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Cancer woman attraction Videos

Sexual Attraction and Magic Spells for Cancer Women

//www.alizons-psychic-secrets.com/attraction-spell.html Cancer Sex and Sexual Attraction. How to seduce a Cancer Woman.

Attracting Women - Cancer

How Did She Cure Herself Of Cancer With the Secret?

Latest at //AttractionOptimization.com/blog . Amazing story of a young woman who cured herself of cancer using the powerful principles of The Secret and ...

User Comments

Since when was hydration for children's diarreah or physical therapy for arthritis patentable? What about a majority of effective and commonly used drugs which have outlived their patent of 20 years (after trials, more like 10), for which there are cheap 'generics' available? The condition a treatment needs to meet is robust evidence that it works and is safe; this is EBM; and mostly, it is done right, save for some scum companies not publishing negative results. Prove what you claim at the end.
Please feel free to watch my video regarding a cancer cure. Please do the research. You might not be aware and I'm sure your doctor won't remind you, but radiation causes cancer. It's also usually a side effect of chemo. Ask your oncologist or research it - don't take my word for it. Stop eating sugar as it feeds cancer, and cut out all dairy because it contains growth hormones. Think about what hormones do toa tumour? I hope you're still well btw - I was diagnosed 2 1/2yrs ago and I'm very well
I recently survived stage IV metastatic cancer and I used these techniques in conjunction w/ traditional treatment. 36 radiation treatments, 18 months of horrible chemo, 3 surgeries, my body was ripped apart but I was able to protect mind through the power of positive thinking and attracting positive health and life. When you are in pain & suffering unimaginably this is very difficult to maintain b/c the pain is relentless, every minute of every day & it wears you down.. I am 2 years cancer free
Okay, she's promoting the secret. BIG DEAL! Her success story can still teach people things they don't know about and BENEFIT from them. Mental stress is very harmful to our bodies and she explains on how she tries to reduce it to the bare minimum. Like practicing yoga, taichi, and other exercises, which lead to a better mind with more positive thinking. A positive mind is very much linked to a body with better functioning. Of course, changing her diet to healthier foods added to that as well.
@Scratch47 Thanks and I am touched. It is in the moment of decision , to be grateful, positive, try something new or open to new ideas, shapes our destiny. Nothing touches me more to hear we have given at least someone hope and even a chance to be happy and blissful. This is truly the power of your mind and faith and it is one of the most powerful moments in our lives. Thanks for sharing and do keep us posted and hopefully you can inspire others here too. You're welcome to post a video reply.
I like to know the type of cancer and the stage the cancer was at when she knew she had it and change her diet and mindset. How she helped herself was through improving her immune system via diet change and mindset. She was promoting the SECRETS, not so much about cancer cure. I hope cancer patients do not foolishly believe and follow her. Wonder her mindset alone would have cured her if she had her regular cup of coffee with 2 teaspoon of sugar . The above video is misleading and dangerous.
@pixieandbutch 'Miracles' are often misunderstandings (e.g. incorrect prognosis), and occasionally simple lies, which is why we must look instead to reliable methods which are tested. In a world without medical miracles, all we can do is maximise our chances of health. We have to come to terms with the real world: there is no grand reason why you should be alive, healthy and happy; any time you can say these about yourself, that is as close to a miracle as we'll get. I'm so glad you're well!
@pishdad Actually you can't take care of your health unless you are a positive healthy person. So picturing herself in perfect health forced her life to become 'perfect health'. Therefore her diet changed etc. So essentially, yes the law of attraction did cure her. Have you ever seen a positive drug addict? Didn't think so. But if they pictured themselves healthy and felt that they were healthy would they still continue drugs. Nope. So then again it would be the thoughts first not actions.
There are currently many cures for cancer, although they are all natural substances and not able to be patented by drug companies. In the UK we also have the cancer act of 1939 which makes it illegal to treat cancer with anything other than chemo and radiation. Feel free to watch my video which proves the effectiveness of one natural treatment called black salve. Unfortunately our govts have made it illegal. Maybe some of us need to question our govts more rather than trusting them?
Actually her description sounds like more of advertising the SECRET and Law of attraction, Optimum health does require a balance of everything and need not spend a lot of money.Back to basics of living , basics of being a human being in the simplest form . Live in a simple way and eat like what our forefathers had eaten in a much simple & real foods with lots of natural exercises brought about by daily routine works and satisifaction in life .Sorry but she does talk mysteriously .
