Please read the following info: I am employed as an Animal Control Officer and part of my job is training new officers. Video cameras in police work are ...
I hate the catch pole, I know it's suppose to help keep a safe distance
from you and the animal but there's just something about it I don't like,
maybe it's just the way it's used and how the dogs react to it. If I was an
animal control officer I would go easy like use food and a leash to try to
catch the dog and show the dog I mean no harm, but if the dog doesn't
cooperate then yeah I guess it's time to use the pole :/ it pains me to use
it but I guess it's the only way.
+Daniel Moreno Yeah... I hate getting bit by big ass dogs. Lol... It's not as if it's inhumane or harmful to the dog. It is just like a leash... Just a really stiff one. : )
I am 100% sure if we had more time we could have won this dog over with treats or cat food and got it on leash. We run 16 calls a day sometimes, and time is usually not on our side.
Lucy the Great Pyrenees pup hilarious
Lucy the great Pyrenees pup wants to play with her stepmom Maggie but Maggie wants to sleep comedy ensues. Lucy was rescued from the Kern County ...
Two very relaxed and happy dogs. The pup wants to play; the older dog is patiently tolerating this.
Lee Co. whistleblowers fight for jobs back
A trial date has been set, but they want to get back to work in the meantime. Ward and Johnson originally sued Lee County after they were fired in 2014, claiming ...