Bobble Head Dog BullDog Dash Board 1970's Flocked Korea Bobbing BobbleHead
Bobble Head Dog BullDog Dash Board 1970's Flocked Korea Bobbing BobbleHead item for purchase on EBAY seller Silverv EBAY store The Silver V Direct ...
What is my bobblehead worth, part 2
This a short video I shot to describe how to determine what a bobblehead is worth by checking the historical sales transaction prices on eBay. I also discuss the ...
That dude is never selling that #73 of 3500 Bonds Bobblehead for $500
Lebron James Bobblehead Collection
Possibly the largest LeBron James collection you will ever see please comment if you like the video you haters try not to comment but tell me what you think you ...
I have the first MVP bobblehead in the white jersey. I cannot find that one
anywhere else. All i can find is the wine jersey one. How could I put a
value to that? Any help would be appreciated.
get your checkbook out broth
yeah man hit me up or send it here or whatever... i don't know many bobble communities..i'm on some fan pages on Facebook but other than that there ain't much else..
+249usmarine hit me up on facbeook joey @ jsphotostudio .com i'm always looking for spurs bobbles...i always come across lebrons...what else are you missing? i'll keep an eye out
Custom Charlie Brown San Francisco Giants/Gigantes bobblehead (Kings Island)
I wanted to paint a Charlie Brown bobblehead for my friend's birthday. Since the retail value of the original Giants one goes for about $200 on eBay, I decided to ...
I love this bobble head... and have been dying to have this Charlie Brown
SF Giants bobblehead. How much do you charge to paint one? Can you please
email me with information? I know you said it would be the last one, but I
am keeping my fingers crossed that you will reconsider....
Thanks!!!! Teri
This is my personal collection of San Francisco Giants bobbleheads that are now stored inside a large wall to wall display case cabinet. The bookcases come ...
I display my BBHs on narrow shelves which forces me to display them in one
single row.
I do have a few crowded shelves like my extended set of Reunion, Minor
League and Non-Player BBHs. But I stagger them in a way so that you can see
each BBH.
Nice! Im a big bobblehead collector of the dodgers, angels and padres since
im from SoCal.. i just recently got a Huston Street ROY A's bobblehead
autographed at padres fan fest. If you are willing to part with the Mark
Ellis and/or Kurt Suzuki bobbleheads PLEASE let me know!! I am very
interested and can trade autographs/cards/other A's bobbleheads. If
interested please pm me maybe we can work out a deal since both are no
longer on the A's and both are players i really like :)