ok anolmec - i dont remember being offered the opportunity to vote on any
war, any wall-street bailout, and many many other things that i do know i,
and many (probably a majority) of other americans are opposed to. i and my
young adult children and many friends and coworkers have expressed feeling
angry, frustrated,powerless in our "democracy". we have friends and
neighbors from pakistan-algeria-china-russia. how sad it must be that the
only americans you have encountered were idiots.
I wonder how long the murders in the Mideast will go on before the U.S.
citizens are ashamed...I suppose they will need to first stop being so
concerned with dancing with stars
Amy looked like she was about to cry about the Detroit schools. :(
Heroes You Should Know:Iqbal Masih
For more information on Heroes You Should Know, VirtueYOU, and Dr. Porter's other writing projects, please go to: www.stillpointfamilyresources.org or ...
//www.WatchMojo.com video on Women in Politics Firsts: Nancy Pelosi was the first woman elected as the speaker of the house of representatives in 2007.
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Ellen Johnson in WatchMojo.com's Women with Mojo Series
//www.WatchMojo.com profile: Ellen Johnson.
24. Risk, Return, and Social Security
Financial Theory (ECON 251) This lecture addresses some final points about the CAPM. How would one test the theory? Given the theory, what's the right way to ...