You want to see a big elevator you need to visit Chicago's Illinois Center.
I've load my day-cab semi and 28 foot trailer on it to the basement. then
you pull out on a turntable that spins truck and trailer so you can back
into the dock. The most i've had on it way 40k its rated for 60k
VERT Thursday 03/07/2013 - Black Diamond Skatepark - Atlanta, GA
Cambridge, MA: Scenic Otis Series 1 Hydraulic Ballroom Elevators @ The Charles Hotel
Riding the very nice scenic Ballroom Elevators in The Charles Hotel at Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Specs Brand: Otis Installed: 1980's Type: ...
Westinghouse Hydraulic Shuttle elevator @ The Charlotte Plaza Charlotte NC
This is the elevator that just goes from the lobby to the elevator lobby in the Charlotte plaza. Interesting thing about this building is that the bottom floors are ...
@elevatorman247 I do too. The Peabody Hotel in Little Rock (back then it
was The Excelsior) had Westinghouse elevators and had that indicator. But
the hotel closed in 1999 and reopened in 2001. And now Otis modernized
them. But still has the Westy bell.
Vintage Otis Traction elevator @ The Nashville Arcade Nashville TN
this elevator dates back to 1902 slightly modernized with an electric door opener and innovation buttons. Here is the much anticipated T900 version with MUCH ...
This is one of the coolest elevators I've ever seen. As made clear by the title, it is manufactured by ThyssenKrupp. The passing signal of the other elevator can be ...
Brand: ThyssenKrupp Fixtures: Aurora Type: Traction Did you hear the
distant passing signal from I guess a nearby elevator around when you
passed Floor 3?