Sami Aldeeb: The Eventual Implosion of the Islamic Society A few excerpts from the video: "We must go as far as to desecrate the Koran and ...
Comment ça se fait que tout le monde, à part les musulmans, ont compris
depuis bien longtemps qu'il ne fallait pas obéïr aveuglément à des livres
et des codes, quels qu'ils soient. Les musulmans semblent arriérés à ce
Islam is primarily a political ideology and only secondarily a religion.
This is an explosive combination, as history ahs shown, as rieligous
fanaticism is the worst type of fanatism. Nazismo and Communismo didn't
have a religious ingredient and they didn't last long. Islam has lasted
1400 years and in the process killed 270 million people.
At the risk of shocking we must have the courage to say that fundamentalism is not the malady of Islam—it is a literal, comprehensive and total reading of its fundamental texts. Fundamental Islam is simply legal Islam that fits the standard". Anne-Marie Delcambre (French Islamologist).
je ne defends pas l'extremisme islamique...non alors je suis plutot contre cette guongraine, mais le probleme c'est que le monde s'acharne sur cette religion qu'on a toujours diabolise cela pose des question de savoir dans quel interet on commet des crimes contre l'humanite au nom d'une religion??? le monde entier doit comprendre que l'ignorance tue plus que la pauvrete....le professeur doit seulement eclairer bien le probleme sans le voir seuelement de son propre point de vue....le probleme est bien complexe, et il faut utiliser tous les moyens reflechis pour mettre fin a la monte de ce phenomene religieux extremiste et dangereux....
« Au risque de choquer il faut avoir le courage de dire que l’intégrisme n’est pas la maladie de l’Islam. Il en est la lecture littérale, globale et totale de ses textes fondateurs. L’Islam des intégristes, des islamistes, c’est tout simplement l’Islam juridique qui colle la norme ». Anne-Marie Delcambre (Islamologue française).« Aucune colonisation n’est allée aussi profonde que celle de l’Islam et des Arabes (…). Les populations colonisées se voient dépouillées de toute vie intellectuelle ; il y a une hystérie musulmane, une tyrannie de l’Islam ». NAIPAUL, Sir Vidhiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, gagnant du prix Nobel indien de littérature.
Sa critique de l'Islam et du Judaïsme est virulente et pertinente, par
contre son parti pris pour Jésus lui fait perdre tout crédit à mes yeux.
Critiquer les religions au nom du Droit me paraît tout à fait respectable,
cependant si on en critique d'autres seulement parce que la sienne est
meilleure...cela éveille forcément la méfiance.
Contrairement à ce qu'il affirme les religions chretiennes ont elles aussi
des penchants théocratique, n'a-t-il jamais entendu parler de la Très
Sainte Inquisition? des croisades? de la saint-Barthélémy? des Cathares?
A-t-il oublié que les catholiques ont encore à l'heure actuelle, un
souverain qui s'exprime au nom de Dieu? qu'il est le chef d'un État
(Vatican) et donc un législateur?
A-t-il oublié que le président des USA prête serment la main sur la Bible?
Sait-il qu'en France, la séparation de l’église et de l’état date d’à peine
un siècle?
Les religions, chrétiennes ou autres, ont souvent eu des dérives
autoritaires. Et si Jésus ne prétendait pas dicter aux gens leur conduite,
ses représentants ultérieur ne s'en sont pas privés. Et si aujourd'hui tant
de gens sont chretiens, c'est parce que leurs ancêtres ont étés convertis
de force.
A la lumière de la science, on peut affirmer que les évènement de l'Ancien
Testament ne se sont jamais produit, de même que les Vedas, les Upanishad,
les sagas nordiques ou les mythes grecs. On peut donc en conclure qu'il ne
s'agit pas de chronique d'historiens mais de simples histoires à but
pédagogique ou malheureusement idéologique ou encore politique.
