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Brescia university majors Videos

Brescia Donor Recognition Dinner

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University students undergo leadership training - May 26, 2011

University students undergo leadership training May 26, 2011 The leadership programme launched to provide training for university students in meeting future ...

Chopin: Mazurka in B-flat Minor, Op.24, No.4

Richard Ratliff, Piano Recorded at the Ruth Lilly Performance Hall, Christel DeHaan Fine Arts Center, University of Indianapolis.

User Comments

One toast to Chopin! This white nigga basically invented syncopation.... errr, it's early ancestors: the (choppy) grace note. And dat robato tho........
+señor shaman lol! I shall get to work, Tyrannasaurus rekk.
+Hamish Mitty Yes.  Remain curious.  Learn about everything; you'd be surprised how an obscure fact connects to the network of our collective human knowledge, augmenting while remaining homogeneous.  All of which (the sum or Σ) equip you with a powerful keyboard to properly rekk cheeky kunt m8s.
+señor shaman Nice rekking you did there. Can you teach me?
+Jim Loughery All my spelling is correct.  I think what you mean is my deliberate use of colloquialism ('dat robato tho' is an internet meme you're probably unfamiliar with because you're more than likely not a young person, such as myself.)  And you're right, my music education (NOT musical education- this implies the education I got was delivered in a musical manner) is niggardly.  I'm too busy doing 18 hours of undergraduate work, none of which are in music education.  I'm Hispanic btw (<<< more colloquialism)
can't spell
+Putsmeiser Syncopation is in fact featured in this piece.
Syncopation: involves a variety of rhythms which are in some way unexpected which make part or all of a tune or piece of music off-beat.  This definition definitely describes Chopin's writing vs. baroque's and classical music's straight 8th and 16th note playing. His music is rife with accelrandos, decelerandos, and robato, gracenotes, that were present in previous music but weren't as heavily emphasized.   
+señor shaman Is that srs legit? So like, Jazz as we know it might not even exist if it weren't for chopin? O:That feel when your favourite classical composer is responsible for one of your favourite genres.
What musical era is this from is it classical 20 century?
romantic 19th century
I believe it is from the romantic period. 

Il Capitolium di Brescia, la riapertura

Video realizzato per il Comune di Brescia da Giulia Tibaldi e Giordano Garosio di Fox Eating Skyr (www.foxeatingskyr.com) per la riapertura del tempio ...

User Comments

ohh ... finalmente un VERO restauro
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