Georgetown University's Michael Eric Dyson and columnist Kathleen Parker discuss with Bob Schieffer the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.
The resistance to talk about race is a sore subject for many because some
whites feel like it's a blatant attack against them for what their
forefathers did years ago. However, when prejudicial practices are still
being perpetuated, which lead to social injustices, the attack is not
against those who are just white, but against those who are white who
persists to perpetuate prejudicial ideologies and practices. I love all
people but I refuse to extend love and respect when it's not reciprocated
@torr59622 It's sort of like an oxymoron, right? Here is my claim as it
pertains to discrimination or any form of prejudicial practice: I have no
problems with conforming to Westernized thinking, for it is the predominate
ideology here in North America and for me, it only means ADJUSTING to
survive. However, I do have a problem with assimilation, for it is a
delusional and self-compromising ideology that affects your self-integrity;
which usually leads to detachment from your identified group.
The problem with black America is not racial profiling or white racism The
problem with black America is one of moraliy. Why don't black leaders tell
blacks that maybe they should behave better? Maybe not have 70% of black
babies out of wedlock? How about teaching manners and respect to young
black males? Young black males act horribly. How many go to church? How
many stand on the street corner selling dope? How many carry guns? They
need to start acting white (kind, decent, caring, respectful)
The reason there are a disproportionate number of Blacks and Hispanics in
jail is because the majority of people committing crimes in this country
are Black and Hispanic!!! It's not a result of racial profiling blah blah,
it's just a cold hard fact! Another cold, hard fact: the majority of the
players in the NBA are Black. Is this because of racial profiling? Should
someone get on their soap box and toot the race horn? No. That would be
ridiculous. If you break the law, you pay. Simple as that.
there were hordes of young white kids across the country that were
attempting to rid themselves of ''white guilt'' and any even subconscious
racism that they may harbor. it was a psychologic exercise in which they
purged their souls. most of them didn't really think it out. they merely
voted on him on his oratory skills and the fact he was an intelligent black
who was a certified half white as well. many openly wept on election night
as they were caught up in emotion. blacks saw it as payback.
you always address me as ''dumb dale''..when you're the one who uses
profanity, name calling and all sorts of 4 letter words to make your point.
you do this instead of making a rational, intelligent point. now who's
dumb. i haven't used any racial language whatsoever. it's you guys that
jump the gun and scream ''racism'' at the first opportunity. check out
jimmy carter's recent statements. now that'sracially divisive...coming from
a miserable old white man. his policies almost wrecked america.
@torr59622 The reoccurring theme of race is something that remains and will
never be obliterated; unless those who are "TRULY" against it, stand up and
denounce its insidiousness. Even some immigrants who are of lighter skin
pigmentation, reap the benefits of societal privilege or preferential
treatment. I'm not saying that progress has not been made over the years,
but what I am saying is that until sepremacy on either ethnic group,
gender, or sexual orientation stops, the acrimony remains.
Dumb Dale Are you kidding me! You ignorant Jealous fucker! I can't blame
you, it's in your DNA! You were raised with LIES! To keep you from knowing
the TRUTH and to make you feel Superior! Which is furthest from the TRUTH!
Do your research to see who the 1st. Man was! Secondly you're wrong again
Blacks did the inventing and was murdered for being black you ignorant
fuck! You are absolutely no ALBERT EINSTEIN! Stupid Asshole! White men
can't do anything but Lie, steal, and bear false witness!
@MrGrevy especially from non whites because traditionally, love/education
have been the tenats that destroy racism, & since non whites have been
traditionally the most oppressed, this poses threats to white imperialism.
Good whites like yourself get offended because deep down you resonate
w/that apparatus even though outwardly you conceal it. A common
conservative tactic is to say anything that opposes white power racist,
even when very well you may not fully agree w/its policies/institution
No Asshole Fact- WHITES are far more "Murderous" then that of any BLACKS! U
fuckers have no Morals and do not want anyone to know how U fucker think
but we already know your shit! Childmolesters, serial killers, homosexuals,
same-sex marrigage confused CRAZY fuckers who needed DISCRIMINATION to
advance U fuckers in life! Whites have committed 100 times more crimes
dating back to SLAVERY!! STOP THE LIES! LIAR!! Go to court TV...Jeffrey
Deimher, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, etc.. Its in the DNA
Fat Ass!!! Yeah no.... You need to shut your "Hole" bitch!!! You of course
are another "FUCKIN" Liar!!! Whites stole this land from the INDIANS!!!