Dernière chose : Mahomet, tout comme Jésus, a engendré non pas une mais DES
religions. Les mettre toutes dans ensemble dans : "Islam" est un amalgame
obscurantiste douteux de la part de quelqu'un qui prétend s'y connaître.
exemple: Les catholiques, les protestants, les orthodoxes, les chiites,
entretiennent tous un clergé à leur charge.
Ce qui n'est pas le cas des sunnites, des druzes, ni des quakers.
Dans les différent courants du Christianisme, du Judaïsme et de l'Islam on
trouvera toujours des parallèles, dans le bon comme dans le mauvais.
+Erymandias pas tout à fait d'accord. Tu as mal compris. Il dit bien au contraire qu'on trouve la même chose dans les textes bibliques. Quant à Jésus même il le désacralise ds d'autres vidéos. Il a un point de vue cartésien, terre à terre, tout en étant ouvert aux religions qu'il connaît très bien.Et même, on ne peut pas comparer le message de Jésus avec celui du coran ou de l'ancien testament. C'est tout le contraire, et cela se voit dans le monde de tous les jours, qd tu vois les différents croyants ! Jésus avait un message de sagesse et d'ouverture, à l'inverse mahommed n'était en rien un sage, mais un guru conquérant, qui au contraire d'abolir les lois barbares qu'il y avait partout à l'époque comme le font les vrais sages, les a renforcés et carrément divinisé !!! La question est cmt peut-on être assez stupide que pour s'être fait avoir pendant 1400 ans??
+Erymandias Les musulmans commettent leurs crimes en vertu des enseignements de leurs textes sacrés (coran et haddiths essentiellement) et de leur fondateur supposé (mahomet). Les chrétiens, lorsqu'ils ont commis des crimes, l'ont fait en dépit des enseignements de Jésus. Cela fait toute la différence !
+Love All Je suis athéedonc je ne favorise aucune religion, mais j’ai une religion (ou plutôt unesecte) en horreur, c’est bien l’Islam qui est le produit d’un malade mentalavec des folies de grandeur et qui doit finir ses pénitences en enfer jusqu’àla fin des temps, s’il y a une fin des temps puisque je ne crois ni au ciel nià l’enfer. Tout cela sont des balivernes pour nous faire peur.
+Maya Touviere le but de mon propos n'était pas de t'offenser, sois-en sûre, j'ai écouté ce que disait la vidéo et souhaitait simplement que les prochains pourraient trouver des commentaires plus pertinent que : "amen que leurs âmes soient sauvés!" car je me doute que ce genre de vidéo attire les cathégristes qui aimerait effectivement beaucoup s'ériger en législateur (avortement, creationnisme, etc).
Je suis athée. C’est pourquoi j’ai traduit la vidéo de George Carlin sur « La religion est une connerie » ! Le fait que Sami Aldeeb soit chrétien, le rend moins crédible mais toujours plus crédible que l’Islam qui n’est pas une religion mais une secte. D’ailleurs toutes les religions (ou plutôt sectes) sont des contes de fées d’horreur pour subjuguer le peuple. Je ne peux pas en écrire plus long car je n’ai tout simplement pas le temps.
il y a une erreur de traduction à 13:02 : label des frères musulmans et non
pas la belle des frères musulmans.
there is a translation mistake at 13:02 : " they have benefited from the
muslim brothers label" instead of "they have benefited from the beautiful
muslim label
I did notice the mistake a while ago. However since I already had people who viewed the video I didn't want to correct it as you automatically lose the statistics and have to start all over again. I should have put an "annotation" pointing out the error in the translation like I did with George Carlin in "Religion" but forgot. In fact, there is another mistake in George Carlin's video, I wrote in French "chevres," instead of "bouc," but I am unable to point out the last mistake since I live in the boonies and the connection with youtube is horrible, especially when I try to include a comment on the video itself. I can only put the comment when I go to the city. However, I decided not to take my computer on week-ends.Thank you to let me know about the mistake. Best, Maya.
University Don Berates Deadlocked ASUU/FG Meeting Pt1
A Psychology lecturer in the University of Lagos, Mr Dan Ekere on has berated the deadlocked meeting between the federal government and the Academic Staff ...
