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Car breathalyzer pros and cons Videos

Is it better to blow or refuse a breathalyzer | Ga DUI lawyer

The police suspect you were too drunk to drive. You may have performed some roadside test and even blown into a handheld breathalyzer. Now you are in ...

GOP Senator: Businesses Should Deny Cancer Care If They Want

Republican Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson says that employers should be able to deny coverage to cancer patients because "our nation was based on ...

User Comments

EVERYONE FUCKING DIES!!!!!!! It doesn't mean that when you are born, you should have to pay for the existence of everyone before you!! You cannot NERF THE WORLD, you wishful thinking cunts. There are ways to provide healthcare, to people who cannot afford it, but all of those methods are local, and are based on free association. Stop trying to make daddy federal government fix your lot in life or make you feel less guilty about other's, if you want to help, act fucking locally and stop stealling
WHAT? Tons of countries that aren't the US have a government that guarantees its people health care. The US does not. Strange, huh? And don't say that something like that won't work for the US because it's such a special nation and all that, it's not, it's full of people who, for some reason, get sick and then can't afford the treatment even though hospitals and doctors are widely accessible everywhere. There's something askew there, it doesn't make your country suck but it stains it nontheless.
David Packman, The Senator is fucking right! If not also a fucking hypocrite for having his healthcare paid by taxpayers. That doesn't mean that we should all jump to some crazy wishful thinking conclusion that Every TOM DICK AND SALLY gets free healthcare provided by the FEDERAL, let me repeat you unsubtle fuck, F-E-D-E-R-A-L Government. States can, because it doesn't make people living off the land have to pay for cunts pact into smoggy cities, it reduces the moral hazard. Wishful thinkers..
When are Americans going to get the message? Corporate profits are more important than people. And although corporations are people, they aren't ordinary people, they are more important than ordinary people. Therefore corporate profits are more important than people.If you can't afford health insurance, the conservative and patriotic thing to do is DIE. The GOP dogma is that compassion is silly--and let's not hear any comparisons with the Nazis. BUT we need to have compassion for corporations.
hahaha your so funny. Buddy this is corruption, you idiotic liberals (those that consider themselves democrats, i have no problem with socialist, so long as they believe in free association and non violence) will sell your children down the river if told to by a man with a donkey pin. This isnt about ideology either this is strait corruption of the federal gov, and the union won as it should have, but what has happened after its the erosion of checks and balances of our DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.
God damit, liberals NEVER seem to care about the difference between whats under the federal mandate and that of the State, those other countries are not as big as the USA, are less diverse geopolitically. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS NOT BUSINESS STEALING FROM STATES THAT WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS CORPORATISM. The FEDERAL government is the enemy, they are consolidating too much power, at the same time corporations are having more and more control over the policies made there. ACT LOCALY !!
"What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sound of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciation of tyrants brass fronted impudence; your shout of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns..."
You silly catch phrases change nothing, so long as we have a private bank in charge of our currency, we pay for the army of Israel and ironically its health care too (now thats a funny joke). So long as corporations write our laws from an isolated hub of power in DC, and privatize profit and make risk a public debt, well you have no legs to stand on, you are supporting oligarchy, and poverty, you support pinning the middle class vs the lower class by supporting the overgrown federal gov.
Look Im a libertarian who, thinks corporations are evil, at least how they are defined now. This is all just Corporatism and MORE centralizing of power, it is bad, have progressive states by gutting Fed Revenue so state can actually govern. The federal government has overstepped its mandate by miles, and any sociopath worth his salt know it, and will by nature abuse it. I paid $6500 to the feds and only $450 to California in taxes... That needs to be reversed at the very least.
"...your sermons and thanks-givings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy -- a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of the United States, at this very hour." - Frederick Douglass, "The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro" July 5, 1852
The fact of the matter is I don't trust modern day medicine. Everything has become about making money and my experiences with the ERs Doctors and hospitals around my area have been nothing but horrible and misleading one of them told me that our 4yr old broke his leg in 2 different places and had to be put in a cast when we took him for a second opinion the x-rays showed no signs of any fractures of any kind anywhere just one example
Our nation was not only based on freedom, the entire field of health care was actually an honorable one. Doctors didn't worry nearly as much about who could pay, as their role was to help people. So if Johnson really wants to pine for the good old days when people were "free," let's go all out and do it right. Back then, there were no insurance companies, and a doctor wouldn't *conceive* of denying someone care.
if a business offers too little wages and benefits, the workers have the choice not to work for them. Once the business cant hire anyone cause no one wants to work for nothing, then they will have to offer those benefits or go out of business.
Cute. 'When you create a right for somebody you create an obligation to someone else' Hey! I think I want to kill you? Oh, wait, I don't have the freedom to kill you. My freedoms are impaired! I think this is wrong. Wow.
Fuck them all, Cancer can be cured in weeks, Why do you let them enslave you DAVID
So, should that be written in the Constitution? All employers MUST cover cancer treatment. The government doesn't produce anything, except laws that make us less free.
With this guy's twisted, sick logic, who needs the 'Death Panels' we'll have with Obomneycare? Johnson you ass, take yourself out, you're wasting MY oxygen!!
The nation was based on freedom? Slavery, massacres of American Indians, expulsion of loyalists... Where was the freedom again?
If he's a member of the GOPtb 'toe tap shuffle' group, he'd enjoy it too much.......unless one was to use a baseball bat.
"Compassionate" conservatism? Fuck you and your bullshit. Admit it, you hate people. You are all misanthropes.
I wish tax payers had the freedom not to let have Ron Johnson's company gorge itself on government subsidies.
That "Vote for me" thing at the end had me bursting out laughing. Cause it's exactly what Ron JUST SAID. XD
We have the right to Life.....wait right there. if you can't get cancer care would that shorten your life?
I agree with David... We should DENY health care coverage to ALL members of Congress and their families..
Doesn't having CANCER take away your intrinsic right to LIFE (w/ liberty, pursuit of happiness)??
My late father spent several weeks 'getting the cure' for Cancer. It took him one month to die.
This idiot is a master at speaking gibberish! What is wrong with those Wisconsin voters?

