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Miami woman, 23, left in a coma after she was 'attacked by roommate she found on CRAIGSLIST

Miami woman, 23, left in a coma after she was 'attacked by roommate she found on CRAIGSLIST who strangled her and cut her up on her birthday' Danielle ...

User Comments

I hope this nigga dies soon...This is why White America does not give a shit when you niggas get shot by cops every other week.
I hope the lord blesses you
+Rene Mcpherson Yes. For spreading her legs for niggers and also allowing one to live with her. She paid the price for being a coal burner slut and a traitor to her race. He did not not even two weeks into their relationship.I hate coal burners. I hope they face similar fates. Get it FACE similar fates. lol 
You think she deserved that....you are completly retarded
+Rene Mcpherson You also claimed you hope the attacker dies soon. Better remove the hate from your hare.
+Rene Mcpherson With hare in my heart? LMFAOGod hates too. Remember that. 
your a idiot and you will have to answer to god for the hare in your heart
your a idiot and you will have to answer to god for the hare in your heart
your a idiot and you will have to answer to god for the hare in your heart

Muslim Woman Says She Wanted to Meet New Friends at Miami Synagogues

A Muslim woman spoke to reporters Thursday after her actions raised safety concerns at a synagogue in North Miami Beach. North Miami Beach police told ...

User Comments

Just more jews pretending to be muslims to fuel the fear.
+LORETTA MILLERAll abrahamic religions are stupid but muslim is better than penis sucking genocidal jews
+Israhell is the problem and we know your a Muslim
Jewish supremacist racists don't cotton to goyim in their neighborhood.
+John Smith like you love Jews in your neighborhood I know your type Burn any crosses on lawns lately?

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