Imploding House (My house!)
Alex Jones Show: Commercial Free Video - Friday (12-12-14) Billy Corgan & Dr. Darrell Y. Hamamoto
On this Friday, December 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest betrayal by House Speaker Boehner, the growing signs of an imploding ...
Legalize Marijuana? Truth About Rick Perry! US to Lose Second Place in World Trade!
My commentary on Ron Paul introducing bill to legalize marijuana, my thoughts on Rick Perry, the jobless problem in America and U.S. universities screwing ...
@Raykenn1 USA: 1. you're involved in altering and destroying nature,
countries and people 2. you talk about freedom of speech yet, you let money
buy freedom of speech and you have agents who copy paste all over the web
3. your country goes against the ten commandments by worshipping the golden
calf 4. your country thought of controlling the world through monsanto's
GMOs 5. you're like the aliens from independence day, you move through
places consume all the resources while destroying everything.
So, I wondering what is going to happen to all those baby boomers that turn
55 and older this year. lots of people losing there social securtiy checks,
medicare and most of their help from Big Gov.. I work as a manager of a
senior mobile home park and I don't know if this will be good when it
starts to implode. My wife and I can hear the complaints and excuses when
checks stop flowing, even some of residents are already not paying
increases in rent until gov gives increase, so blind to the truth
Ron Paul wins when people wake up & stop listening to the MSM. It's all a
huge psy-op to keep people thinking that their vote will be wasted if they
vote for him. The truth is that he wins almost every discussion & debate
he's placed in. He actually wants what the people want; to end the wars,
control immigration, legalize freedom, disband tyranny (things like the TSA
& the Patriot Act), etc. Because of this, elites now in control use the MSM
to work hard creating bias towards any vote for him.
@Bllackguard666 LOL ok, how did the myth about marijuana got started? To
make it simple for you, some rich guy didn't want hemp to replace his
material, so the rich guy remember that he has connection with the feds and
worked to discredit the plant not because of its various uses, but because
the rich guy feared that the hemp form marijuana will make him bankrupt.
But y should u listen to me the truth is out there but ur a typical sheep,
i will just have to turn the temperature up on my oven.
@djguy100 your mental state wasn't strong enough for it in the first place
that's why in your head you think the plant can kill you and your comment
about cannabis being worse than coke...... Ha ha Your obliviously brain
dead or slow not to mention the fact that you said it caused health risks
which is the dumbest thing Ive heard as there are no recorded deaths. on
the other hand alcohol and cigs... lets not take it that far all i wanna
say is you have no fucking clue what your talking about
@Bllackguard666 1) LOL. So you get your medical "facts" from a French
Travel & Culture mag? Note how your quote from them says "7X more tar" not
the "10X" you quoted earlier. So you did a google search, just now, to try
and support your claim and that was the best you could find? And "cannabis
leaves and resin"? It is the flowers of the plant that are smoked and very
few people smoke resin. It's like me citing the risks of cigarettes and
mouth cancer by quoting the effects of chewing chaw.
@Bllackguard666 Care to share your sources for this info, like actual
medical studies? I've heard that 10x the tar figure tossed around by laymen
for over 25yrs now and not one can tell me where that # comes from. In
addition, the average cigarette smoker smokes 20-40 cigs/day; if you think
the avg pot smoker smokes that many joints in a day you must think they're
all stinking rich! And you have admitted to being a cigarette smoker
yourself, so obviously tar is not a big concern of yours...
@Bllackguard666 2) Try actually visiting a medical website like that of the
Mayo Clinic and do a search on Marijuana and tell me what you find. And
keep smoking that government-sanctioned weed and lining the pockets of big
tobacco, after all, they really do have your best interest at heart and
have never lied to you about the negative effects of their drug. And if you
get cancer I hope you like that nausea that comes w/ chemo cuz we wouldn't
want you to injest any mj to alleviate your pain.
