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I'm Sorry

CLICK HERE to watch the NEW PSYCHIC TWINS VIDEO with TREVOR MORAN! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4gvYEkdVDQ CLICK HERE for my NEW ...

User Comments

I dont understand whats wrong with what he is doing
Lol he's kidding
must be uncomfortable for himself when he has to look through all of it to pick one for a thumbnail
lol I'm scrolling past all the videos and seeing which thumbnails he was doing
why did he even post this he is ovyisly trying to get atintion and feeling bad for him self this was so stupid
Bc it's a joke?
Your sorry for acting?
You have a good career then
Thank you for this video Shane. Everybody deserves a second chance. #weforgiveshane
Yes, I'm aware 
He is joking just so you know
i actually thought this was real at first until i read the comments XDDD
Same here
Let's behonest with Shane 2..... Who else is taking screenshots?
Of his weird faces he says is lies*
my baby was crying though
+Emily Dyck ik HAHAH i just needed to comment
It was fake

I Am Number Four Movie Review: Watch, Pass, or Rent

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RENT: Take Me Or Leave Me lyrics

Lyrics to Maureen and Joanne's "Take Me or Leave Me" from RENT!

User Comments

I am aware, I'm just saying more people would be familiar with the movie that came out in 2005, not the stage musical in 1996. Which is why my reply was referring to how its debatable if most teenagers learn the song from Glee, when the movie version came out less than 6 years when Glee did theres. See what happens when you make assumption of context?
I don't understand why your comment has so many thumbs down. But I wonder why this is as well... :/ I like both versions. If Glee sucked, it wouldn't still be running. If the original sucked, there wouldn't be so many stupid arguments telling Gleeks that the Glee version sucks... etc. You see my point..?
@ShrimpSticks1 That's not even why they weren't in the movie. The woman that played Mimi (Daphne Ruben-Vega) was pregnant and the woman that played Joanne (Fredi Walker) felt that she was too old to play in the movie. Also it takes a lot of talent to be on Broadway, a lot more than it does in movies.
This...it just isn't doin it for me...they sound sooo....sick. Maybe that was on purpose, but I don't like it. I love that Glee did a version of this and in my opinion I think it's better and has more feel to it. Gave me chills when I 1st heard it ^_^
I on't agree with the previous commenter, but Glee doesn't ruin every song they cover. They're actually pretty good. Maybe you're not into them, but you just can't say they're not good because you don't like Glee the show...
Aw, this represents me and my friend ;^; MIND. WHY ARE YOU TAKING ME TO SONGS THAT REMIND ME OF HER WHEN WE'RE FIGHTING!? The problems are different and the personalities, but this song says so much about us...
Everyone is commenting that the Glee version is better, but that's because the audio on this video is kinda sucky.. I lovelovelove Glee but I like the orginal version better, but not in this paricular video.
Only reason I'm listening to this song is because Liz Gillies and Ariana Grande sang this song to each other, but i couldn't hear the words clearly, now i know them, all i have to say is OMG!!!! YAY!!!!!
Rather than argue if this is better than Glee...I'm just gonna see that I like this version better than the movie version. Don't know why. Just feels more raw. Though both are great.
yes I believe she is... I love her so much and this is my favorite scene other than in La Vie Boheme when she grabs Joanne's butt and says "Hey Mister, she's my sister."
Both the original and the Glee version are great. I don't understand why, on EVERY video for a song done on Glee, there has to be arguing over which version is better.
Ok just saying if there is anybody out there who DOESN'T LOVE the chick who plays Maureen they deserve to be fucked up and flagged until their asses to hell.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Doesn't give you a right to disapprove mine -_-. My opinion isn't wrong and neither is yours. Deal with it
@superfluouslyme I was about to say.. that is SO not Traci's voice! Just doesn't the same depth and power. This chick is okay but she is NO Traci.
The quotation should end after "Baby" because so sweet is a description of how they say "baby." People don't call her "baby so sweet."
@ShrimpSticks1 well when you go on broadway/west end give us all a shout... till then dont diss people who have actually got somewhere
the glee version is mediocre at best. This is true Broadway stars singing a true Broadway song, not two actors singing on a tv show.
@KurtHummelXx I was extremely mad that Glee did Friday and lost respect for it. I try to ignore the fact it was done.

I am brand new to skiing and snowboarding. Should I rent or buy equipment?

User Comments

@Elastico2 Haha, well you too have a good point and there's no way we can deny that. But in all honesty, whether or not you buy from us, buying is better than renting. Unless you like throwing your money away and riding questionable gear that will be different with each session. The choice is yours young Padawan.
This is actually good advice but come on guys! You sell ski equipment, off course you are advising people to buy
@bsmattson If you can afford to buy boots right away we completely agree.

Jenny O - Take me as I am Rent (Me singing rent!!)

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