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Metropolitan Police - Special Escort Group Range Rover Vogue Escorting Vehicle
One of the SEG Range Rovers escorting a vehicle through Trafalgar Square, and yes there was a fully armed Police Officer walking towards me!! The siren you ...
What he did was essential for the protection of his principal. They were at
a choke point (a place where the convoy could get cut off or even ambused).
Another key thing in escort is that you have to keep moving. If you're
stopped, the expression 'sitting ducks' springs to mind. I suggest you see
things from other points of view instead of just from one point of view. It
is illegal to shoot or kill someone, but if what they do is justified, then
traffic laws mustn't be that different, surely?
@TheRealEmskiHelp They got out as they escorting something or someone
important, what they do is to be ready for anything If the police vehicle
comes to a stop for second the police as the door open and his ready for
anything and no doubt that weapon is ready if anything happens this isn't
about being above the law, they have to be ready for any eventuality, I
live in London I seen the police do it and they appreciate drivers who give
them space to do there job
@TheRealEmskiHelp actually a police officer on a registered duty that is
logged with control, escort duties are a blue light duty, can stop their
vehicle anywhere! including on double yellow lines, hatched markings, and
in the middle of the road...so yes they do have the right to do this. there
is nothing wrong with the actions of any officer here. and blue lights are
not only for emergency situations.
@BritishPoliceMods Of course I noticed the VAN behind the Police. Just
because someone's being escorted, it doesn't give them the right to stop in
the middle of a busy round about and get back in while the Police us
stopped right in the middle of it. Blues on for what? there's no emergency.
They're also on the wrong side of the road.
@BlueLightVids The Heckler & Koch MP5 (from German: Maschinenpistole 5,
"machine pistol model 5") is a 9mm submachine gun of German design,
developed in the 1960s by a team of engineers from the German small arms
manufacturer Heckler & Koch GmbH (H&K) of Oberndorf am Neckar.
@TheRealEmskiHelp DUDE are you serious or what cant you see he had his
blues on and he couldnt get out so he had all right to get out so yeah he
can do anything to get were hes going to were hes escorting the car behind
but you didnt notice the car did you NOPE..
No you can't. Police pay 50% for RR's, Met police get them even less. Plus
a Crown Vic is an outdated, slow as hell fuel heavy hunk of cack, not a
bigass 4x4 intended to ram other vehicles out of the way.
@Gravysatan you're just as stupid as he is. it's pretty bloody clear they
are providing an escort for that secondary vehicle... they are not on any
emergency call, no lives are at risk. p.s read the TITLE
That is correct, modified MP5 A3 in single fire. The MP5N that was
suggested earlier is only used by the US Navy SEALs, they redesigned it and
have it made in the US under licence from H&K
Anyone else here on a 'Watch the BlueLightVids' spree? I say, great work
BlueLightsVids! :D I love Police Range Rovers, saw a vintage one yesterday
in Manchester. Great Catch! :)
@IntenseSoldier Yes that what they all do, sometimes they are armed with
G36C's assault rifles mostly in airports. They are also armed with Tazer
and Glock 17 side arms.
how come the ARV armed police always get the fancy cars. Got one up here in
a brand new Jaguar XF & Mitsubishi Evo 10 (although that one might be
That's not corruption, that's being smart. The investigations go on for
weeks, and unless it's resolved, it stays on your record, which can be used
against you.