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Social work oslo Videos

University of Oslo - Department of Social Anthropology

The Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo is one of the largest anthropology departments in Europe. Having transformed a strong tradition ...

Lecture: Exploring Shame and Dignity in a Norwegian Welfare Context

This presentation is part of McSilver's Lunchtime Lecture. McSilver Visiting Lecturer Carolina Ohls, who is currently enrolled in a PhD program in Social Work ...

OSLO Norway MASSACRE! Pentagon Seeks to Manipulate Social Media

JOIN THE RESISTANCE! SUBSCRIBE TO My Collapse NEWS DAILY UPDATES: Over 85 plus confirmed dead in this cowardly and evil act in Norway. This story ...

User Comments

Hi Fabian. The view count issue is not a Youtube "mistake". We have other truthers on youtube that are experiencing the exact same thing. View counts intentionally held down so it won't be put near the top for views, which would draw even more attention to your videos. Chris Greene has experienced this exact same problem. Unfortunately the owners of Youtube are criminals and part of the problem. Same criminal category as google owners, Bill Gates, the Clintons, and Obamas ect.... all Criminals.
48 hours before the Norway police were practicing a DRILL for bombs of govt buildings-the day BEFORE the bombings,The DHS puts out a video showing mainly "White people Being Terrorists" now- and what comes out?! A white man blue eyes as the prime suspect "who by himself mind you" was able to carry out a complex bombing with "tons of fertilizer' (oklahoma city anyone? and "by himself" kills over 80 people at a youth camp!? by BUFFALOCALZONE /comment?lc=HGpkwKZ7bvX4La1Fhj6yjVjZnNgZ4omFUoR9aQTIkWk
WAS THERE REAL SHOOTING IN UTOYA, NORWAY or GOVERNMENT'S " AFTERLIFE" FLASH MOB !!? ARE THOSE REAL TEARS OR TEAR GAS AND PURE THEATER/HYPOCRISY !!? No doubt about bombing in Oslo, but what about shooting in Utoya which was no different from the one in Arizona !!!? WILL THERE BE OBAMINATOR MORALES'S APOCALYPSE NOW OR TOTAL WAR AGAINST NWO !!? STOLTENBERG = BREIVIK(90 minutes vs 30 and for government vehicles or police even 20 minutes the most) !!! VISIT MY ACCOUNT FOR DETAILS AND FOLLOW LINK
Why is it so difficult to accept that this TERRORIST is a White Person ? And it's funny how you say the elites want us to fear White People when in fact most of the elites are White! It's comical how certain white people are now uptight over possibly being profiled (((gasp!)))...Welcome to the club folks, black/brown folk have been blacklisted, profiled, and stereotyped as savage thug criminal people for eons. Fact: White People ARE capable of committing terrorist acts as well as Non-Whites.
I first would like to say my love goes out to those familes and Norway -- they need all the love they can to even begin healing. I just would like to comment; I feel that it is odd that American Christian fundamentalist are supporting Isreal, when even the bible says that Isreal is going to betray Americans and make a treaty with the anti-Christ. In order for the prophecies to come true: America goes bankrupt and in effect is no longer of intrest to the beast. The collapse of the USD.
I would even go so far as to say, the Gulf of Mexico spill (4-20-10) in the U.S. and the Fukushima Nuclear meltdown on (3-11-11) were acts of committed by global criminal networks. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) came on the Deepwater Horizon oil platform, but those agents were really Blackwater operatives, connected with a Dutch Shell/BP and the Queen and Tony Hayward, sold their stock shares while Goldman Sachs put option reverse bids bet on the Deepwater horizon's failure.
told 23 year old cousin that libyians support Gadaffi (not he is perfect) he said people don't know what is good for them. Guy at work said he has a point. I Said he sounded like nazi, he was really offended but he did not argue the point =P It kind of jolted him, but he realized that he had just advocated war on another nation because they could not be trusted to make right decision for themselves. Peoples minds are not their own, these are good hearted people but they are LOST.
Mostly all new videos get locked at around 300 views... to think that it's something aimed at you because you try to spread your beliefs on politics and media is just being paranoid. As for the Norway massacre, they only said he was a farmer because he posed as one to get to buy the chemicals he needed to built the bombs that he used in Oslo. Read through the drafts of his journal that he sent to some other political institution and you'll get a glimpse into his twisted mind.
