M-Audio BX8 D2 Review (a detailed 13-minute analysis)
After owning the BX8 D2 for a few months now I have decided to post a review on these excellent studio monitors as well as gather some other expert reviews ...
I got a pair of these for $190 (~130 pounds) on craigslist, they've got a
couple paint scratches but they work perfect and they were never turned up
very loud by the guy who had them before me. Would you say that's a good
price for a used pair of these?
I'm someone who is very new to owning monitors in general...please tell me
what kind of cables i need to connect them to my audio interface (Tascam
us-1200). These monitors have 2 inputs (XLR and TRS) so i am unsure which i
+joe casey The KRKs are more expensive with more flabby, ill-defined bass, so no. Similar sound quality to these m-audios but not worth the price tag imo.
heard and read so many bad things about Deluxe 1 version thta i
have.Starting from crackling sound ending with heating up like crazy in
their back side like mine do some ppl say their deluxe stopped working
after some time,i havent seen so many bad forum posts about these,some guy
on youtube posted a video where he opens up monitors and solders few wires
which they carelessly left which happens to be the main problem why they
stop working for so many ppl
PLEASE HELP!!! I stupidly changed the voltage on the back with the power on
and now one of the monitors won't power on. Any help is greatly appreciated
My speakers started making crackling sounds on kick drums, sent them in for
repair, and they came back even worse. I've had nothing but a horrible
experience with these speakers.
what is the spec on these that says freq response. Should be like 38 Hz-
22 kHz with the ever so crucial +/- 2 dB? What is the number on the
M-audio speakers that say the output sensitivity value for that +/- dB?
Where can I find that for my older BX-8's I really want to know how flat
these really are, so i can compare to others? Thanks
+chazzmikalmikal M-audio do not state the decibal range for this frequency range, which is odd but perhaps suggests that its not +/- 2dB otherwise they would readily state this... I do have a frequency response graph for the studio monitors somewhere I will see if I can find it
I'm having really hard time deciding between BX5 and BX8, brain tells me
bigger speaker does provide better sound (regarding other specs) but the
dimensions and price difference are bit dragging me off;
I wanna replace my ancient Encore P-160-3D with something more suitable for
my needs (I'm drummer&pianist, audio/video editing/creation, music overall
any help/ideas/tips ?
+TzzSmk Glad to hear you are happy with your new monitors. For interests sake, its interesting the pros and cons between choosing the BX5 vs the BX8s. The bigger woofer struggles to deliver transparent mid-range compared with the BX5's smaller woofer, though its still pretty good. The bigger woofer obviously has more bottom end which saves hassle of having to set up a separate subwoofer, though its not particularly 'tight' unless you can afford to spend thousands on acoustically treating your room.
+Gully Mont I got something finally, pair of Presonus Eris E8 - and those are awweesoomee :3 haven't heard such true sound, hear actual crap in lower quality mp3s, perfect surround imaging in games, and with mild +4dB Gain at +100Hz and less the bass makes my room vibrate even with less than 1/3 volume, and also high(er) volume doesn't produce any distortion :)
i have this mixer and im hoping you can answer my question , I know your
selling it but i thought you may be able to help me , I know about how to
connects the inputs and output to monitors and to the laptop itself but how
do i connected my DAW tracks , for example KICK DRUM 1 , KICK DRUM 2 ,
Snare , Clap , Melody 1 , etc to the hardware mixer to be able to mix them
through the mixer ... ANy help will be mostly appreciated . How much are
you selling the mixer 4 i might b able to get u a buyer
@feliciano70 Hi mate. The MP3 player is the audio-source and its output is
going into Channel 1 of the mixer. The main L&R output of the mixer is
going into the L&R input of my Alesis IO/2 audio interface, which is
recording the audio via USB into my software WAV recorder (in this case
Soundforge). The Soundforge levels you see demonstrate an almost noiseless
ideal. This is what you want when recording audio to eliminate excess hiss
in your recordings.