@pixieandbutch doing the same for the shadow on my hip and lower lumbar. which I am now doing radiation..My little girls is the best reason in the world to fight with whatever means I have. Videos like these mislead people,,IT is dangerous, It is building up false hope. If there is such a miracle cure it is WRONG to make profit on hope I say that because if it works like they say,, then why is it that I have been redirected and redirected to ,,,,NOWHERE!,? Where is this cure then
@Teghead I totally agree with you. I am a Metastatic Breast Cancer Patient and I have been called a walking miracle. Because I have managed through my own stubborness and will to beat it so far for over 6 years now. I was misdiagnosed after not 1 but 3 biopsies right after the birth of my baby girl and long story short because of hospital error and delay in treatment the cancer went to my T1 Vertibra. BUT after treatments and alot of prayer it is gone, BUT Now I AM WORKING ON
I'm going to sound crazy like her, but i've done the same, finding someone like that. For those who aren't sceptical, the law of attraction is not permanant. You have to mantain that metality in order for it to continue. I didnt realize this untill after i lost the person i tryed so hard to get. this isnt a lovey-doveyomgimissher thingy, lol, i'm just saying, if you find that person, that job, the money, the fame, keep in that mentality. Good luck with your adventures, =)
I understand how healthcare works totally. Unfortunately, many others don't. No treatment is used or allowed to be used (or for that matter, allowed to be taught in medical school) UNLESS it is a patented medicine. You will also often find that people on the board of directors in drug companies are also often on the board of directors in the medical profession, or their close family members are. If you say this is not true then you clearly haven't done the research.
Some people are their own worst enemies - and because of the fear, and also because the doctor tells them they have to act immediately, they follow his advice blindly. I find it very sad. I refused treatment for my cancer as I'm fully aware it didn't happen overnight. I'm very well and 2 1/2 yrs on I've just started Karate lessons again. I'm one of the few out there who thinks for themselves. Watch my video to see how I extracted part of my tumour.
The way you refer to "the government" makes me think you do not understand how health care regulation or medical science operate. The truth (or otherwise) of claims of an effective treatment can be easily settled by taking a large group of patients and randomly assigning two groups: for the experimental treatment, and chemo + radio. Such a trial would probably be concluded early for ethical reasons or have a high drop out rate.
@davehutchinson67 If you conduct a google search for Gerson therapy, you will find that the most immediate and most reputable sources of information state that Gerson therapy has never demonstrated any benefit to cancer sufferers, and is likely to be a very unhealthy and dangerous regime. It involves a very limited diet and various enemas which may be dangerous: stay away from it if you are a cancer (or any other) patient.
Placebo effect an extremely extended version. Don't get me wrong, your mind is the key to producing miracles when you put your entire being into believing something. But that's hard work for those who can't get rid of themselves from the surrounding stressors in their living environment so it won't work for lots of people. Stressors can be work, relatives, friends, pretty much anything they surround themselves with.
I don't need to prove anything. I remember you from before. If you think toxic drugs are fine then you take them. See how well you do compared to those who avoid them. I have no more to say on the matter. As with the previous discussion I mentioned, you have nothing of substance to say. Enjoy your visit to the doctors -he'll probably prescribe you prozac - the fluoride it contains will probably calm you down.
Unfortunately you are wrong in what the cancer act does. It purely prevents proven natural cures for cancer being able to be used by medics. You probably aren't aware but natural substances cannot be patented and so are of no interest to drug companies who would lose money if they became available. Feel free to watch my video if you need proof of a natural substance and its power over a patented poison.
Look, you can cure cancer -- I've seen people do it. But will you? I've also seen people fail. I will make a movie with you over Skype where I will give you the tools, or a few of them to get started with. And I don't charge anything for this. So how about it? Will you allow your face to be shown, learning how to defeat this disease on CureTube? Bayard Barnes -- Cell 813-786-0136.
i dont necessarily think the secret can cure cancer...but i do know that the medical establishment cant. Alternative therapies do work. The problem is every single person is different. for some ppl an alkaline body does the trick, for other people high doses of vitamin c and supplements work. we are all created differently, therefore the same cure wont work for everyone.
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Abraham Hicks ~ To Cure Cancer

