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Life at thomas jefferson university Videos

Train Like An Athlete for Life

During his May 29, 2014 commencement address at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Johnson & Johnson Chairman & CEO Alex Gorsky urged ...

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"Take care of yourself and be well," our Chairman and CEO counseled graduates during his commencement speech at Thomas Jefferson University yesterday. Check out some of his other advice in this video and visit our YouTube channel for more. //jnj.me/1tzqzrN #JNJ #AlexGorsky #Graduation #Commencement

Christopher Hitchens: Thomas Jefferson Author of America

Christopher Hitchens talked about his book Thomas Jefferson: Author of America, published by HarperCollins in the Eminent Lives series. The author described ...

User Comments

bravo, hitchens. another wonderful talk
Have you read any of Hitchens' work?I'm thinking Hitch 22 or T.J. Author of America.

Thomas Jefferson

Abstract: What a person has accomplished in their lifetime helps to establish their lasting legacy. Jefferson's legacy is derived by him drafting the Virginia Statute ...

Revisiting Thomas Jefferson: Part 1

Professor Akbar Ahmed and his team discuss the life of Thomas Jefferson at the University of Virginia and at his home at Monticello Be sure to follow the Journey ...

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You try to make it sound like the Blue Ridge Mountains were the end of the world. There were plenty of white settlers on the other side of the Blue Ridge, and the Mississippi River is 700 miles to the west. The Mississippi is the eastern border of the Louisiana Purchase. If you cannot get it right, just make it up as you go right?

Metastatic Uveal Melanoma Program at Jefferson

New technology at Thomas Jefferson University's Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center is extending life expectancy for people diagnosed with this rare form of eye ...

The Class of 1974 Thomas Jefferson Sculpture and Garden

The Darden Class of 1974 has always been gracious and devoted supporters of the Darden School. Whether through the endowment of scholarships, ...

User Comments

Way to go Darden class of 1974 in putting Thomas Jefferson Sculpture and Garden. He happens to be my favorite president and founding father and the foremost leader of freedom and liberty. Great Job!
Great going guys! I used to run around darden when my grandfather was there after NY. (Ev Meade) I love the sculpture. Jamie Howard

This is perhaps the most extraordinary collection of talent and human knowledge that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the exception of ...

User Comments

I could not agree with you more. In my opinion...I consider Thomas Jefferson as the greatest founding father and president of the United States.

JeffHEALTH promo Quality

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