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Oakland athletics hot stove Videos

Susan Slusser joins Harold and Matt on Hot Stove

Susan Slusser joins the guys to break down the movement that Oakland A's have been making this entire offseason.

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We have got good trades back and great deals

Reddick discusses the A's 2015 season outlook

On Hot Stove, Josh Reddick joins the show to discuss the outlook for the A's 2015 season and how the team can improve.

Sherman on Indians' acquisition of Moss

Joel Sherman joins Harold Reynolds and Matt Vasgersian on Hot Stove to discuss the Indians' acquisition of Brandon Moss from the Athletics.

Billy Beane's winter wheeling and dealing - Yankees Hot Stove

The Yankees Hot Stove crew talks about all of the defections from the Athletics this winter, including Jason Hammel's signing with the Cubs and Brandon Moss' ...

Mets Hot Stove: Kevin Plawecki

New York Mets catcher Kevin Plawecki joins SNY's Mets Hot Stove to discuss what he learned in his rookie season along with looking ahead to 2016.
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