@USHMUSH44 hi mate...cheers. i'm selling it, hence the video. if you're
interested i'd send it to ireland. regarding equipment, it's just the
mixer, and the mp3 player at the beginning is the sound (Miles Davis). the
software is an old version of Soundforge, i just use it for basic
WAV-recording...nowadays a bunch of freeware programs do that too. my audio
interface is an Alesis IO/2
Goodnight friend, a question that can hopefully answer ... still have that
console? or will remember how much voltage was or regulator that console? I
was given an equal and I can not know how much is the regulator to achieve
on again
hi thank you so much just one more question what others out put can use? as
my main out puts are beeing use. I am trying to record live music while my
band is playing. I really apreaciate your comments. and once again thank
tou so much.
Cool man! I presume your the same guy on adverts in Wexford there haha? I'm
"OisiN C" there! any chance I could grab your number there so we can sort
things out! Cheers.
hi I would like to know where you conected for recording. i can see that
you just playing a track. can you tell me which inputs or outputs you are
using please.
Good video man! What programme and equipment did u use? Was thinking of
getting one myself and what just wondering the specifications of all the
gear! Thanks
AudioTest: Monitor Audio GS10 (1500$) vs KEF Reference 101/2 (1600$). Left - Camera, Right - Mic
For audio engineer, musicians and just for those who like good music, i invite all to here: //youtu.be/eN-IY8gc-y8 **** Please note, we strongly recommend ...
Первое - НА ХРЕНА ВЫ ДАВИТЕ НА ДРАЙВЕРЫ столь дорогих колонок??!! Это кто
вас этому садизму над техникой обучил?! Это сродни тому, как если сечь
человека по спине тонким гибким металлическим прутом, а затем облить его
холодной водой!!
Теперь по поводу видео.Monitor Audio выглядят более хай-эндово и звучат
куда более живее, естественнее и приятнее "легендарных" KEF Reference
середины 90х гг. , даже при таком грубом сравнении. По крайней мере, звук
Monitor Audio лично мне понравился гораздо больше последних. KEF звучат
вроде бы чище, но как буд-то дешёвый офисный пластик, безжизненная "вата",
причём, на любых звуковых дорожках. Повторяю - конкретно в данном видео.
Судить о реальном звуке акустических систем можно только при личном
прослушивании в салоне/магазине/знакомого и т.д..
Мой контроль - Yamaha MSP7 Studio/ Audio-Technika ATH-M50 и Sennheizer
HD598. Но я думаю, что даже на самых дешёвых свенах можно услышать, что
GS10 по звуку на несколько порядков приятнее Reference.
Смысла вот этого момента вообще не понял 16:59 . Так же как не поняли бы
вас владельцы KEF из 90х - на фига раздербанили такие дорогие колонки?! Я
даже на миг забыл, что это вообще-то хай-энд... был ...
А за Кейко Мацуи отдельный респект!
Как можно судить о звучании акустики - по видеозаписи в данном качестве?
Битрейт аудио в формате HDCD - грубо говоря, 1500 kbps; а каков битрейт
аудиодорожки в данном видео - раз в 20 меньше, наверное? А что за
аудио-аппаратура подключена к компьютеру - у тех, что смотрят данное видео?
Она должна соответствовать уровню той техники, звучание которой они
собрались оценивать по видеозаписи в ютюбе.
О чистоте эксперимента.
1) Порты фазоинверторов данной акустики находятся, видимо, у них на задних
стенках? А между тем, колонки стоят вплотную к стене - что всегда негативно
влияет на качество звучания акустики.
2) Заглушена ли данная комната? - очевидно, что нет.
+Павел СА вдруг всё поменялось бы, если бы колонки были установлены на специальные стойки и отодвинуты от стенки - сантиметров на 30-50? А вы уже сейчас делаете выводы...
так то да но даже в таком качестве слышно что красные имеют лучшую равномерность ачх чем чёрные -на чёрных слышно что искажения от резонанса на сч просто ужас -как бу то китайское копеечное радио + понятно что видео не качество но всё же заметно
+FRRRRAAANNK Agreed. I cannot speak for the KEFs, but I've actually had Monitor Audio GS speakers and did not like them at all, even though I had coveted them for a long time. And I think it's the clear winner here, but they still aren't very good. I'd even say that this video may make them sound better than they actually are.
Interesting, I want the 530s, but they're like more then twice the price of Zensor's and I'm actually considering those, or Zensor 3. I've had too much speakers already. Hard to find good speakers for a low powered amp cheap.