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Henry ford pta Videos

Mejor chiste del risitas

El mejor chiste del risitas que he oido nunca.

User Comments

soy venezolano y como envidiaria ser nieto o hijo del risitas pues quien lo sea creo que se sentiria orgulloso de tener tan divertido ser humano de corazon y mente tan de cerca. El humor de la vida es el mejor y muchos personajes en toda españa sin tanto protocolo y fama lo han sabido desmostrar... y en lo personal me ha servido de mucho porque si todos fueramos asi tan espontaneos y humildes el mundo fuera mucho mas divertido y calmado.
es el tipico borrachin que cuenta chistes ajaj
el mejor momento cuando preguntó a jesus. ... que pasa no escuchaste el chiste. ...
+khichane mustapha Jajajajajajajaja mori en esa parte. xD
Mas vale un diente que una boca vacía xD
is this censured?
+Pepitasdbz it is old
1000 personas se ahogaron en un cubo de agua para no pagar
+Sira LR jajajajajana, buenisimo xp
Cuñaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooo... Lo has pillao cuñaoo, se jogaron pa' no pagaaaa cuñaaaaaaaaaaaoooo
quien me puede decir de que año es este video del risitas ??
+gustavo_ cba pues si es del 2006...... imaginate

Part 2 video of Martin Scorsese and Adam Somner, interviewed by Paul Thomas Anderson

January 15, 2014 ICM in Century City on The Wolf of Wall Street.

User Comments

Paul Thomas Anderson should do a movie with Leo.
+steve cheevers And recommended Wahlberg to PTA.
He's also said that not doing Boogie Nights was his biggest regret.
Well Leo was supposed to do Boogie Nights but dropped out.
a normal person has problems getting into that lambo 
PTA swears a lot.
I like that about him :)He's a genius but very laid back 

Corsa 4 Ptas de Rafael matando al Speed de El turco

A pesar de ser un vehiculo 4 ptas y pesado con un camion de fibra de vidrio y rines grandes se mueve muy bien.. Atte: TEAM ALTA COMPRESION!!!

User Comments

hayyyyy chamo q hiso rafael vale que hiso rafael vale!!!!! cuerda de jala bolas malditos locos, siganle dando el culo al tal rafael ese q lo q tienes son unos potes de carros
hay ke ver un pike de el turco y rafael de ahorita a ver kien mata a kien los dos andan activados este fin lleven las camaras!!!!
ALta Compresion xD Lo MAximoooo POZ arriba Tigre Todos Son Unos Planchaoo Run-Run lo maximoo

'Hugo' Q&A: Paul Thomas Anderson & Martin Scorsese - Behind the Story + Scorsese being short

PTA act's as Moderator for Martin Scorsese's Hugo Q&A.

