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A New Battlefield: A PTFO Focused Rank System

Battlefield player Wilvoeka approached me about an idea for changing how players rank up based upon team based awards received in-game that could ...

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To link medals/ribbons to the ranking system is basically how ranking worked in Battlefield 2 which introduced ranks in Battlefield. See the requirements for the ranks *(keep in mind that you did not get hundreds of points for nothing back in BF2 ;-) )* // To reach the high(er) ranks you did not only have to get 4 digit playtime in the game, but actually master every aspect of it. I have made a similar concept a long time ago: //
+Battle(non)sense I agree with what I read and heard. Another feather to the BF2 hat, this kind of system would promote team play, but it isn't a problem solver on all ends. Camping with sniper rifles/other 'silly tactics' will remain in the game, as long as there is any chance you can do them. Been too long since I played BF2, can't really remember if there was any noticeable camping, but things like these derive from the very core design of the game. Also, +75% of BF gamers are casual free-time hobbyists, who just enjoy a couple rounds every once in a while. BF3 and BF4 taught them to play differently, so here we are.
Very interesting system. Titanfall (remember that game??) has a similar system for the regen requirements. You can regenerate only after meeting certain increasingly difficult requirements. Not all of these are teamwork, as most are just specific kills with specific weapons. But the system works similarly, so it could work here. My beef with the Battlefield series is online matchmaking and server balancing. I find myself on too many teams who are just terrible - whether they are new, bad, drunk, or ignorant players. It's true that if you join a server mid-round, you'll often get put on the losing team because of quitters. And bad teams have a steady stream of open spots for new players because of attrition. Some third party skill balancers - if setup correctly - seem to fix this, but it still irritates people to be teamswitched. I'm not sure how that can be fixed. Next, is the ability to have ranked servers in any player configuration up to 64 players regardless of game mode. Go ahead, try to find a populated 32 player Domination server in North America playing DLC maps. They are empty or nonexistent. Yet, you can find plenty of 50-64 player DOM or RUSH servers this size. Those game modes were designed for smaller player counts (and map sizes) and essentially "break" the Battlefield experience. Time to unrank servers that go above suggested player counts for these modes. If you want to rent a 64 player server, play conquest. Or perhaps with DOM or TDM, have "Large" map sizes for increased player counts, like BF2. Finally, let's talk about geographical server regions. It's time to include ping limits - by default - in Battlefield servers. Yes, it will suck to not play with a friend thousands of miles away, but high ping/latency does weird things in FPS games. Pre-ordering has become an interesting (and fundamental) economic model for publishers, but why aren't they taking this data and making game servers available in regions based on pre-order numbers, especially for consoles? South American players of every platform complain about the number and variety of servers, so they flood North American servers...and weird things happen. I think Battlenonsense's proposal of 75 ping is a bit harsh - I'm in the SE U.S. and frequently get 75 ping servers in Texas - but he's in the right neighborhood. OK, I went on too long here...but with your team based ranking system and my suggestions, I think we'd have a hell of a Battlefield game lol.
+G3neral Tso Dude that is one of my next topics, either reworking game modes to work with all population sizes OR LOCKING size based on mode and ONLY NON RANKED(No XP earned) servers can alter it.
