Brevard college flickr Videos

Brevard High School 2015 Graduation

Brevard High School Class of 2015 graduation exercises at Brevard Music Center, Whittington-Pfohl Auditorium, on Friday, June 12, 2015. See pictures from the ...

TRON Lamborghini Aventador BUSTED by Police!

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Salut serait tu un français ? :D
oui ^^

"Mystery Machine" (in traffic) Scooby Doo 7-30-09

This is the Scooby-Doo Mystery Machine van. It's actually a customized Dodge cargo van, but I thought it was interesting! Here's the still frame if you'd like to take ...

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lol! When I went to Warner brothers studios in California, I saw the van from the scooby-doo movie parked with all of the other cars they've used, but I'd NEVER think I'd get to see it driving down the road! That must have been a funny sight to see. xDD
Dude thats not rly the mystery machine thats just a painted pedophile van to trick kids into getting near it and going in to "help" them look for monsters nd i bet pedobear is prob driving this
I saw a Mystey van once when we on vacation somewhere. Sadly My phone was dead from endless texting and my parents wouldn't lend me their phones for a SECOND
LOL I saw one on the national news a few days ago... it was crashed into the front of a house. If I ever see it in person... I'll definitely get it on film.
Man I can't wait until I start my driving job. I will probably see so many cool things across the states. Awesome job for a teen right out of HS.
LOL - yes I did. I see it very randomly. Once maybe every 6 months or so, I have no idea where it's going or where it's coming from.
Right off of Wickham road and across the street from Home Depot and Fujiyama. I see it occasionally when I am driving back from BCC.
Someone who lives in Melbourne, Florida ones one of these things. I have seen it parked at a office complex multiple times.
I actually saw one in wilmington, north carolina, I was like holy crap a mystery machine van. I saw about three times
LOL yeah I've seen it a couple of other times, but this was the first time I was able to get it clearly on video.
ok who seriously hasnt see a mystery machine come by in there town :/ iv seen one before too not that amazing
well....guess whos going to be buying a van now and is going to paint it like the mystery machine?!
Is that THE Mystery Machine van?!?!?!?!?!?! I seriously want to see it in person and ride in it
lol has anyone seen the oscar myers weener mobile? lol i saw it about a year ago i want it LOL
@FormerWMDriver i bet they're on their way to solve a mystery ....those meddling kids LOL!!
it doesnt`t really looks like the cartoon version but it`s pretty good;) i`ll vote like ;)
@amrepmike33 i was on one once, years ago, i bet i can still find the picture somewhere
I have no idea, but if I ever see that van stopped somewhere... I'll definitely ask!
Its a mystery for sure, 12 year old boys go in the van, but they never come out...
Let me know if you get it on video... I'll make this a video response to it! LOL
I wonder how much it cost to customize it? Or what encouraged them to do that?
hahaha theres one exaclty like this running around my town but its a ford haha
That's where I saw it, but it's been years. Didn't think it was still around.
omg!! lmao thats so funny XDD did you just randomly find it on the road???
Yeah, it's not often you see something like that rolling down the street!
woah!.. that would be Random.. (plus awesome) the mystery is solveded! xD

Winter Park Fire Department Rescue 61 Returning to Quarters

Please subscribe and comment if you like this video. Check out my Flickr for pictures. Thanks for watching!

Highlands, North Carolina

A sweet vacation before I go off to college :) Song used: Teeth - See Spaces Contact: Second Channel: // Twitter: ...

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ok well glad to see your intelligence is improving. But I'm still worried because you don't know the difference between the words "you" and "I'
Na! just saw your comment and a second later i thought of it. But really man! You shouldn't post comments describing yourself!!
Ok...Well im guessing your another worthless troll that enjoys making people feel as worthless as you do.
Why were you talking about yourself!? It kind of makes you looks like a moron and a faggot!!!
You are a faggot, what you like is gay, everyone you know is gay and these vids are gay.
glad it took you two weeks to come up with something.
BloodyServbot, chill man
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