Stupid fucker!!! Either you are tooo young or just want to be IGNORANT to
the facts!! Fuck you and Racism has served you BITCHES well! I didnt say
all WHITES but you are the White POS- Piece of Shit Im talking about!!
Bitch check another HISTORY book "Stupid idiot" because your REALITY is a
LIE!!! And I think you know it!!! SLAVERY in 1800-1950?
Dumb dale 1966 You're old enough to know better! Dr. Dyson is verrry
Intelligent! You only wish you were that intelligent! Because "Lies" from
your ANCESTORY has told you that you are KINGS like the movie 300/ Gerald
Butler! LIES Wrong..Africans are the "Original" man and the only KINGS of
this Earth! That's why we are able to do things that "Whites" can't do! We
have many Talents! Dr. Dyson is not a "Race-baiter, he's a Race man who
deals with Race here in America! You sound like the KKK!
do you know how ridiculous you sound. famous people like jjackson and al
sharpton. most blacks would rather forget the psychotic pedophile mjackson.
then you pick on the world's worst white criminals and flaming fags of the
white race including europeans. what about every founder of america. you
can thank white people for well over 90 percent of all inventions of a
technical nature. artists and archetechture too. white people are the
brains of the earth. blacks the dregs of the earth. bye.
You need to hold up on some of your nonsense. You sound incredibly
ignorant, and racist. I know you're probably a troll (what the hell did
your completely untrue and irrelevant remark about incest have to do with
anything) but most of the stuff you're spewing is way off the mark. Many
many white people's ancestors weren't even in this country when slavery was
taking place. Shout 'racism' all you want but the vast majority of white
americans aren't racist and are tired of your hate speech.
@MrGrevy Whites had to clean up their OWN mess that THEY created in the 1st
place. I dont expect a troll like you to actually engage in a fruitful
exchange,just to vent your thinly veiled racist views for yall to be
disgusted by.Your assumptions let me know that you're a condescending
,WANNABE superiority,that likes to believe everyone else is beneath you.
Sorry,that's not the case,nor will it ever be. You appear to be the one
that doesn't know TRUE history,NOT that bullshit whites teach.
Neo Nazi Whites are far more "Thirsty" in Nature then that of Blacks!!
Again you Ignorant fuckers RACIST fuckers repeat the same old "SHIT"!! That
doesnt bother me, but what bothers me is that YOU are an INSANE STUPID
Fucker! I do not STEAL or use FOOD STAMPS..You would like to believe
that!!! You think you know BLACKS but it show you don't!! MORON!! You wish
you had the TALENT most Blacks have! It's" BITCHES" like you who has
,,,,,AN "ATHEISTIC" VIEWS!!! No belief system! Just Ignorance!
Dumb Dale Blacks did not see it as Payback! The only ones saw it as Payback
was you RACIST FUCKERS, who knew all of the TRAPS set for BLACKS:
there was some type of Racist shit going on! BLACKS saw it as an HISTORIC
moment! You Ignorant BITCH! How the hell can you say what BLACKS Thought or
say The event as? YOU say some DUMB shit! You're such an Asshole!! It's
SHADY ass White people like you that makes matter worst!
DentistsAsshole You Ignorant Fucker!! Im BLACK AND PROUD BITCH!!! I hope to
God you're not a DENTIST!!! You lying cheating motherfucker has benefited
well from Racism!!! You motherfuckers are Carbon Copies!! STUPID ASSHOLE!!
WHITE NIGGER!!! Trailor Trash underachiever!! BITCH we are the BEST!!! You
JEALOUS MOTHERFUCKERS are some sick ass serial killer, childmolestering,
dick sucking BITCHES!!! So we don't worry about you!!! Go to any near by
Hood and say that "SHIT" You fuckin COWARD!!!
got your dander up, eh. wow. i didn't mean to make anyone mad. obama did
''step in it'' as kathleen parker said. dyson is just a race-baiter with an
affirmative action ph.d. he's always hiding behind his ''professorship''
from a university that granted it to him over a better qualified white
person. dyson is an obnoxious individual that dares to call himself a
baptist preacher. another ''rhyming reverend'' like al not-so-sharpton and
jesse hi-jackson. put that in your pipe and smoke it.
why does it not dissipate? because you won't LET it dissipate! every
perceived cut, or slight it's wah wah wah. THATS why it doesn't dissipate.
The racism itself has been dissipating over the years, but you won't
acknowledge it. All we hear is that racism is as bad as it's ever been,
subtle racism, institutional racism blah blah blah!!! Gates situation
perfect example. Only racism here is Gates assumption that the white cop
was racist. THE ONLY RACIST WAS GATES!! Too much truth for you?
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