I would be ok with this or something similar. However I'm not sure how effective it would be. People are going to play how they play no matter how much logic and game design ask otherwise. Do people really care about a cosmetic rank enough to change their habits even a little bit? I'm not sure. The real problem is that Battlefield has become a mega franchise, and you don't get that big without a large majority of your player base being very casual both in their skill level and in their interest in 'playing the game right.' It's a tough problem to solve. Your idea can't hurt. It's how the ranking should work even if it doesn't solve the problem. :)
+WDA_Punisher I would think a casual audience on an even more casual platform would play even more casual. That's my experience whenever I play on console, although I haven't played BF on console other than a little BF4. Whatever the factual situation is though, if a player cares about their stats enough to pursue advancement in a specific way, they are probably part of a more invested vocal minority, not a voice for the common player. These people might alter their play to unlock those weapons, but would it be a big enough drop in the ocean to cause a tidal shift, or just a muted ripple? There's only one way to find out I guess. I'm game. :)
+WallguyR6 as i hurts me when i go into a server and this happens in every server i go ! in the end i check stats and i see my name on the top of awards .. with more revives .. more heals more flag cap more flag defend any of those i always got .. i number 2 in portugal with most revives .. saying the first got 1000 hours more than me .. i dont have negative K/d, on opposite way 2 k/d not that bad ..and im in the midle botton of the score board in the end of round,and ppl that didnt play the objective but instead camped a house or a hill got 30 more kills than me camping they are on top !... fck that!! its stupid ! its anti play ! it makes me think way do i play this game ?!? that is bf4 at the moment
+WallguyR6 for u i got only a smal thing to say ! try out BF2, every one and i mean every one plays the objective everyyyyyy time any server !! u see a sniper on a hill .. what is he doing ???? killing ppl in a flag ... spoting ppl .. he always playing the objective !! this rank sistem is not that bad i guess they would think wtf i kill 5 guys i got 100 points that guy killed 1 got 5000 points .. what am i doing wrong .. he will understand some day later or sooner that he is not playing the objective !! because playing one hour even casual and in the end go check how much u evolved, and u clearly didnt , it hurts even the worse retard on earth for sure !!!
+WallguyR6 Maybe not so much on PC, but Zachulon told me rank, acheivements, and awards are a big deal on console. Plus, with weapons unlocks tied to rank as they are now, it'll push people to get certain weapons.
Thats a very interesting concept. But i don't think, that we will see this in BF4, although I'd like to have it. But a first step of DICE could be, not to reward Kills out of flag Zones, things like Headshot bonus, Marksman bonus ( Don't know if it will be removed for 100% with the next patch)
+AndyFromCALi Yes, this has to be adjusted, but It will be a reason to attack Flag Zones. Of course do you have to change things of the idea, but this is the beginning.
+XiNteRraX taking out marksman and not rewarding kills out of the zone won't change anything. Those losers who sit out there in the boonies still will :(
+AndyFromCALi that's what i said?!?!?!
Don't reward kills out of flag zones. That's stupid
+wilvoeka Yep. But let's see what DICE can do. I am really impressed, that they still support BF4, which actually became a (semi-) good game.
+XiNteRraX Yeah its to late for the current titles, I was thinking more for future titles to get players focused on launch day.

