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Mesa college american sign language Videos

ASL for The Lords Prayer

ASL 1 Introduction and video project

ASL 2 Video Project 2: Describing others.

ASL 107 class assignment #2 - 1st try

User Comments

good job its a lot more clear than ur 1st assignment :)

Hair - Vagina Monologues (asl poetry)

Honoring V-day at asl poetry The Vagina monolouges Hosted by djsupalee www.facebook.com/aslpoetry.

User Comments

Nothing like i thought it would be about, but all the same it was entertaining bc of that. Amazing poetry :3 (ps i also wrote a poem on my channel)
That was so good

ASL Rocks 8!!

Hi, my name is Hala Somo. I am hosting the eighth years of ASL ROCKS. ASL Rocks would be provide to performs are ASL poem, ASL song, dances, poetry, ...

Access to Justice for Deaf Sign Language Users

Justisigns is a 30-month project funded through the European Commission Leonardo Da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme. The focus of the project is police ...

Silent Hope Church Sermon

Silent Hope Church service filmed at First Southern Baptist of Mesa. Pastor Jeremy Fass delivers a message in sign language on how to worship and respect ...
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