imaginary? Easy. We put it to the test. We look at the barometer and we make a prediction about the rain. And if this prediction happens, it means the knowledge is solid. Otherwise it means the knowledge is unreliable.Let's suppose I'm wrong about this video. Let's see if you can tell me how to use the knowledge in this video to predict something, anything, and then we'll verify your prediction together.
yes no need in casting a single pearl of wisdom before the swine. technically atheists brains are a waste of space to try and cast knowledge within. the space between your ears is only comparable to the slop in a hogs trough.
+SvinehundenVlog You said that intelligence is not "supreme to character." Oh but wait a minute. Did you not just call me stupid? I thought that you didn't value intelligence. That's a contradiction right there. Either intelligence is important or it is not. If it is not, then calling me stupid has no effect.Now I agree with you that the scientific method is flawed. For example, it cannot be used to evaluate anything supernatural and undetectable. It cannot be used to evaluate anything imaginary/non-existant either. As a matter of fact, we don't have any method whatsoever to differentiate between things that are supernatural and undetectable, and things that are imaginary and non-existent. Can you help with this dilemma please?
+Atheism TV The fact that you bring grammatics into this discussion reveals the beauty of your character. WHAT A BITCH!!! You think intelligence is supreme to character? BAAH! If you are to stupid to understand how flawed the scientific model really is and have blind faith in your holy books, then you are in NO position to correct others. BAAH! Religious freak! BAAH! You properly still think Einstein was the biggest genius ever. E=MC2? OBJECTIVISM MY 2D ASS!!! Just because you (and your kind) can't see the 4th direction doesn't mean others have to suffer from this mental retardness. BAAH! Go back to your cave, caveman, and stick to your own kind. And yes, U are a PET GOAT too! BAAH!!!
you very weLcome feel free to try and find me in SecondLife isha dot com all lower case letters though Log in and search for PuzzyGalore or Punxsutawney or WhinnyLiCious three different account same user Little ole me
+stephanie kievaughan wow..well put. You said what I couldn't soo thank you!!
ohh great atheists are grammar Nazis now too gheez you seem to Lack the Code of Morality that would lead you not to offend others. maybe if you had a religion in the first place. you would then know this is wrong. yet your another mudslinging snake stuck in a wagon rut of your own creation ehh. these attributes of yours will only serve my purpose. it will keep mature individuals 20 feet away from your movement, and or agenda at all times. your lack of Honor and character is very repulsive. so hay keep up the not so good work.
+stephanie kievaughan I don't know if I'm right or not, but one thing for sure, this "idiot" here knows how to write "you're" properly.That said, it would be easy to demonstrate if this is a conspiracy theory or not. You see, the science of verifying something works like this: you make a prediction of what will happen in the future and then you use your idea to verify this prediction. If it happens, it's evidence that your idea can be valid.Now, a sure sign of a conspiracy theory is that they can never predict anything; they are there solely as an interpretation of past events. And an unsupported one at that. Mere assertions without anything to back them up.I also have a numerology idea. I was born on the first day of March. That's right, the first day. And this means all money belongs to me. That means you have to send me all the money you have. You'll ask "why is your birth day relevant to you owning all money?" It's simple. You see, all money in the world has a serial number on it. And all numbers can be divided by one. Check it yourself, you'll see it's true. It's a miracle! So I'm expecting a large envelope in the mail anytime now. If you don't believe me, it's because your closed-minded. This is NOT a conspiracy theory.
your only ignorant enough to think your right. its not a conspiracy theory you idiot.
+stephanie kievaughan Maybe but we're also right.It's like saying that most feminists are really really really impolite. Does that mean that men and women are not equal? Absolutely not!I have an idea. Why don't you go and think for a while?
+Atheism TV your whole movement is based off what. disrespecting every one you possibly can. You cant change the world going around ranting against every one who have any given faith. you all come off as a bunch of folks stuck in a high school mentality. stuck in rebellion and a Lack of respect for any one other than your self. lets see how far you get with that. a bunch of anti theist Bullies, that's what you amount too. all of creation snickers, and bursts out laughing at you.
+Atheism TV Thanks for your comment. Very insightful.
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