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Jesse Ventura: Targeted Individuals

Brain Invaders, Jesse Ventura touches on Targeted Individuals and Mind Control in America. [Conspiracy Theories] Trutv.com/ See Lissakr11humane.com/ Use ...

User Comments

Knowing Ventura is on my side helps me sleep at night
I believe I'm targeted too for years since 2006 at least been followed to
i saw this on TV originally, and this is what opened my eyes to what was happeneing. especially the part about local businesses, fire department, community watch being involved. that's all true. even the Police. if you're a T.I.. DON'T CALL THE POLICE.
+neonleo1 the report or video was incomplete! where is the rest? ventura is a soft-core fu**ing puppet!
+Portable Wares who you gonna call, then? the ghostbusters? I SAY I SAY CALL THE POLICE!
yup it is cuz I'm being gangstalked daily
My name is Thomas Hunt and I was in gang stalking hell for 5 years. The gang stalking phenomena is not only misunderstood but it has also become a global crisis. Today, I seem to be the only person on the planet that has escaped the grips of being a targeted individual and a victim of gang stalking. Over the last 5 years I've experienced this phenomena in 10 different cities across the U.S. I still see it and feel it everyday and everywhere. However, I've determined that it is not stalking and it's not a conspiracy and I'm not crazy and neither are you. But there is something going on. I've decoded the truth and it is 100% accurate. What we are all experiencing is the side effects and symptoms of seeing the human species being supernaturally synchronized around us. There is no stalking. Not even a little bit. More here: Godsee.wordpress.com Thomas Hunt
consider aerial advertising to spread the word about gangstalking....maybe promote a website like fightgangstalking.com
+glk785 I try to promote fightgangtalking.com as much as possible. It contains the only reliable information on this gross violation of civil rights and human rights.
Brain Invaders, Jesse Ventura touches on Targeted Individuals and Mind Control in America.
+about mine You just wasted my time. You couldn't even answer the question: "If I am wasting my time, what else can I do?" Maybe I could do something you do but, I don't have the time to read a title of a video that someone shared and to tell them YOU ARE WASTING TIME. Get a life. Good luck with that. You're not "about mine" if you're online wasting people's time. I would block you but, I want people to see your comment.You come off as a troll or as corrupted as most of the uploaders on youtube are. (Blocked)
+about mine I liked your comment up until I read "You are WASTING TIME!" I understand what you mean when you say "the person who made this video DID THEIR PART...now lets do ours." The Capping means you are passionate, huh? Know what that feels like. I shared this video and I have been online EVERYDAY blogging, vlogging and exposing the kind of mind control that I am living with everyday.  Please tell me what WE could do to help ourselves besides prove what we're going through because I have no idea. Most groups for targeted individuals are infiltrated and unsupportive besides the information that has been provided. I wouldn't recommend the hotlines for targeted individuals. What else should I do? I've tried to seek a lawyer but, after being denied, I truly have no idea what else to do and I wish that someone sincere would tell me. I don't know about going into the court (building) to get papers to file an independent lawsuit. What else can I do besides make my struggles as a target so obvious that people who couldn't possibly understand will? I think most people believe that I have been targeted, burned, raped and they've even accepted the fact that psychotronic warfare is a reality. But, what can I say to the people in my life who are my family and friends and people I work with to get them to join my cause...which really isn't just mine? I don't know you at all so, I can't tell you whether you're wasting your time or not. :-] You could be ignorant. But, I don't follow you enough to form an opinion about you. I agree with every words of your comment and the caps make me believe you feel strongly about what you put into caps. But, what can I do besides promote the work of others? I know their value. They are like the mothers and lawyers in my family who'd never support me. So, I have thought of what my life would be like without the video's on Youtube that support T.I's. ;-) Youtube should be killed, too for allowing the video's up that we share. (sick humor...you gotta have it in the midst of death threats) :-)

Jessie Ventura on Ron Paul ∞ Libertarian Voting for Gary Johnson No Ron Paul but Beter than Robama

Adam Kokesh Interview with Penny Freeman, Former Staffer in Tears over Ron Paul Betrayals //www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX4DdfSGiFs&feature=g-all-c ...

User Comments

I hope you are right but I will still not support mitt romney. Take a look at what happened at some of the conventions when Ron Paul supporters tried to defend liberty and change the republican party. They were arrested and one RP delegate was even hospitalized by the police and arrested for simply defending the fact RP won that convention but it was stolen from him. I hate to say it but I think Rand will be changed more than he changes them but I hope I'm wrong!!!
I would disagree. There is MUCH on Fox News that support the Neocons. They were all for everything when it was a Republican in office. The current attempts of "Libertarian" shows is a strategy to pull in more Libertarian voters. I am Libertarian, I have a bad taste in my mouth even after watching a supposed Libertarian on Fox News.
honestly, makes for good listening though I just don't trust this guy.. Ventura has been working in the military industrial complex all his life. A long history of performing as a wrestler, TV shows, politics... he is their man. People like him and Jones will just keep us chasing our tails until they us down a dark ally
If 9-11 was done by outsiders, why did we Americans lose all of our rights to be free from govt abuse from the TSA to the govt spying on us for nothing ... Seems to me that if you question the official story, you are a bed person. The actions of the govt do not match the words ... think about it!
Look Gov, government light rail is a joke - your train goes by here in the Twin Cities and no one is ever inside of it. It's not cost-effective to boot. A private light rail would be fine - but the reason that there are none is because they don't work.
BRAVO RAND PAUL. The Republican Party can only be cleaned from the inside out, and man are they gonna hate it when Rand Paul nails the constitution upon every wall! Sound the drums and play the pipes because the PATRIOTS HAVE ENTERED THE BUILDING!!
This woman is a Liberal. The anti-Fox News slight is a slight against Libertarianism. Jesse wants to remove people from the independence of driving their own vehicles and put them in trains.
It is true, corporations are persons. And persons are corporations (legal fictions). You are not a person, you are a human being. Your birth certificate created the person.
yup, they killed a president and other world leaders, as if they escape their wrath...yup they are controlled opposition for sure, actors
You do know that Gary was in Israel, and he was there for 3 days. Think about it!
Maybe that's why he's supporting zionist Gary Johnson.

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