User Comments

It's a middle brow pulp comic film. I'm sure if Aronofsky was in charge it would of ended with batman and bane tag teaming catwoman in wrestling ring with gordon refereeing instead of a kangaroo court Aronofsky was actually going to direct batman before Nolan...true story. The script had Batman as a poor street kid and Alfred as a Black mechanic. Pretty high brow stuff! ...but in another story...Aronofsky is doing Noah. So being a fan you can probably look forward to the bestiality scene.
The fact you think that the aforementioned scenes have nothing to do with the story says it all. You misunderstood the point of Requiem if you felt that scene was put in there for the purpose of titillation. The Fountain, Pi and The Wrestler don't have any pronounced fixation on sex either. Black Swan is a genre piece, obviously influenced by Argento (Kermode: "Black Swan is Argento on acid"), but to call it imitation is ludicrous, he was simply his muse; Talent borrows, genius steals.
I wouldn't call Memento 'accessible'. The fact he even tried to do Inception is pretty impressive. Nolan has stated he would like to follow Ridley Scott's career path, which I think he's on his way of doing. Malick is brilliant though. Even if it gets a little too poetic at times. I just get annoyed when someone states Nolan's name with PTA, Fincher, Aronofsky or Malick and someone objects. There definitely on the list of elite world class filmmakers. If anything Aronofsky isn't.
Apart from your rampant speculation about whether he thinks he's a visionary director or not, you say you WOULD argue your points about Black Swan, but never actually do. Your critical faculties appear to be no further refined than saying "I THINK IT'S BAD!". I despise Nolan's work because his films are a series of college grade exercises in blatant exposition with a childish theme slapped shakily on top. All plot, no character. His films are theme vacuums.
yes...I'm questioning the taste of the director. The directors choice to put over the top sex scenes in his films that have nothing to do with the story and could otherwise be left out. Never mind the fact that The Black Swan is basically an imitation Dario Agento movie. As matter of fact when he's not imitating Dario he's imitating David Lynch. ...but hey...I made a couple of jokes on his fixation with sex in his films so center on that.
Wow. What a pathetic cocksucker you are. Yeah, you know now that he's half American because I TOLD you he was and then you try salvage the little bit of self respect that you have left because you just don't want the other guy (that being me) to win? Whatever, faggot. I'll certainly take my fucking Batman films and you can have your goddamn Tree of Pretentiousness and we'll just have to leave it at that, little boy.
Well, I guess it comes down to a matter of taste. Badlands and Days Of Heaven have done so much more for me than anything Nolan has done. Malick's coming from a completely different angle to Nolan. Malick doesn't really make 'hollywood' films, per say. I shouldn't have even compared them. They're incomparable. People will propbably always go for Nolan because his work is so much more accessible than Malick's.
everyone stop swearing and rattling on. PTA imo is the best filmmaker working today. Nolan and fincher are doing well ATM. Spielberg isn't really in the same league anymore. Unless he can get back to top form with Lincoln. Scorsese is a great, but he is past his prime. The best filmmakers working today are PTA, coen brothers, Terrence malick. Nolan, fincher, reitman occupy a lower position to the top 3
Wow, what a strange guy. You really that angry? I wouldn't exactly call him an American filmmaker....I know he's half american but he was born in London and couldn't be more English. You seem bizarrely pissed off over someone with a differing opinion. I get way more enjoyment out of Malick's films than I do out of the batman films, and you don't. Get over it, bud.
I think it depends on what you would want to go for in terms of a discussion. In terms of getting a film made and a studio to buy a screenplay, I think a round table discussion with Scorsese, Nolan, and Tarantino would be quite informative. However, If you were looking for cinematic style and vision Aronofsky, PTA, Fincher, and Malick would be interesting.
oh then i apologize. but if u mean aronofsky then i must suggest u take another crack at him. ya maybe his influences stick out a lil too much in black swan but the guy definitely has talent. like tarantino, or hell even scorsese and spielberg every once in a while, they copy but to not call um talented just cuts u off from great cinema
Well if you're already aware of the fact that I am The-Dark-Knight-Rises-2012 over on that board from IMDb, then why the fuck are you still trolling me anyhow? Would you like for me to direct you to the fucking Glee board....or better yet, the Soapbox channel? Slit the both of your wrists, you motherfucker. And I mean, like, WIDE open.
really because his best film was Memento. The fact he can do successful art house films and make really really successful tent-pole films is impressive. The best scenes Darren has done was the double dildo and lesbian scene. Maybe you should get back to pornhub dot com. ps. The Wrestler was one of my favorite movies though.
Nice Oscar Wilde quote. I'm sure you learned it in your pseudo art class. ..and that's the problem. I would argue Black Swan is just borrowed ideas from Argento and Lynch. The Wrestler was by far is best work, but it was the work of a average director/writer. Darren tries to be a visionary director and he simply isn't!
You are all at a video that has Paul Thomas Anderson, Martin Scorsese, and Bob Richardson all on the same stage, and all you can do is argue over Aronofsky and Nolan and attack each other? SHAME ON YOU. YOU SHOULD ALL BOW AT THE GREATNESS THAT IS BEING PRESENTED BEFORE YOU.
Nolan's films "The Dark Knight" and "Inception" are two of the best films of the last decade - as were "Resevoir Dogs" and "Pulp Fiction" for the 1990s. It's a matter of opinion, but I prefer Nolan over Tarantino. I do however think Tarantino is extremely overrated.
You fucking piece of shit. If you had done your homework, you'd had known that Nolan is only half British. But you hopping on top of Malick's dick while doing a full split, I shouldn't expect you to know any better.
Almost every comment you leave on youtube is hateful garbage. You're a sad, angry guy with too much time on his hands. Keep trying to bring people down to your level you vacuous douche. What an insecure weirdo.
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