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Wichita falls zombie 5k Videos

Wichita Falls Zombie Crawl & 5k 2012 Promo

Wichita Falls Zombie Crawl & 5k 2012 Teaser (Official)

User Comments

I can't wait to see the full length vid! You guys did a AMAZING job!!!!

Wichita Falls Zombie Crawl & 5k 2012 Ad

Wichita Falls Zombie Safe Haven

Wichita Falls Zombie Safe Haven :15 (2012 Promo)

Wichita Falls Zombie Crawl-nival 2015 TV Commercial :15

WF Zombie Crawl & 5K ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Dirty 30 Zombie Edition 2012

Wichita Falls Zombie Crawl and 5K visits the Dirty 30 Zombie Edition. We Ran the 11:30 heat on October 6, 2012 in Hinton, Oklahoma. Huge thanks to Blake ...

User Comments

Just awesome!
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