@Bllackguard666 Lol an addict and a worthless junkie; well truthfully I
would rather be a “worthless junkie” than a mindless sheep. However, I am
far from an addict or a junkie and my credential are not on debate because
you are most likely under my lever of cognitive awareness. Furthermore, I
was merely trying to show you the error of your wisdom by cursing it with
facts, but like the deniers you’re doomed for the OVEN :) Who are you and
what have you done to judge anyone? Semper fi
OMG! Thank you for mentioning the farm lands in Africa. It's actually the
pastoral areas that take the most damage. It's a little known fact that
there are areas of land, in Africa that rely on each other. They have their
own lands and houses, but they depend on each other to walk and feed their
animals in each others lands. It's an amazing system of sharing land, and
they rely on it for their way of life. Though, the world powers are coming
in and selling the land off. Absolute tragedy.
@DEMCAD yeah your grammar is way better than mine...that's why I'm yanking
down a grand a week while you play News Anchor wanna be.....Government
numbers don't reflect what I started rolling more than a year it's will take some time for this to grow across the
country.....they can't find workers....Crystal Employment, Aerotech, Liquid
Automation, Batton, Comau, Partner Personal, JB Skilled em
if you have ANY skills and want to work...
@telewebservices Well, "Tele" I notice quite a few blaring issues in your
response: 1. You avoid answering the question 2. You attack the person
presenting the question 3. You present that two wrongs will make a right,
and 4. "your country sounds like a big fight club" You're not even frigging
from here ! So, are you just an irrational person with a teenagers
mindset...Drugs will do that to you, you know? Or, a wacko liberal hoping
for and working towards the downfall of "Our" country?
@Bllackguard666 A) Note how #2 has the qualifiers that "a drug SUCH as mj
addictive narcotics" i.e. mj is not itself a narcotic, but is SUBJECT TO
the regulations of ACTUAL addictive narcotics. B) Alcohol and codeine are
actual narcotics, yet they are legal. Ever wonder why that is? C) The idea
that mj makes people think they can fly is ridiculous. That idea comes from
Reefer Madness a movie made in 1936.
@Bllackguard666 Yeah your own view of the information that is drilled into
your opinion. Don't try to add any logic's in the mix if your not gonna go
out and learn the truth for yourself instead of clinging on to the same
false/disinfo. campaign about a plant and claiming that "you are one of the
few to have your own idea" if you follow the link you will find where your
ideas/views originated from you Brainwashed sheep. NO BALLS to watch the
video. watch?v=nKYmWVDyM5c
Its such a joke that Cannabis isn't globally recognized as the wonder drug
that it is, not only for medicinal purposes but also as a much safer
recreational drug than Alcohol. I'm 17 years old and cannot get a job
ANYWHERE simply because 6 months ago i was caught with a small bag of a
plant that cant not kill me and will not cause me to harm anyone around me.
But hey i suppose druggies like me shouldn't be trusted to work in Coffee
shops or Pharmaceutical stores ;)
Uh-oh,....US loses second place in trade to.....India,...hmm...seems like
all us other peoples, americans included need to begin to learn mandarin
chinese, hindi or those other major languages that are in use in India,
instead of focusin' on english, french, italian, german, for the am.
universities screwin' over africans,...not good,....once they take their
farmland, we have landless peasants and the african rulers,....shhhhh,
quiet. Thumbs up Reg!! =D
Youths in Lagos Make Coffins for PDP And APC Over Lingering Education Crisis:
Youths in Lagos state have issued ultimatum to the Federal Government controlled by the PDP, asking it to meet demands of the Academic Staff Union of ...
This problem is Nation wide not Lagos alone, is being handled by federal
govt not state govt therefore lagos state governor has no legitimate right
to call back for ASUU strike, He neither has right to call back the strike
nor force ASUU to continue the strike, all he can do in my opinion is to
plead with the federal government to reach ASUU needs
Abdullahi,the guy was talking abt high rise in lasu sch fees not Asuu.It's
very much unfair for fashola govt.for such an incredible increment in lasu
sch.fees having enjoyed free education.