(zmahoon law of attraction video series) Free ebook: "If thoughts create...then how do people attract negative events they have never thought about?" available ...

User Comments

If one has cancer the most healing thing they can do, to my mind, is to ask themselves "What is bothering me the most in my life?" Then look for the negative thought at the bottom of that situation. Is there resentment or guilt ? Forgive them and yourself. Let go of the whole situation and adopt the positive polar opposite belief.
I wish we had come across this video before my hubby died - it could have helped him, maybe ... but he has transitioned already, and I suppose that's the better choice because now he is free from pain, and he is perfect - pure positive energy. I feel him sometimes, and I like it. Thank you.
thanks for sharing. what workshop is this from ?
Didn't Esther Hicks' husband die of cancer?

Pisces 2016 - The Power of Attraction!

For private readings please visit my website: //temperatestar.doodlekit.com to book an appointment or email me at TemperateStar(at)gmail.com.

Law Of Attraction Ideology = Mental Health Abuse

Please subscribe to Jeff 4 Justice //www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=jeff4justice ○ Jeff 4 Justice denounces "law of attraction / like attracts ...

User Comments

Jeff great video I just watched it all..I used to believe in law of attraction but I believe in what you just said. You have a lot of talent you need to have a radio show or something lol. seriously I enjoyed all your videos on SUV living etc. I was going to try van living or car living I bought a Pontiac grand am that I may try some car living in for local adventures to Oregon etc.. I decided to rent a room or apartment in a smaller nor cal town in the near future...I'm at families home at moment visiting..and then I am planning on buying a used but nice motorhome hopefully a class C and moving to a rv park..but I really want to visit southern Oregon in a month or two if you haven't been out there you will like it I lived there in past. Maybe we could make the trip together sometime. I read and research alot I'm a full time online college student and work for myself as well. You have a way of making great videos that's excite people your reasons to live in a SUV video instead of an apartment made alot of people think of SUV or RV living. I think it's the best way to live why pay rent and just throw your money away each month in a year the average renter spends $12,000 a year but has nothing to show for it. Great job in all your videos do you have a way to email you as I don't want all my comments to be public.
+Chad T Feel free to follow up on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/likejeff4justice or //jeff4justice.uncorporatemedia.com/contact/ or email me (same username here @gmail.com)
Jeff, check out the book, "One Simple Idea," by a guy, I think, named Horowitz. He's the book editor of metaphysical books at a big house publisher. I can't remember which. Anyway, he goes into ALL the history of the New Thought movement which gave birth to the Law of Attraction. He is very sympathetic but also VERY rational about it. I found it to be a very insightful book. You might like it.
+Tom K. Thanks for the tip.
+Tom K. Thanks for the tip.
yes i agree, we cannot just think that a thing will appear, and poof , it appears. and the reason we don't get what we need, is because we are not thinking right. it seems like real nonsense. and an attack on our characters. sad people buy into this, but it makes money. and that is what this world is about.
+Sharon Watts Freelance Writer and Market research Agreed.
Hi Jeff. You have sooooooooooo much insight. I agree with everything youre pointing out that people are scared of what they dont understand. I understand everything youre saying. Im not kidding. I have a phobia of watching TV. Not many people can relate to that. Your videos are proof that there are some people out there who can. Youre a true inspiration. Now I know and understand that im not alone. Thank you. You actually have true appreciation for stuff that no one thinks is important. Awesome!
+jeff4justice , yes thank you for your video. I think that law of attraction is fearbased, it is like we hear all the time that happened to that individual and that to that, most people have a way to deal with that, that happens to other people not me, but law of attraction has an other spin on it to protect yourself, this will not happen to me if I don't fear this or that, which in reality is a bit ...... because I think a lot of stuff happens to people and they did not fear it would happen. Problem with ideology is of course, if somebody is saying this happened to me they (the attraction law believers) project actually their fear by saying you attracted it is your own fault just because they are afraid it could happen to them as well. Of course this is not good at all for relationships and especially to victims, it shuts them up and it is hard to go forward it feels like everybody is leaving them behind.
+possumgirl119  Thanks Possum. I make vids hoping to connect with other like minded people so I am glad that you can relate to this.
You definitely have a lot of points in your video. Unfortunately we are heading towards Idiocracy. I always envisioned a different reality, a utopia instead of a dystopia. I wish I could live in a gay friendly alternate reality time period like 70's 80's, at a time before cell phones and being monitored and spied on. I really don't like how things are these days. I want to live in a simpler time period rather than an impossible one like these days. I know why I can't meet anyone. 1 I hate texting, I have a cell phone to talk to someone on the other end 2 I'm not with the times as in terms of style, I do my own thing 3 I live in a rural area, most gay guys my age don't stay here and most go to large cities, I'm stuck here, I'm in no position to leave 4 I'm not the most outgoing person but If I wanted to go out to gay bars which I wished I could. There isn't one anywhere near me and I couldn't afford to anyway. This just isn't my decade. The only gay guys who notice me are the user/pretender types (the ones who want to screw and run) but most of the time it is 50-60 year old men that notice me. So you can imagine why I've given up even bothering to look anymore. I've pretty much been alone for the last 4 or 5 years. At least I have myself. lol
+librarob1987 I can relate. I try to use my phone as little as possible. I only date people who respect and value me enough to pick up the phone and call me, not text all the time. I won't even meet guys if they insist on texting only. I also have no sense of fashion. I too would prefer rural (or suburb) living over the crowded, noisy, expensive city. I don't go to bars ever. I don't drink. And like you, I find plenty of people willing to offer sex but rarely do I get an offer for a nice date.
awesome video , i even watch the whole thing it held my attention and i have a really bad attention span normally , any way thank you for posting this it was really intresting and i'm gonna share it so more people see it 
+simon brown Thank you Simon. Did anything particular stand out to you?
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