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Kdoc wichita kansas Videos

Secretary Ray Roberts Taking the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Mentoring4Success promo

Governor Sam Brownback, Secretary Ray Roberts and Mentoring Coordinator Gloria Geither discuss the impact mentors have on offenders as they re-enter ...

The Host and Rodney the Rebel Rapper

In the 1990s Tom Leahy reprised his role as The Host for a third time. In this episode, he encounters a rebellious Rodney grooving to some old school rap.

User Comments

While living in Wichita during these years my Brother-in-Law Phil and I enjoyed doing our Rodney and the Host act in Dillon's and Woolco to the aggravation of our wives and delight of other customers. 
I remember being about 11 years old and staying up way past bedtime to watch this. Thanks for posting indeed!
Oh my god!!! I remember this exact one, too! Thank you so much for uploading this!!! 
Wow, I loved this show, always looked forward to it.
R.I.P.Mr. Leahy

Pt 2 - The Host and Rodney, Nightmare

In Part 1, Rodney shows off his latest hobby to The Host. Parts 2 and 3 has The Host and Rodney advertising a washer and dryer during the commercial break.

Dallas Derby Devils Semifinals 08/18/07

Wrecking Crew vs. High Seas Hotties.

Santa Cruz Derby Girls: Bombshells Vs. OC Roller Girls

Highlights from the September 25, 2010 bout. Santa Cruz Derby Girls Boardwalk Bombshells vs. Orange County Rollergirls at Santa Cruz Derby Girls Stadium.

User Comments

i was here!!!! so much fun :)
nice hits dirty deb!

Adams Creek Raceway 3-5-11

M.D.R.A. and DODC 1/10 Electric sprints "A" main!!!!

OC Roller Girls vs. Sac City 9/15/07

OC Roller Girls vs. Sac City 9/15/07 Orange County Roller Girls.

User Comments

Im just kind of bummed out that this video is about living a "double life" roller derby is my life...
Extra nice!

OC Roller Girls

November 11, 2006 BOUT.

User Comments

Way To Go Roller Knockouts! Victory is Yours! Had a Great Time!
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