U.S. 4-star General Wesley Clark (Ret.), explains that the Bush Administration planned to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran (2007 up to 2012) youtube. com/watch?v=bX7hMj2NKTc youtube. com/watch?v=lpBAC9dPr-o "Japan’s government, threatened with more HAARP attacks, pays 60 trillion yen to Feds" eclinik.wordpress. com/vital-issues/ben-fulford/japan’s-government-threatened-with-more-haarp-attacks-pays-60-trillion-yen-to-feds/
Thanks for mentioning keywords "mind control" and "patsy' the true history of the world is the hegelian dialectic, problem-reaction-solution, pitting 2 sides against each by a third. This third party is really the global control group of the world, the function of the wholly controlled or exploited with propaganda about 'white-al-qaeda" "Timothy McVeigh" psycopathy. The McVeigh event was not the main stream explanation, McVeigh was a patsy for a much large operation.
Now, similarly Madrid, Spain on 3-11-04 (exactly 911 days after 9-11-01) explosion on subway blamed on al-qaeda. Later a gigantic tidal wave hits Daiichi nuclear power plant releasing massive radiation on 3-11-11. I'm still open to the possibility that this was a natural event. However, please research Ben Fulford, a former Asian pacific bureau chief with Forbes Magazine, who lives in Japan explain a Rockefellerian threat to use an earthquake machine in Japan in 08'
Negativity is concentrating in China and the Arab world (or Middle East). The beast will go any where it is accepted. Although money and power is everything to the puppets; the beast wants humanity to not spiritually evolve, or rather the beast rather see the world in nuclear ruin, then see peace on Earth. All wars are puppeted; the beast is what divides people and throws them at each other. It has always been the same philosophy over and over; divided we fall.
Captain America- wasn't he a chemically enhanced one-man-army of Mercury type speed and symbolism? Movie released on same day- how do you bomb the PM's office and then do the island massacre as an encore performance? It's CARTOONISH. I noticed the blond hair meme right away. How many rounds would it take to kill 90+ fit young teens? This is an intelligence operation to show that even Norway is not immune to taking it's licks along with all the other slaves.
@Fabian4Liberty I have noticed trolls lately trying to spread propaganda that patriots are advocating violence, so I do my best to smack these trolls down. I agree with you this incident in Norway has all the hallmarks of a staged event, a kind of PsyOps. The Dept of Homeland Security as you know, has been trying to demonize patriots of all kinds, ie, Veterans, both returning and retired and just about anyone who dissents against government....Peace.
I'm not surprised at the reports that "he acted alone". I highly doubt that because this terrorist attack seems extremely coordinated and well planned. And it really bothers me that these young kids were on an island all by themselves without much adult supervision, no security whatsoever, sacrificial sheep waiting to be slaughtered. Also, supposedly the attack went on for 2 hours ? Did it take law enforcement over 2 hours to arrive at the scene ?
"CIA spy" Davis was giving nuclear bomb material to Al-Qaeda Double murder-accused US official Raymond Davis has been found in possession of top-secret CIA documents pointing to the American Task Force 373 (TF373) providing Al-Qaeda terrorists with “nuclear fissile material” and “biological agents," including a nuclear "dirty bomb." in.news.yahoo. com/cia-spy-davis-giving-nuclear-bomb-material-al-20110219-224833-452.html
I will bet that ANY future terrorist attack will be ascribed to a "False Flag" attack at the hands of the banksters, the feds, TPTB, CIA, the puppet master(s), etc. This thinking is the default here. China sells missiles to Iran and it's OUR fault, not China's aggressive prepositioning mischief. Our real enemies (Russia, China. Iran, et al) may one day embroil us in warfare, and the thinking here will judge us as the enemy.
@kekoa1776 kekoa the only movement I am in is the one that supports the Bill of Rights and our Constitutional Republic. I base my videos on facts that I find and also form my own opinion based on critical thinking. My viewers can agree or disagree, I just seek to get out an alternative point of view rooted in fact. I have said multiple times and continue to say that all viewers do their OWN research. Thanks for the post.