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That turbo is a sweet sound!!!!

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Large Russian Aircraft Carrier Design Unveiled

A design for a large, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was unveiled at the seventh maritime and defense show held in St. Petersburg, Russia. The Krylov State ...

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Where is Russia going to get money to build this... and keep it operational? Without an economy, you can't field a modern military.
+Sinbreaker why are you looking in someones wallet?
They're only making 12 pak-50 as far as i am aware. So i'm guessing it will be su-27 sea variant. I did hear some where that russia is close to bankruptcy.
+Владимир Рыжов Cool. Su-30 is a really nice aircraft.
Our economy is fine, bad, but fine. SU-27 is not being used on this. Most likely Su-30 andSU-35
The number of pissed of clueless american and british fanboys in the comment section is hilarious
+PhilosaraptorPH.D lol you are a fucking idiot.
+RedRider1600 You clearly know what youre talking about, hes just another fanboy sucking the propaganda right out of Putins dick. Don't continue to waste your time on him.
+George Xyrafis  it doubtful that they can afford the carrier is designed as project 2300E the Borei is behind due to budget constaints so is the Yasan plus Russian developing two new destroyer class , project 23560 and 21956plus project 11711 for landing ships and since the mistral order fell through, a new project to build shipsthere are a lot of developmental projects on going which is very very expensivethe Russia navy is doing crash modernization which most doubt they can afford
+George Xyrafis The Kuznetsov is indeed a small carrier class. And it is indeed an inferior aircraft carrier with very limited capabilities. It is not in the same league with American carriers or any real aircraft carriers, like the French Charles De Gual. The Kuznetsov is not even a true carrier since it cannot operate the full range of aircraft and cannot launch fully armed and fully fueled fighter or attack aircraft.Sure the Russians could design a good aircraft carrier, that doesn't mean that they can afford to build it or that their good design will be successful. Their T-50 fighter is a good example of that of that kind of failure. After 15 years of design and development, their T50 is only now beginning production, but still with many unresolved problems due to lack of funding and other technical issues. The Russians will still need to work out all their unresolved problems in the future. The T-50 may look similar to the F-22 but it is not nearly as stealthy as the F-22, and the T50 needs better engines to compete with the F-22.
+RedRider1600 So, I haven't got much time thus I'll try to keep this short.I meant Kuznetsov as an aircraft carrier class, not as the ship itself. And it's one of the biggest aircraft carrier classes, coming, I think, second right after the Nimitz class supercarriers. So by no means is it a "small" or bad aircraft carrier. These plans might indeed not be approved, but this doesn't mean that the carrier wasn't itself a good one. And regarding the economy,In January 2016, the US company Bloomberg rated Russia's economy as the 12th most innovative in the world
+George Xyrafis The Admiral Kuznetsov was one of the world's smallest aircraft carriers. Most of the world's aircraft carriers in existence at the time and now are the 10 Nimitz-class carriers, and the USS Enterprise, USS Kennedy, USS America, USS Kitty Hawk, USS Constellation, etc.The Kuznetsov could only carry about 30 aircraft and they could not take off with a full tank of gas or a full payload of weapons. And the Kuznetsov was limited by what types of aircraft they could carry. It was very small aircraft carrier with very limited capabilities.Having plans for a new carrier is not the same as actually funding the project and actually building the aircraft carrier. Their plans will probably go nowhere. I'll believe it when they actually start building it. Even if they build it, how many can they afford to have, 1 or 2? . . . lolPer Capita, Russia is poorer than Mexico. That is the reality of the situation today. Russia's economy is less than 1/9th the size of the US economy. The US spends 9 times as much on it's military as Russia does. How many super-carriers could Mexico afford to have? . . . lol . . . Cause this is like Mexico trying to compete with the US in an arms race to be the most powerful country in the world, and thinking they will win.Maybe Putin never learned the lesson from the cold war. Maybe he will repeat the mistakes and try to compete with the wealthiest country in the world in an arms race, and Russia once again, crashes their economy and goes bankrupt. There is more than 1 way to defeat Russia. Maybe this new fantasy carrier of theirs is one of the nails in their coffin.
+RedRider1600 Let's see how much wrong I can find in this comment. First of all since plans exist it's not just a fantasy, that means they are most likely already working on it, even on a theoretical level. Russia did have real aircraft carrier and Admiral Kuznetsov or however it's spelled is a prime example of this, being one of the biggest aircraft carriers in existence. Also all the aircraft carriers they sold were sold a few years after the collapse of the soviet union, when the country was still really unstable, but that's not the current situation. With regards to the fact that they didn't call them carriers, I highly doubt it, unless you mean the Kiev class which was a mix of a carrier and cruiser
+George Xyrafis Of course we are doubting it. It is just a Russian propaganda fantasy. Russia is a broke dick country. They had to sell off most of their old carriers because they couldn't afford to keep them. Russia never had any real aircraft carriers, nothing in the same league with American Nimitz-class and Ford-class super carriers. All they ever had were small cheap handicapped mini-carriers. In fact the Russians never even called them carriers, they called them cruisers, probably because they didn't want people comparing them to American carriers and laughing at how pathetic they were.
+RedRider1600 No, they're actually already doubting its abilities and/or calling it a copy despite the fact that it's just a plan so far. Also they can actually afford it
+George Xyrafis What is there to be pissed off about? A non-existent Russian fantasy carrier?Nobody is pissed off, except for all the Russian "fanboys". The rest of us are just laughing at Russia's non-existent fantasy dream carrier that they can't afford to have.
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