What Is The Interlock System? Is That A Built-In Breathalyzer Machine? | (877) 541-5296

//www.tooleylawdenver.com/ The Tooley Law Firm LLC 1746 Cole Boulevard Suite 225 Lakewood, CO 80401 (877) 541-5296 Watch Colorado's DUI ...

Car Technology Could Detect Too Much Alcohol for Driver

That glass of wine with dinner or beer at the ballpark could be a thing of the past. The government is testing technology that could detect if someone is drunk as ...

How Reliable Are Marijuana Breathalyzers?

The new marijuana DUI testing technology known as the marijuana breathalyzer is looked at with independent journalist Thor Benson. How reliable is the ...

User Comments

Millions of people taking pills from the chemist then driving to work every day. Until they are all stopped from doing so cannabis users should be left alone.
+jim james Damn right. Some of the pills prescribed by doctors cause dizzy spells and heavy drowsiness, but there are no legal restrictions on driving at all. There's not even any conclusive evidence that moderate cannabis use has and adverse effect on driving; it reduces reaction times slightly, but when people drive on cannabis - unlike the effects of alcohol - they are aware that their reaction times are slower, and so they drive more carefully to compensate. There also seems to be a calming effect; people who drive while on cannabis tend to be calmer and more patient.
+jim james yup!!
+machc1234golf I was given some by my Doc. Driving was like flying a plane. No worries about speeding fines crashes even the gas light didnt matter. Bad aĺl bad.
+jim james And they are the truly dangerous one's !! I was prescribed anti-depressants once took them for few days on day 3 or 4 i felt this fuzzy whoozyness come over me as if i had cotton wool in my ears fucking dangerous !

Whether you should take or refuse the breathalyzer in Louisiana

//www.attorneycarl.com/take_refuse_breathalyzer Baton Rouge DWI Lawyer, Carl Barkemeyer, discusses whether you should take or refuse the ...
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