U.S. Invasion of Libya Set for October infowars. com/u-s-invasion-of-libya-set-for-october/ youtube. com/watch?v=35ndI5Z0C2A BREAKING NEWS: GADDAFI HAS THREATENED TO ATTACK EUROPE IF NATO DOESNT RETREAT bbc.co. uk/news/world-africa-13997322 youtube. com/watch?v=i7hqcdWYRJk No Fly Zone Over Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant Due to “Hazards” ncrenegade. com/editorial/no-fly-zone-over-fort-calhoun-nuclear-plant-due-to-hazards/
McViegh was a zealot of the anti-NWO cause; by his oen tapped admissions clearly reveal which are a matter of record. The logical conclusion of many such zealots - who KNOW the "truth" - often DOES end in violence because they feel compelled by, and justified in, a belief that they are acting out of higher principles. Some of the comments left previously by posters infer similar notions (e.g. let's hang the banksters).
@Fabian4Liberty This is your joint. As such, it's none of my business how you run it. As you allow those who disagree into the mix, I will continue to do so. From my view, based on my own life experience as a career soldier, now retired; having been assigned to INSCOM; personally knowing scores and been associated with thousands in military intel and the intel community at large (to include CIA, and having developed...
LOL good timing on the press releases a couple days ago before the bombing about the new look out for white skinned male terrorist that don't fit the normal muslim idea. Then BOOM Oh just so happens to be a white guy. More reason for a world wide TSA, and TSA scanners in every public building that may be future targets. /sigh Its not who did it, but it is who can benefit from it, that we need to pay attention to!
@bgrim2008 I agree with you. I am not having a difficult time accepting anything, the fact is that the NWO is using race to divide us and conquer us. It happens to be that the majority of those in America fighting for the republic are white, so it is only obvious they would want to paint those people as extremist. For crying out loud they are already stated this in the MIAC report! Thanks for the post.
@Fabian4Liberty ...developed personal friendships with those directly connected with significant Cold War intrigues); being a student of Intel Studies (minor in Intel Analysis); and, being a member of the AFIO, I can assert that I have a qualified opinion of a vast many things you assert. Your assertions are distortions and fantastical. You are in error about so many things. That's all on the matter.
The general commentary here reveals some truly disturbing, distorted views on reality. Apparently, ANYTHING wrong in this world is the fault of America (TPTB elite who rule). If China sells missles to Iran, it's America's imperialist fault, not owing to any mischief of China's. Certainly, any future terror attack on our soil will be a "false flag" attack. The culprit? America. Maybe the Jews, too.
F4L: 'McViegh was a patsy for fed agents; all major journalists are run by CIA; 9/11 was an inside job,' etc. Mr C, smdid you disclose your beliefs to those you would represent when you ran as a republican in FL? Since you apparently feel to be on a righteous cause, wouldn't it be a most honest - and beneficial for truth - that you publish a white paper quoting your source "research" material?
I wouldn't bitch at glitches in YT if I were u F4L, 1 caused me to sub to yr channel the other day when I had nothing to do with it & had never heard of u! This is the 1st upload of yrs i've listened to - I left the mysterious sub as u looked pretty cool, but I don't buy conspiracy bs, so if that's all yr selling I'll unsub & leave u to it to join the YT legion of King Kook - Alex Jone$ ; (

Global (Co)Working - Creating Community, Connecting Oslo

This video is directed and produced by: //sweetchiliarts.com A film about Brock LeMieux, Marte Sootholtet and Nadina Helen Bakos This is the story of a ...

Introducing Codename Oslo and Office Graph

Come see how we re-imagined search and discovery across Office 365 with Codename "Oslo," powered by the Office Graph. Codename "Oslo" enables you to ...

User Comments

Why would you name it a city?
+officevideos Meaning, your bread and butter? //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sm%C3%B8rrebr%C3%B8d I guess Oslo could become that - an everyday place to start reading.
Hey Demoman - It comes out our FAST engineering team based in Norway. I guess we could have gone with a food and chosen Smørbrød, which is quite good.

Understanding Oslo: The OpenStack® API library

Key OpenStack® contributor Doug Hellmann tells Stephen Spector what it's like to work on the internal API set for the open source Infrastructure-as-a-Service ...

Ivan Harsløf is one of the international employees at HiOA

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