Made for Midland High School, MHS, in Midland, TX for the 2002 football season highlight. Edited by Mel Braneff. Original rap was written for the team and the ...
aww man i remember that year, both of my brothers were seniors that
year(not twins)and one of them was ont he team. i went to ALL of their
games escept for mayber one of them. it was soo much fun!!(i was in 7th
grade at the time)
i know why all this hostility towards america. you're from the u.k. and a
wittle upset that its not "great" britain anymore and just britain. grow a
pair of balls wanker
Man shut the fuck up, who gives a shit about 3A football of sorry ass
Greenwood. 89 Panthers and the 99 Rebels are all that matters. 5A football
is all that matters.